Process Improvement
Advanced topics
An EDA approach to experimental design
Interaction effects matrix plot
The interaction effects matrix plot is an extension of the
DOE mean plot to include both main effects
and 2-factor interactions (the DOE mean plot focuses on main effects
only). The interaction effects matrix plot answers the following two
- What is the ranked list of factors (including 2-factor
interactions), ranked from most important to least important;
- What is the best setting for each of the k factors?
For a k-factor experiment, the effect on the response
could be due to main effects and various interactions all the way up
to k-term interactions. As the number of factors, k,
increases, the total number of interactions increases
exponentially. The total number of possible interactions of all
orders = 2k - 1 - k. Thus for k = 3,
the total number of possible interactions = 4, but for k = 7
the total number of possible interactions = 120.
In practice, the most important interactions are likely to be 2-factor
interactions. The total number of possible 2-factor interactions is
\[ \left( \begin{array}{c}
k \\ 2
= \frac{k!} {2!(k-2)!} = \frac{k(k-1)}{2}
Thus for k = 3, the number of 2-factor interactions = 3, while
for k = 7, the number of 2-factor interactions = 21.
It is important to distinguish between the number of interactions
that are active in a given experiment versus the number of
interactions that the analyst is capable of making definitive
conclusions about. The former depends only on the physics and
engineering of the problem. The latter depends on the number of
factors, k, the choice of the k factors, the constraints
on the number of runs, n, and ultimately on the experimental
design that the analyst chooses to use. In short, the number of
possible interactions is not necessarily identical to the
number of interactions that we can detect.
Note that
- with full factorial designs, we can uniquely
estimate interactions of all orders;
- with fractional factorial designs, we can uniquely estimate
only some (or at times no) interactions; the more fractionated
the design, the fewer interactions that we can estimate.
The output for the interaction effects matrix plot is
- Primary: Ranked list of the factors (including 2-factor
interactions) with the factors are ranked from important to
- Secondary: Best setting for each of the k factors.
The interaction effects matrix plot is an upper right-triangular
matrix of mean plots
consisting of k main effects plots on the diagonal and
k*(k-1)/2 2-factor interaction effects plots
on the off-diagonal.
In general, interactions are not the same as the usual
(multiplicative) cross-products. However, for the special case of
2-level designs coded as (-, +) = (-1, +1), the interactions
are identical to cross-products. By way of contrast,
if the 2-level designs are coded otherwise (e.g., the (1, 2) notation
espoused by Taguchi and others), then this equivalance is not
true. Mathematically,
{-1, +1} x {-1, +1} => {-1, +1}
{1, 2} x {1, 2} => {1, 2, 4}
Thus, coding does make a difference. We recommend the use of
the (-, +) coding.
It is remarkable that with the - and + coding, the 2-factor
interactions are dealt with, interpreted, and compared in the same
way that the k main effects are handled. It is thus natural to
include both 2-factor interactions and main effects within the same
matrix plot for ease of comparison.
For the off-diagonal terms, the first construction step is to form
the horizontal axis values, which will be the derived values (also
- and +) of the cross-product. For example, the settings for the
X1*X2 interaction are derived by simple multiplication
from the data as shown below.
Thus X1, X2, and X1*X2 all form a closed
(-, +) system. The advantage of the closed system is that graphically
interactions can be interpreted in the exact same fashion as the
k main effects.
After the entire X1*X2 vector of settings has been
formed in this way, the vertical axis of the X1*X2
interaction plot is formed:
- the plot point above X1*X2 = "-" is simply the
mean of all response values for which X1*X2 = "-"
- the plot point above X1*X2 = "+" is simply the
mean of all response values for which X1*X2 = "+".
We form the plots for the remaining 2-factor interactions in a
similar fashion.
All the mean plots, for both main effects and 2-factor interactions,
have a common scale to facilitate comparisons. Each mean plot has
- Vertical Axis: The mean response for a given setting (- or +)
of a given factor or a given 2-factor interaction.
- Horizontal Axis: The 2 settings (- and +) within each factor,
or within each 2-factor interaction.
