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Dataplot Vol 1 Vol 2


    Graphics Command
    Generates a Bland Altman plot for a paired set of measurements.
    Given a set of paired measurements, Xi and Yi for i = 1 to n, the Bland Altman plots the following

      Vertical axis: \( Y_{i} - X_{i} \)
      Horizontal axis: \( \frac{Y_{i} + X_{i}} {2} \)

    That is, it plots the difference of the variables against their means. Often Y and X will represent two different measurement methods.

    The Bland Altman plot is similar to the Tukey mean difference plot, but there are a few differences.

    1. The Bland Altman plots are based on the raw data while the Tukey mean difference is based on plotting quantiles of the data.

    2. The Bland Altman plot assumes the data are paired while the Tukey mean difference plot can be applied to either paired or unpaired data. Since the Tukey mean difference plots quantiles of the data sets, it does not require that the response variables to have the same length.

    3. The Tukey mean difference plot is primarily focused on the question: do these two response variables have the same underlying distribution? The Bland Altman is primarily focused on the differences between the pairs (e.g., is there a systematic bias, is one method better than another, and so on).

    Several reference lines are added to the Bland Altman plot (these can be omitted from plot with appropriate settings for the LINE and CHARACTER commands). Specifically, the following curves are generated

      1 - \( Y_{i} - X_{i} \) versus \( \frac{Y_{i} + X_{i}} {2} \)
      2 - a reference line at Y = 0 (this line denotes where the two samples are equal.
      3 - the mean of the \( Y_{i} - X_{i} \) points. This denotes the bias between the two samples.
      4 - \( \bar{Y} - \frac{\mbox{tppf}_{(0.975,n-1)}s} {\sqrt{n}} \) where \( \bar{Y} \) and s denote the mean and standard deviations of the differences ( \( Y_{i} - X_{i} \) ) repsectively, n denotes the sample size, and tppf is the percent point function of the t distribution. This is the lower confidence limit of the mean of the differences for normally distributed data.
      5 - \( \bar{Y} + \frac{\mbox{tppf}_{(0.975,n-1)}s} {\sqrt{n}} \). This is the upper confidence limit of the mean of the differences for normally distributed data.
      6 - \( \bar{Y} + 2 s \). This is the upper limit of agreement (if the differences are normally distributed, approximately 95% of the differences should lie within ± two standard deviations of the mean of the differences.
      7 - \( (\bar{Y} + 2 s) - \mbox{tppf}_{(0.975,n-1)} s \sqrt{\frac{3}{n}} \). This is an approximate 95% lower confidence limit for the upper limit of agreement.
      8 - \( (\bar{Y} + 2 s) + \mbox{tppf}_{(0.975,n-1)} s \sqrt{\frac{3}{n}} \). This is an approximate 95% upper confidence limit for the upper limit of agreement.
      9 - \( \bar{Y} - 2 s \). This the lower limit of agreement.
      10 - \( (\bar{Y} - 2 s) - \mbox{tppf}_{(0.975,n-1)} s \sqrt{\frac{3}{n}} \). This is an approximate 95% lower confidence limit for the lower limit of agreement.
      11 - \( (\bar{Y} - 2 s) + \mbox{tppf}_{(0.975,n-1)} s \sqrt{\frac{3}{n}} \). This is an approximate 95% upper confidence limit for the lower limit of agreement.

    The reference line for the mean of the differences gives an indication of the bias between the two methods. If the bias is relatively consistent across the horizontal axis, the methods may be calibrated by simply subtracting (or adding) this value. If there is a trend as the mean values increase, then a linear, quadratic or some other more involved calibration may be required.

    The limits of agreement can be used to asses whether the differences between the two methods are practically significant. If the differences are approximately normally distributed, then approximately 95% of the differences should be within these limits. If the limits of agreement are deemed clinically insignficant, then the two measurement methods may be considered equivalent for practical purposes. However, particularly for small samples, these limits of agreement may not be reliable. So the confidence limits for these can help give an indication of the uncertainty in these limits. These confidence limits are only approximate, but they should be adequate for most purposes.

    The LINE and CHARACTER commands can be used to control the appearance of the plot. This is demonstrated in the Program examples below. Setting particular LINE or CHARACTER settings to BLANK can be used to omit some of the reference lines. Typically, the reference lines for the mean difference and the lower and upper limits of agreement will be included. However, you have control over all of them.

