command. This command stores the character fields in the file "dpchzf.dat". The two primary uses of character data are:
The ROWLABEL command (Syntax 1) is used to convert one of the previosuly read character variables to a row label. You can also copy a string to a specific row (Syntax 2 or Syntax 3). Once a row label has been defined, you can use the
command to label plot points. Additional uses for row labels are anticipated in future releases of Dataplot.
where <ix> specifies the name of the character variable in the file dpzchf.dat. The character variable is originally created with a READ command where the SET CONVERT CHARACTER ON was entered prior to the READ.
where <s> is a previously defined string; and <irow> is a parameter that identifies which row to set. This syntax is used to set a specific row of the row labels to a previously defined string.
where <string> is a literal string; and <ival> is a parameter which specifies the row number. This syntax copies <string> into the <ival>th row of the row labels.
This syntax re-initializes all row labels to blank.
where <ival> is a parameter. This syntax shifts all row labels left (= down) by <ival> rows. Vacated row labels will be set to blank.
where <ival> is a parameter. This syntax shifts all row labels right (= up) by <ival> rows. Vacated row labels will be set to blank.
2012/08: Support for Syntax 2 - Syntax 6 added. let rowlabel 1 = 100101 let rowlabel 2 = 100102 let rowlabel 3 = 100103 let rowlabel 4 = 100104 let rowlabel 5 = 100105 let rowlabel 6 = 100106 let rowlabel 7 = 100107 let rowlabel 8 = 100108 let rowlabel 9 = 100109 let rowlabel 10 = 100110 . tic mark offset units screen tic mark offset 5 5 character rowlabel plot x**2 for x = 1 1 10Program 2: skip 25 read antibody.dat lab ymean ysd nrep . title case asis label case asis x1label Mean y1label Standard Deviation . xlimits 0.8 2.4 major xtic mark number 9 minor xtic mark number 1 ylimits 0 1.6 major ytic mark number 9 minor ytic mark number 1 . system rm dpzchf.dat let rowlabel = lab character blank all character blank blank blank rowlabel line blank all line solid dash dotted . title Highlight/Summary Form of Homoscedasticity Plot with Contour Linescr() ... for ANTIBODY.DAT set homo plot circle technique on summary homoscedasticity plot ymean ysd nrep
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