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The input array, say X, should contain the following values:
If one of the values is not available, then you can enter either CPUMIN or the statistic missing value. For example, if the skewness is not available, you can do one of the following:
LET X(3) = -9999 The following output vector, say Y, is returned:
Any of these moment estimates that cannot be computed will be set to CPUMIN. This can happen if certain summary statistics are not provided or if the equation solvers are not able to find a solution. The 3-parameter gamma moment and modified moment estimates are computed using the codes provided on pages 363-364 of Cohen and Whitten.
<SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> where <x> is the variable containing the summary statistics; <y> is a variable containing the gamma moment estimates; and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional and rarely used for this command.
. Purpose: Test GAMMA MOMEMNT ESTIMATES command . . Step 1: Read data . . Data from . . Cohen and Whitten (1988), "Parameter Estimation in . Reliability and Life Span Models", Dekker, p. 54. . serial read x 0.654 0.613 0.315 0.449 0.297 0.402 0.379 0.423 0.379 0.3235 0.269 0.740 0.418 0.412 0.494 0.416 0.338 0.392 0.484 0.265 end of data . let xmean = mean x let xsd = sd x let xmin = mini x let xskew = skew x let n = size x let z = data xmean xsd xskew xmin n . let y = gamma moment estimates z . let numdec = 5 . let locmom = y(1); let locmom = round(locmom,numdec) let scalemom = y(2); let scalemom = round(scalemom,numdec) let gammamom = y(3); let gammamom = round(gammamom,numdec) let locmmom = y(4); let locmmom = round(locmmom,numdec) let scalmmom = y(5); let scalmmom = round(scalmmom,numdec) let gammmmom = y(6); let gammmmom = round(gammmmom,numdec) . let xmean = round(xmean,numdec) let xsd = round(xsd,numdec) let xskew = round(xskew,numdec) let xmin = round(xmin,numdec) . print "Gamma Parameter Estimates From Summary Data" print " " print " " print "Sample Mean: ^xmean" print "Sample SD: ^xsd" print "Sample Skewness: ^xskew" print "Sample Minimum: ^xmin" print "Sample Size: ^n" print " " print " " print "3-Parameter Gamma Moment Estimates:" print "Location: ^locmom" print "Scale: ^scalemom" print "Shape: ^gammamom" print " " print " " print "3-Parameter Gamma Modified Moment Estimates:" print "Location: ^locmmom" print "Scale: ^scalmmom" print "Shape: ^gammmmom"The following output is generated. Gamma Parameter Estimates From Summary Data Sample Mean: 0.42313 Sample SD: 0.12528 Sample Skewness: 1.06732 Sample Minimum: 0.265 Sample Size: 20 3-Parameter Gamma Moment Estimates: Location: 0.18837 Scale: 0.06686 Shape: 3.51129 3-Parameter Gamma Modified Moment Estimates: Location: 0.20962 Scale: 0.07351 Shape: 2.90435
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