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If \( \mbox{VAL} < X_{1} \), set IVAL to 0. If \( \mbox{VAL} > X_{N} \), set IVAL to N+1. The CELL MATCH command will do this for an array of values. This command was motivated in the implementation of the P-square algorithm for one-pass estimation of percentiles.
<SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> where <y> is a response variable; <xseq> is a variable that defines the sequence number for the response variable; <x1> ... <x6> is a list of one to six group-id variables; and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional and rarely used in this context. Neither the <x> nor the <value> variables need to be pre-sorted. The output variable <index> will be the same length as <value>.
Raatikanien (1987), "Simultaneous Estimation of Several Percentiles," Simulation, pp. 159-164.
. Purpose: Demonstrate P-square algorithm for one-pass . estimation of percentiles. . dimension 40 columns read y 0.02 0.5 0.74 3.39 0.83 22.37 10.15 15.43 38.62 15.92 34.60 10.28 1.47 0.40 0.05 11.39 0.27 0.42 0.09 11.37 end of data let ny = size y . . Step 2: Initializations based on first 2*m + 3 data points. . let p = data 0.1 0.5 0.9 let m = size p let ninit = 2*m + 3 let q = y retain q for i = 1 1 ninit let q = sort q let n = sequence 1 1 ninit let f = 0 for i = 1 1 ninit let f(ninit) = 1 loop for k = 1 1 m let iindx = 2*k + 1 let f(iindx) = p(k) end of loop let mp1 = m + 1 loop for k = 1 1 mp1 let iindx1 = 2*k - 1 let iindx2 = 2*k + 1 let iindx3 = 2*k let aval1 = f(iindx1) let aval2 = f(iindx2) let aval3 = (aval1 + aval2)/2 let f(iindx3) = aval3 end of loop let d = 1 + 2*(m+1)*f . . Step 3: Now loop through remaining points . let nstrt = ninit + 1 delete k . loop for k = nstrt 1 ny let ynew = y(k) let qmin = q(1) let qmax = q(ninit) if ynew < q1 let ak = 1 let q(1) = ynew else if ynew > qmax let ak = ninit let q(ninit) = qmax else let val = combine ynew let iindx = cell match q val let ak = iindx(1) delete val iindx end of if . let start = ak + 1 let n = n + 1 for i = start 1 ninit let d = d + f . let mstop = 2*m + 2 loop for l = 2 1 mstop let lm1 = l - 1 let lp1 = l + 1 . let aval1 = d(l) let aval2 = n(l) let di = aval1 - aval2 . let aval1 = n(lp1) let dp = aval1 - aval2 . let aval1 = n(lm1) let dm = aval1 - aval2 . let aval1 = q(lp1) let aval2 = q(l) let qp = (aval1 - aval2)/dp . let aval1 = q(lm1) let qm = (aval1 - aval2)/dm . let nl = n(l) let ql = q(l) let qlm1 = q(lm1) let qlp1 = q(lp1) . if di >= 1 and dp > 1 let qt = ql + ((1 - dm)*qp + (dp -1)*qm)/(dp-dm) if qlm1 < qt and qt < qlp1 then let q(l) = qt else let q(l) = ql + qp end of if let n(l) = nl + 1 else if di <= 1 and dm < -1 let qt = ql - ((1 + dp)*qm - (dm +1)*qp)/(dp-dm) if qlm1 < qt and qt < qlp1 then let q(l) = qt else let q(l) = ql - qm end of if let n(l) = nl - 1 end of if . end of loop . end of loop . set write decimals 4 loop for k = 1 1 m let iindx1 = 1 + 2*k let aval = q(iindx1) let qsave(k) = aval end of loop print "Estimated 0.10, 0.50, 0.90 quantiles" print " " print qsaveThe following output is returned Estimated 0.10, 0.50, 0.90 quantiles --------------- QSAVE --------------- 0.1324 2.9317 19.7914
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