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The data consists of both training data and observations to be classified. The training data are observations where the group-id is known. The basic idea behind Fisher discriminant analysis is to determine a few linear combinations of the training that provide separation of the groups. Dataplot follows the derivation given in Johnson and Wichern (1992). From Johnson and Wichern, given g groups, p variables and response variables x1, x2, ..., xp, then
Then the vector of coefficients lhat that maximixes the ratio
is given by \( \hat{l}_{1} = \hat{e}_{1}, \hat{l}_{2} = \hat{e}_{2} \), and so on. That is, the scaled eigenvectors are the discriminant functions. The Fisher discriminants are based on the ratio of the between groups variability relative to the common variability within groups. Fisher's discriminant analysis is based on two assumptions. The first is that the response variables have a multivariate normal distribution. The second is that the groups have a common covariance matrix. According to Johnson and Wichern, the second of these assumptions is the most critical. Once the discriminants have been defined, a new observation, x, can be classified to one of the g groups. Specifically, allocate x to the k-th group if \[ \sum_{j=1}^{r}{(\hat{y}_{j} - \bar{y}_{kj})^{2}} \le \sum_{j=1}^{r}{(\hat{l}_{j} (x - \bar{x}_{i}))^{2}} \hspace{0.2in} \mbox{for all} \hspace{0.1in} i \ne k \] where r denotes the number of discriminants to use and yhat(i) = lhat(i)*x. The FISHER DISCRIMINANT PLOT is then \( \hat{y}_{1} \) versus \( \hat{y}_{2} \). Note that although the plot will be based on the first two discriminants, the number of discriminants used for classification can be greater than two. The first g traces in the plot are the g categories for the training data. Trace g+1 are the group means. Traces g+2 to 2g+1 are the g categories for the observations to be classified. The ordering is from the low value for category to the high value of category. For example, if there are two categories, you might do something like
CHARACTER CIRCLE SQUARE TRIANGLE CIRCLE SQUARE CHARACTER FILL OFF OFF ON ON ON CHARACTER COLOR BLACK BLACK BLACK RED BLUE This will draw the training observations as black unfilled circles and squares, the group means as black unfilled triangles and the observations to be classified as red or blue filled circles or squares. This is demonstrated in the Program example below. In addition to the plot, the following will be printed
<SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> where <y1> ... <yk> is a list of k response variables; <tag> is the group-id variable; and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.
All of the variables must have the same length. Values of
the <tag> variable with a value of zero are the observations
to be classified. If no values in the
You can explicitly set the number of discrminants to use with the command
where <value> is a positive integer. If <value> is less than 2, then two discriminants will be used. If <value> is greater than the minimum of the number of groups minus 1 (g-1) and the number of variables (p), then the min(g-1,p) discriminants will be used. Alternatively, you can specify a cut-off for the eigenvalues with the command
where <value> specifies the cut-off for the eigenvalues. For example, if 3 eigenvalues are greater than the cut-off, then 3 discriminants will be used in the classification. If the number of discriminants based on this is greater than min(g-1,p), then min(g-1,p) discriminants will be used.
The normalized eigenvectors are written to dpst2f.dat. The discriminants are written to dpst3f.dat. The discriminant group means are written to dpst4f.dat. The classification results are written to dpst5f.dat. The first column contains the row-id of the observation being classified and the second column specifies the group to which the observation is assigned.
The FISHER DISCRIMINATION PLOT does not standardize the data. If you want to standardize the data, do that before utilizing this command. This is demonstrated in the Program example below. Performing the standardization as a separate step allows more flexibility in the choice of standardization method.
If there are more than 50 variables, it is recommended that some type of dimension reduction, such as principal components, be used before generating this plot.
. Step 1: Read the data . skip 25 read iris.dat seplen sepwidth petlen petwidth tag skip 0 . . Step 2: Generate the plot . line blank all character hw 1 0.75 all character circle triangle revtri box circle triangle revtri character fill off off off on on on on . y1label Discriminant One x1label Discriminant Two title Fisher Discriminant Analysis for Iris Data . Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis B0 (Sample Between Group) Matrix ------------------------------------------------------------ Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 ------------------------------------------------------------ 1.26424 -0.39905 4.14230 1.33292 -0.39905 0.22690 -1.51546 -0.17132 4.14230 -1.51546 14.00072 3.85348 1.33292 -0.17132 3.85348 2.02160 ------------------------------------------------------------ Sample Pooled Variance-Covariance Matrix ------------------------------------------------------------ Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 ------------------------------------------------------------ 0.26501 0.09272 0.16751 0.03840 0.09272 0.11539 0.05524 0.03271 0.16751 0.05524 0.18519 0.04267 0.03840 0.03271 0.04267 0.04188 ------------------------------------------------------------ Sample W^(-1)*B0 Matrix ------------------------------------------------------------ Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 ------------------------------------------------------------ -0.11454 0.05098 -0.40584 -0.08413 -0.09041 0.01942 -0.27745 -0.11784 0.25140 -0.11355 0.89419 0.18056 0.13603 0.02594 0.30380 0.31360 ------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted Eigenvalues --------------- Col 1 --------------- 0.89013 0.22254 0.00000 0.00000 --------------- fisher discriminant plot seplen sepwidth petlen petwidth tag . . Step 3: Test "classification" . let tag2 = tag let tag2 = 0 for i = 10 10 150 fisher discriminant plot seplen sepwidth petlen petwidth tag2 Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis B0 (Sample Between Group) Matrix ------------------------------------------------------------ Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 ------------------------------------------------------------ 1.25660 -0.41416 4.16615 1.30654 -0.41416 0.22318 -1.53940 -0.18845 4.16615 -1.53940 14.13148 3.86717 1.30654 -0.18845 3.86717 2.03507 ------------------------------------------------------------ Sample Pooled Variance-Covariance Matrix ------------------------------------------------------------ Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 ------------------------------------------------------------ 0.27365 0.09310 0.17266 0.03758 0.09310 0.11699 0.05342 0.02954 0.17266 0.05342 0.19157 0.04095 0.03758 0.02954 0.04095 0.03944 ------------------------------------------------------------ Sample W^(-1)*B0 Matrix ------------------------------------------------------------ Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 ------------------------------------------------------------ -0.12739 0.05448 -0.44634 -0.09754 -0.08886 0.02063 -0.27801 -0.11658 0.27058 -0.12029 0.95678 0.19441 0.15796 0.02133 0.38290 0.36929 ------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted Eigenvalues --------------- Col 1 --------------- 0.96592 0.25339 0.00000 -0.00000 ---------------
Date created: 07/31/2024 |
Last updated: 07/31/2024 Please email comments on this WWW page to alan.heckert@nist.gov. |