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The classification scatter plot reverses the role of the reponse variable and the factor variables. For the classification scatter plot, the Y axis variable is assumed to be qualitative (i.e., a specific number of levels) and the factor variables are assumed to be continuous (the plot will still work if some of the factor variables are also qualitative). The context is the common classification problem where we use the values of the factor variables to classify which group an observation belongs to. For this plot, the subplots are based on the distinct levels of the response variable. For example, suppose the Y axis variable (Y) has two possible values. Then for the first factor variable (X1), we plot the values of X1 corresponding to Y = 1 with x-coordinate 0.8 and the we plot the values of X1 corresponding to Y = 2 with x-coordinate 1.2. A similar subplot is created for each factor variable. This plot can be useful in determing what are the most important factors in determining a classification.
<SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> where <y> is the response variable (qualitative); and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.
For each trace, the mean, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum value for that trace is written to the file dpst4f.dat. This can be useful for annotating the plot
. Step 1: Read the data . SET WRITE DECIMALS 3 DIMENSION 40 COLUMNS SKIP 25 READ IRIS.DAT X1 TO X4 Y SKIP 0 . LET NFACT = 4 LET STRING T1 = Sepal Length LET STRING T2 = Sepal Width LET STRING T3 = Petal Length LET STRING T4 = Petal Width . LOOP FOR K = 1 1 NFACT LET MEAN^K = MEAN X^K; LET MEAN^K = ROUND(MEAN^K,3) LET SD^K = SD X^K; LET SD^K = ROUND(SD^K,3) END OF LOOP . . Step 2: Set plot control features . CASE ASIS TITLE CASE ASIS LABEL CASE ASIS TIC MARK LABEL CASE ASIS TITLE OFFSET 2 . CHARACTERS 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 BLANK CHARACTER COLOR BLUE RED GREEN BLUE RED GREEN BLUE RED GREEN BLUE RED GREEN LINES COLOR BLUE RED GREEN BLUE RED GREEN BLUE RED GREEN BLUE RED GREEN LET PLOT LINE 13 = BLANK XLIMITS 1 NFACT MAJOR XTIC MARK NUMBER NFACT MINOR XTIC MARK NUMBER 0 TIC MARK OFFSET UNITS DATA XTIC OFFSET 1 1 XTIC LABEL FORMAT ALPHA XTIC LABEL CONTENT F1:sp()Sepalcr()Length F2:sp()Sepalcr()Width ... F3:sp()Petalcr()Length F4:sp()Petalcr()Width Y1LABEL Standardized Feature X1LABEL Features X1LABEL DISPLACEMENT 12 YLIMITS -4 4 . LET X1 = STANDARDIZE X1 LET X2 = STANDARDIZE X2 LET X3 = STANDARDIZE X3 LET X4 = STANDARDIZE X4 . . Step 3: Generate plots . TITLE Classification Scatter Plot: Standardized Units CLASSIFICATION SCATTER PLOT Y X1 X2 X3 X4 . TITLE IRIS Classification Analysis Based on Standardized Data . CLASSIFICATION SCATTER PLOT Y X1 X2 X3 X4 . LET XCOOR1 = 86 LET XCOOR2 = 88 LET YCOOR = 89 LET YINC = 2.5 JUSTIFICATION LEFT COLOR BLACK HEIGHT 2 . LOOP FOR K = 1 1 NFACT MOVE XCOOR1 YCOOR TEXT F^K: ^T^K LET YCOOR = YCOOR - YINC MOVE XCOOR2 YCOOR TEXT Mean = ^MEAN^K LET YCOOR = YCOOR - YINC MOVE XCOOR2 YCOOR TEXT SD = ^SD^K LET YCOOR = YCOOR - YINC END OF LOOP . COLOR BLUE MOVE XCOOR1 45 TEXT Cat1: Setosa . COLOR RED MOVE XCOOR1 42.5 TEXT Cat2: Versicolor . COLOR GREEN MOVE XCOOR1 40 TEXT Cat3: Virginica . skip 1 read dpst4f.dat ymean ysd ymin ymax skip 0 let ymean = round(ymean,1) let ysd = round(ysd,1) let ymin = round(ymin,1) let ymax = round(ymax,1) . character blank all character size 1.5 all character just right all character color blue blue blue blue red red red red green green green green let nlen = 1 let sblank = blank string nlen . set substitute format f4.1 loop for l = 1 1 nfact loop for k = 1 1 3 let k2 = (l-1)*3 + k let aval = ymax(k2) let bval = ymean(k2) let cval = ymin(k2) let dval = ysd(k2) let string s2 = ^aval ^bval ^cval ^dval if k = 1 let string s = ^s2 else let s = string concatenate s sblank s2 end of if end of loop character ^s let xpos = sequence 0.8 4 0.2 1.21 let xpos = (l - 1) + xpos let ypos = sequence 26 -1.5 21 for i = 1 1 12 let tag = sequence 1 1 12 drawds symbol xpos ypos tag delete s s2 end of loop . color black height 1.5 justification left move xcoor1 25.5 text Max move xcoor1 24 text Mean move xcoor1 22.5 text Min move xcoor1 21 text SD . height 2 just left move 2 7.5 text if F3 <= -0.7, then cat = 1 move 2 5 text if F4 >= 0.4, then cat = 3 move 2 2.5 text else cat = 2 . line color black line dotted drawsdsd 15 0.4 85 0.4 drawsdsd 15 -0.7 85 -0.7
Date created: 03/14/2019 |
Last updated: 12/04/2023 Please email comments on this WWW page to [email protected]. |