Syntax 1:
    BLAND ALTMAN PLOT <y1> <y2>
                            <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <y1> is the first response variable;
                <y2> is the second response variable;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.

    This syntax assumes that the response variables contain the summary location statistic (typically the mean) for each group and that the groups are properly paired between the two response variables.

Syntax 2:
                            <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <y1> is the first response variable;
                <y2> is the second response variable;
                <tag> is a group-id variable that defines the highlighting;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.

    This syntax assumes that the response variables contain the summary location statistic (typically the mean) for each group and that the groups are properly paired between the two response variables. Both response variables and the highlight variable must have the same number of rows.

    This syntax can be used to plot different plot points with different attributes. For example, it can be used to highlight groups in the data or to highlight points that indicate where the two methods are clinically different. It can also be used to label the plot points with the laboratory id.

    You need to account for the number of groups in the variable when setting the LINE attributes. For example, if you have three groups, then the zero reference line is curve 4 rather than curve 2 (and all the other curves will be adjusted accordingly).

Syntax 3:
    BLAND ALTMAN PLOT <y1> <x1> <y2> <x2>
                            <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <y1> is the first response variable;
                <x1> is the group-id variable corresponding to the first response variable;
                <y2> is the second response variable;
                <x2> is the group-id variable corresponding to the second response variable;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.

    This syntax is used for the case where you have raw data. The <y1> and <x1> variables should have the same number of elements and the <y2> and <x2> variables should have the same length. However, <y1> and <y2> are not required to have the same length.

    Note that group-id variables should have the same group-id's. They do not need to be in the same order, but the distinct elements of <x1> and <x2> should be the same.

    Highlighting (Syntax 2) is not supported for the raw data case.

    When the BLAND ALTMAN plot is generated, the following parameters are saved

      DIFFMEAN - the mean of the differences (Y(i) - X(i))
      DIFFSD - the standard deviation of the differences
      DIFFMLCL - the lower 95% confidence limit for the mean of the differences
      DIFFMUCL - the upper 95% confidence limit for the mean of the differences
      LOWLIMIT - the lower limit of agreement
      LOWLMLCL - the lower 95% confidence limit for the lower limit of agreement
      LOWLMUCL - the upper 95% confidence limit for the lower limit of agreement
      UPPLIMIT - the upper limit of agreement
      UPPLMLCL - the lower 95% confidence limit for the upper limit of agreement
      UPPLMUCL - the upper 95% confidence limit for the upper limit of agreement

    These parameters can be used to label certain features of the plot.

    It is sometimes preferred that percentage differences be plotted. That is, the vertical axis will plot

      \( 100 \frac{Y_{i} - X_{i}} {(Y_{i} + X_{i})/2} \)

    To plot percentage differences, enter


    To reset the default, enter

    The following are written to the file dpst1f.dat using a 2E15.7 format

      Column 1: \( Y_{i} - X_{i} \)
      Column 2: \( \frac{Y_{i} + X_{i}} {2} \)

    If percentage differences were requested, these will be written to column one rather than the raw differences.

    This can be useful for the following purposes.

    1. The various reference lines generated for the plot are based on the assumption that the differences are approximately normally distributed. You may want to generate a normal probability plot or perform some normal goodness of fit test for these differences.

    2. If the differences seem to exhibit some trend as the average increases, then you may want to perform a fit to model this trend. This fit can be overlaid on the plot or used for calibration purposes.

    For example, you can do something like the following

        SKIP 0
        READ dpst1f.dat YDIFF YAVE
    For the raw data case, means will be computed for each distinct group. To request that medians be computed rather than means, enter


    To reset the default of means, enter

    The confidence intervals for the mean difference and for the lower and upper limits of agreement are based on the assumption that the differences are normally distributed. If this normality assumption is not satisfied, then you can request that they be generated using a bootstrap method. To request the bootstrap based confidence intervals, enter


    To reset the default intervals, enter


    Note that it is the differences between the two sets of data that are bootstrapped, not the original response variables. It is recommended that you have at least 20 differences before using the bootstrap based confidence intervals.

    The mean of the difference of the means, and the limit of agreement lines (\( \bar{Y} \pm 2s \) with \( \bar{Y} \) and s denoting the mean and standard deviation of the original differences) are computed as before. These 3 values are then computed for each bootstrap sample and the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles of these bootstrap samples are used for the confidence limits.

