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Dataplot Vol 1 Vol 2


    Graphics Command
    Generate a rose plot.
    The rose plot is a variation of the common pie chart. For both, we have k data points where each point denotes a frequency or a count. Pie charts and rose plots both use the area of segments of a circle to convey amounts. The pie chart uses a common radius and varies the central angle according to the data. That is, the angle is proportional to the frequency. So if the i-th point has count X and the total count is N, the i-th angle is 360*(X/N). For the rose plot, the angle is constant (i.e., divide 360 by the number of groups, k) and it is the square root of the radius that is proportional to the data.

    According to Wainer (1997), the use of a common angle is the strength of the rose plot since it allows us to easily compare a sequence of rose plots (i.e., the corresponding segments in different rose plots are always in the same relative position). In particular, this makes rose plots an effective technique for displaying the data in contingency tables.

    Friendly (2000) refers to the special case of 2x2 tables as the fourfold plot. As with the general case, an effective use of these plots is when we have a sequence of related 2x2 tables. Using the MULTIPLOT command, Dataplot can easily generate the sequence of rose plots or fourfold plots on a single page.

    As an interesting historical note, Wainer points out that rose plots were used by Florence Nightingale (she referred to them as coxcombs).

Syntax 1:
    ROSE PLOT <x>             <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <x> is the variable containing counts;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.

    Use this syntax when you have a single variable of counts (or proportions).

Syntax 2:
    ROSE PLOT <y1> <y2>             <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <y1> is the first response variable;
                <y2> is the second response variable;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.

    With this syntax, the <y1> and <y2> variables are cross-tabulated to generate a 2x2 table. The rose plot is then generated from this 2x2 table.

    Each wedge is drawn with a common set of attributes. The attributes of the wedge borders are set with the LINE, LINE COLOR, and LINE THICKNESS commands (typically they are all set the same). The attributes of the interior are set with the various REGION commands. Any labels for the wedges must be set with the LEGEND or TEXT commands. The CROSS HAIR command can help in positioning labels. The program example below shows how to set the attributes. Dataplot does not support features such as 3d rose plots or exploding slices that are common in many business graphics programs.
    You can use the CONDITION PLOT command for the case where you want to generate rose plots for a series of 2x2 tables. This is demomstrated in the program examples below.
Related Commands: Reference:
    Wainer (1997), Visual Revelations: Graphical Tales of Fate and Deception from Napolean Bonaporte to Ross Perot, Copernicus, Chapter 11.

    Friendly (2000), Visualizing Categorical Data SAS Institute Inc., p. 90.

    Categorical Data Analysis
Implementation Date:
Program 1:
    let y = data 48 12 53 7
    region fill on on on on
    region fill color black blue red green
    rose plot y
    case asis
    justification left
    move 15 90
    text Truecr()Positives
    move 15 10
    text Falsecr()Positives
    move 75 90
    text Falsecr()Negatives
    move 75 10
    text Truecr()Negatives
    plot generated by sample program

Program 2:
    let n = 1
    let x = sequence 1 100 1 5
    let p = 0.8
    let y1 = binomial rand numb for i = 1 1 100
    let p = 0.92
    let y2 = binomial rand numb for i = 1 1 100
    let p = 0.6
    let y1 = binomial rand numb for i = 101 1 200
    let p = 0.95
    let y2 = binomial rand numb for i = 101 1 200
    let p = 0.96
    let y1 = binomial rand numb for i = 201 1 300
    let p = 0.98
    let y2 = binomial rand numb for i = 201 1 300
    let p = 0.3
    let y1 = binomial rand numb for i = 301 1 400
    let p = 0.2
    let y2 = binomial rand numb for i = 301 1 400
    let p = 0.9
    let y1 = binomial rand numb for i = 401 1 500
    let p = 0.2
    let y2 = binomial rand numb for i = 401 1 500
    region fill on on on on
    region color black blue red green
    rose plot y1 y2 subset x = 5
    set conditioning plot type two variable rose
    region fill off on on on on
    region color white black blue red green
    condition plot y1 y2 x
    plot generated by sample program

    plot generated by sample program

Program 3:
    orientation square
    .  Berkeley Admissions Data from p. 391 of
    .  Friendly (2000), "Visualizing Categorical Data",
    .  SAS Institute Inc.
    read y1 y2 x
    512 313 1
    353 207 1
     89  19 2
     17   8 2
    120 205 3
    138 279 3
    202 391 4
    131 244 4
     53 138 5
     22 351 5
     94 299 6
     24 317 6
    end of data
    multiplot corner coordinates 0 0 100 95
    multiplot scale factor 2
    multiplot 3 3
    legend case asis
    legend justification left
    legend 2 justification right
    legend 4 justification right
    legend 1 coordinates 17 83
    legend 2 coordinates 83 83
    legend 3 coordinates 17 22
    legend 4 coordinates 83 22
    region fill on on on on
    region fill color black blue red green
    box shadow hw 0 0
    label case asis
    title case asis
    y1label Admit = Yes
    y2label Admit = No
    x1label Sex: Female
    x2label Sex: Male
    x2label displacement -74
    let string t1 = Department A
    let string t2 = Department B
    let string t3 = Department C
    let string t4 = Department D
    let string t5 = Department E
    let string t6 = Department F
    let icnt = 0
    let icnt2 =0
    loop for k = 1 1 6
       let icnt = icnt+1
       let atemp = y1(icnt)
       legend 1 ^atemp
       let atemp = y2(icnt)
       legend 2 ^atemp
       let icnt = icnt+1
       let atemp = y1(icnt)
       legend 3 ^atemp
       let atemp = y2(icnt)
       legend 4 ^atemp
       title ^t^k
       let icnt2 = icnt2 + 1
       if k = 3
          let icnt2 = icnt2 + 1
       end of if
       if k = 5
          let icnt2 = icnt2 + 1
       end of if
       multiplot 3 3 icnt2
       rose plot y1 y2 subset x = k
       box 15 20 85 90
    end of loop
    end of multiplot
    case asis
    justification center
    move 30 97
    text Rose Plots for Berkeley Admissions Data
    plot generated by sample program

Date created: 01/07/2008
Last updated: 12/04/2023

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