Z39.50/PRISE 2.0 Delivery Tree

 +- bin				All executables produced by "make install"
 +- data			
 +- defaultdir			Files with info on databases and .spec
 |				files which control server/client behaviour
 +- doc				Copies of documentation in html format and
 |				a help file (*.hlptxt) for most windows	
 +- lib				All lib*.a files produced by "make install"
 +- misc			Stuff that couldn't be pidgeonholed elsewhere
 |   |
 |   +- include
 |   +- src
 |       |
 |       +- bin
 |       |   |
 |       |   +- tag.filter
 |       |   
 |       +- lib
 |           |
 |           +- asne		BER, PDU, OID manipulation
 |           +- client_parser
 |           +- oids
 |           +- porter		Stemmer
 |           +- protoutil	Z39.50 protocol utilities
 |           +- pubutil
 |           +- tcp		TCP routines needed for transport
 |           +- util		Low-level utilities
 |           +- z3950e		C source generated by SNACC from ASN.1 using
 |           			extended buffers 
 +- prise_index			Prise indexer code and sample database	
 |   |
 |   +- cranfield		Cranfield data ready for Prise indexing
 |   |   |
 |   |   +- data		Cranfield data
 |   |   
 |   +- include
 |   +- src
 |       |
 |       +- bin
 |       |   |
 |       |   +- docmap		Map sequence numbers => file offset & length
 |       |   +- docmapseq	Creates file of document id strings based on
 |	 |			sequence number
 |       |   +- doctitles	Creates list of titles
 |       |   +- prep		Creates binary dictionary for more speed
 |       |   +- rebuild.tmm	Creates term dictionary and postings file
 |       |   +- rel.build.tmm	Creates first postings file
 |       |   +- sgmls.parser	Parses output of sgmls
 |       |   
 |       +- lib
 |           |
 |           +- common
 |           +- parser
 |           +- rtp
 |           +- stacks
 +- prise_search		Prise search engine
 |   |
 |   +- include
 |   +- src
 |       |
 |       +- bin
 |       |   |
 |       |   +- batchprise
 |       |   +- ttpp
 |       |   
 |       +- lib
 |           |
 |           +- relevance
 |           +- search		Basic search routines
 |           +- search_util
 |           +- special		Code to restrict initial result set
 +- prise_tools
 |   |
 |   +- include
 |   +- src
 |       |
 |       +- bin
 |       +- lib
 |           |
 |           +- coll
 |           +- docmap		Routine for reading docmap files
 |           +- latin
 |           +- lexnmzn		Lexical normalization (stemming)
 |           +- options
 |           +- rf.parser	Document parser for extraction of terms
 |           +- weights
 +- snacc			C source provided by SNACC and assumed
 |   |                          by code in z3950e (above)           
 |   |
 |   +- c_include
 |   +- c_lib
 +- tcl				TCL files needed by zclient
 +- zclient
 |   |
 |   +- include
 |   +- src
 |       |
 |       +- bin
 |       |   |
 |       |   +- zclient		Zclient (main)
 |       |   
 |       +- lib
 |           |
 |           +- ap_tk		General Z39.50 services code
 |           +- client_util	
 |           +- prise_specific	PRISE-specific Z39.50 services code
 |           +- tkcmds		Tcl registered commands (extensions)
 |           +- tkutils
 |           +- zclient
 |           +- zinit		Tk/Tcl initialization
 +- zserver			Z39.50 server + adaptation to Prise (zprise)
     +- include
     +- src
         +- bin
         |   |
         |   +- zserver		Zserver (main)
         +- lib
             +- zprise		Z39.50 <-> Prise adaptation layer
             +- zserver		Zserver message management layer
             +- zservices	Z39.50 services layer

National Institute of Standards and Technology Home Page Last updated: Tuesday, 01-Aug-2000 13:16:54 UTC

Date created: Monday, 31-Jul-00