Related Commands: References:
    Giavarina (2015), "Understanding Bland Altman Analysis", Biochemia Medica, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 141-151.

    Bland and Altman (1983), "Measurement in Medicine: The Analysis of Method Comparison Studies", Statistician, Vol. 32, pp. 307-317.

    Exploratory Data Analysis
Implementation Date:
Program 1:
    . Step 1:   Read the data
    skip 25
    read bland.dat y1 y2
    skip 0
    . Step 2:   Set plot control features
    case asis
    title case asis
    label case asis
    title offset 2
    y1label Method A - Method B
    x1label Mean of Method A and Method B
    title Bland Altman Plot
    line blank solid solid dash dash solid dash dash solid dash dash
    line color black black red red red blue blue blue blue blue blue
    character circle
    character hw 1.0 0.75
    character fill on
    ylimits -140 80
    . Step 3:   Generate the plot
    bland altman plot y1 y2
    . Step 4:   Now generate the plot with uncertainty regions shaded
    subregion on on on
    let xmin = minimum xplot subset tagplot = 1
    let xmax = maximum xplot subset tagplot = 1
    subregion 1 xlimit xmin xmax
    subregion 2 xlimit xmin xmax
    subregion 3 xlimit xmin xmax
    subregion 1 ylimit diffmlcl diffmucl
    subregion 2 ylimit lowlmlcl lowlmucl
    subregion 3 ylimit upplmlcl upplmucl
    region fill on on on
    region color g90 g90 g90
    region border line bl bl bl
    bland altman plot y1 y2
    subregion off off off
    region fill off off off
    . Step 5:   Generate probability plot of the diffferences
    skip 0
    read dpst1f.dat ydiff
    y1label Sorted Differences
    x1label Percentils of Normal Distribution
    Title Normal Probability Plot of Differences
    normal probability plot ydiff
    plot generated by sample program

    plot generated by sample program

    plot generated by sample program

Program 2:
    . Step 1:   Read the data
    skip 25
    read bland.dat y1 y2
    skip 0
    . Step 2:   Set plot control features
    case asis
    title case asis
    label case asis
    title offset 2
    y1label ((Method A - Method B)/Mean) %
    x1label Mean of Method A and Method B
    title Bland Altman Plot
    line blank solid solid dash dash solid dash dash solid dash dash
    line color black black red red red blue blue blue blue blue blue
    character circle
    character hw 1.0 0.75
    character fill on
    . Step 3:   Generate the plot
    set bland altman plot percentage
    bland altman plot y1 y2
    plot generated by sample program
Program 3:
    . Step 1:   Read the data
    skip 25
    read bland.dat y1 y2
    skip 0
    let n = size y1
    let tag = 1 for i = 1 1 n
    let ydiff = y1 - y2
    let tag = 2 subset ydiff < -80
    let tag = 3 subset ydiff >  35
    . Step 2:   Set plot control features
    case asis
    title case asis
    label case asis
    title offset 2
    y1label Method A - Method B
    x1label Mean of Method A and Method B
    title Bland Altman Plot
    line       blank blank blank solid solid blank blank solid blank blank ...
               solid blank blank
    line color black black black black red   red   red   blue  blue  blue  ...
               blue  blue  blue
    character circle circle circle
    character hw 2.0 1.50 all
    character fill on on on
    character color black red blue
    . Step 3:   Generate the plot
    ylimits -140 80
    highlight bland altman plot y1 y2 tag
    plot generated by sample program
Program 4:
    . Step 1:   Read the data
    skip 25
    read bland.dat y1 y2
    skip 0
    . Step 2:   Set plot control features
    case asis
    title case asis
    label case asis
    title offset 2
    y1label Method A - Method B
    x1label Mean of Method A and Method B
    title Bland Altman Plot with Bootstrap Confidence Intervals
    line blank solid solid dash dash solid dash dash solid dash dash
    line color black black red red red blue blue blue blue blue blue
    character circle
    character hw 1.0 0.75
    character fill on
    ylimits -140 80
    . Step 3:   Generate the plot
    bootstrap samples 10000
    seed 31298
    set random number generator fibbonacci congruential
    set bland altman plot confidence intervals bootstrap
    bland altman plot y1 y2
    plot generated by sample program
Date created: 07/19/2017
Last updated: 12/04/2023

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