
Please read this ENTIRE page before attempting to carry out ANY of the tasks described here.

Unbundling Z3950/Prise 2.0

Use gunzip and then tar (we suggest, as a non-superuser) to unbundle the Z3950/Prise 2.0 distribution file - creating and filling the delivery tree in whatever is the current directory when tar is run.

The tree contains a hierarchy of Makefiles. Tailor the Makefiles in the directories with source files and/or your environment variables so that the make utility, the c compiler and the ZServer executable in DISTRIBUTION_ROOT/zprise_2/bin are in your PATH.

But don't run the Make yet ! Read on.

Tk/Tcl and X11

The zclient requires that Tk/TCL be installed and accessible via your PATH. The zclient was developed and tested with Tk 4.0 and Tcl 7.4. (Tk4.0 is not compatible with earlier Tk releases.) Tk 4.0 and Tcl 7.4 are available as separate files from the same source as Z39.50 Prise. Download and unbundle them. Consult their documentation on installation. Note that the ZPRISE Makefiles expect the tk/tcl libraries to be called:

In the Makefile found in the directory


set the variable TKTCL_ROOT to contain the path to your Tk/Tcl and set the variable X11ROOT to contain the path to your X11 release files as needed.

In the Makefile found in the directory


some SunOS users may need to change the value of the variable BSD_TKTCL_LIBS if the tk and tcl libraries have other names on your system. An error message will appear during the Make if this change is needed.

But don't run the Make yet ! Read on.


The Prise indexer and search engine require that the sgml parser nsgmls be installed and accessible via your PATH. nsgmls is available as part of the SP package. Download and unbundle it.Consult its documentation on installation.

Control of trace logging

Each instantiation of the ZServer creates a log file named as follows:

and uses it for trace and error messages. If the ZServer default directory contains a file named zservlog.spec containing the path to a writable directory, then ZServer log files will be placed in that directory; otherwise they will be place in /tmp.

The generation of trace messages is controlled by the presence/absence of the flag -DWRITE_TRACE_LOG in the variable GLOBAL_CFLAGS within DISTRIBUTION_ROOT/zprise_2/Makefile. Error messages are written to this log file regardless of the GLOBAL_CFLAGS. The error log is the first place to took if the ZServer stops working.

The zclient reuses a file called zclient.log in the directory from which it is invoked.

Dynamic adaptations to Solaris 2.5 and SunOs 4.1.3

This version of Z3950/Prise has been compiled and run on both Solaris 2.5 and SunOs 4.1.3. Due to differences between these operating systems the leaf makefiles in the DISTRIBUTION_ROOT/*/src/bin/* directories attempt to adapt to the operating system on which the compilation is being performed.

The adaptations are based on the value of the shell variable OSTYPE.

If the value of the shell variable OSTYPE is "solaris":

If the value of the shell variable OSTYPE is not "solaris" or OSTYPE is not set:

In addition the command DISTRIBUTION_ROOT/bin/ also checks the OSTYPE shell variable to determine which version of the echo command to use. If OSTYPE is "solaris" then "echo" is used otherwise "/usr/5bin/echo" is used.

Known problems installing on versions of Solaris prior to 2.5

Known problems installing on versions of Solaris after 2.5

When making ZPRISE 2.0 on Solaris 2.6, problems have been encountered when gcc 2.7.2 is used. However, ZPRISE 2.0 makes without these problems on Solaris 2.6 if gcc 2.8.1 is used.

Running Make

Then from the highest level directory in the delivery tree type in the following commands:

  make bare	- starts from scratch
  make depend	- tailors paths to include files for local installation
  make install	- compiles & links c code; indexes Cranfield collection	

Spec files

From DISTRIBUTION_ROOT/zprise_2/defaultdir/ copy the following file to the directory from which you will run the zclient:

This file contains values for variables that control some aspects of the zclient's actions. Consult the comments in the file concerning which can be changed/removed.

From DISTRIBUTION_ROOT/zprise_2/tcl/ copy the following file to the directory from which you will run the zclient:

This file contains values for variables that control some aspects of the ZServer's actions. Consult the comments in the file concerning which can be changed/removed.

All that remains to do is identify the ZServer to the inetd port monitor. For help on this task see "Setting up client and server using the inet demon". Then you should be ready for "Testing using the shipped collection (Cranfield)."

National Institute of Standards and Technology Home Page Last updated: Tuesday, 01-Aug-2000 13:16:44 UTC

Date created: Monday, 31-Jul-00