- Legend:
- A tag (1, 2, ..., k, 12, 13, etc.), with
1 = X1, 2 = X2, ..., k =
Xk, 12 = X1*X2,
13 = X1*X3, 35 = X3*X5,
123 = X1*X2*X3, etc.) which
identifies the particular mean plot; and
- The least squares estimate of the factor (or 2-factor
interaction) effect. These effect estimates are large
in magnitude for important factors and near-zero in
magnitude for unimportant factors.
In a later section, we discuss in detail
the models associated with full and fractional factorial 2-level designs.
One such model representation is
\( Y = \mu + \beta_{1} X_{1} + \beta_{2} X_{2} + \beta_{12} X_{1} X_{2} +
\cdots + \epsilon \)
For factor variables coded with + and - settings, the
βi coefficient is one half of the effect estimate
due to factor Xi. Thus, if we multiply the least-squares
coefficients by two, due to orthogonality, we obtain the simple difference
of means at the + setting and the - setting. This is true for the
k main factors. It is also true for all two-factor and
multi-factor interactions.
Thus, visually, the difference in the mean values on the plot is
identically the least squares estimate for the effect. Large
differences (steep lines) imply important factors while small
differences (flat lines) imply unimportant factors.
As discussed in detail above, the next logical step beyond main effects
is displaying 2-factor interactions, and this plot matrix provides a
convenient graphical tool for examining the relative importance of
main effects and 2-factor interactions in concert. To do so, we make
use of the striking aspect that in the context of 2-level designs,
the 2-factor interactions are identical to cross-products and the
2-factor interaction effects can be interpreted and compared the same
way as main effects.
Plot for defective springs data
Constructing the interaction effects matrix plot for the defective
springs data set yields the following plot.
How to interpret
From the interaction effects matrix, we can draw three
important conclusions:
- Important Factors (including 2-factor interactions);
- Best Settings;
- Confounding Structure (for fractional factorial designs).
We discuss each of these in turn.
- Important factors (including 2-factor interactions):
Jointly compare the k main factors and the
2-factor interactions. For each of these subplots, as we go
from the "-" setting to the "+" setting within a subplot, is
there a shift in location of the average data (yes/no)?
Since all subplots have a common (-1, +1) horizontal axis,
questions involving shifts in location translate into
questions involving steepness of the mean lines (large
shifts imply steep mean lines while no shifts
imply flat mean lines).
- Identify the factor or 2-factor interaction that has the
largest shift (based on averages). This defines
the "most important factor". The largest shift is
determined by the steepest line.
- Identify the factor or 2-factor interaction that has the
next largest shift (based on averages). This
defines the "second most important factor". This shift
is determined by the next steepest line.
- Continue for the remaining factors.
This ranking of factors and 2-factor interactions
based on local means is a major step in
building the definitive list of ranked factors
as required for screening experiments.
- Best settings:
For each factor (of the k main factors along
the diagonal), which setting (- or +) yields
the "best" (highest/lowest) average response?
Note that the experimenter has the ability to change settings
for only the k main factors, not for any 2-factor
interactions. Although a setting of some 2-factor interaction
may yield a better average response than the alternative
setting for that same 2-factor interaction, the experimenter is
unable to set a 2-factor interaction setting in practice.
That is to say, there is no "knob" on the machine that
controls 2-factor interactions; the "knobs" only control the
settings of the k main factors.
How then does this matrix of subplots serve as
an improvement over the k best settings that
one would obtain from the DOE mean
plot? There are two common possibilities:
- Steep Line:
For those main factors along the diagonal that have
steep lines (that is, are important), choose the best
setting directly from the subplot. This will be the same
as the best setting derived from the DOE mean plot.
- Flat line:
For those main factors along the diagonal that have flat
lines (that is, are unimportant), the naive conclusion to
use either setting, perhaps giving preference to the
cheaper setting or the easier-to-implement setting, may
be unwittingly incorrect. In such a case, the use of the
off-diagonal 2-factor interaction information from the
interaction effects matrix is critical for deducing the
better setting for this nominally "unimportant" factor.
To illustrate this, consider the following example:
- Suppose the factor X1 subplot is steep
(important) with the best setting for X1
at "+".
- Suppose the factor X2 subplot is flat
(unimportant) with both settings yielding about
the same mean response.
Then what setting should be used for X2? To answer
this, consider the following two cases:
- Case 1. If the X1*X2 interaction plot
happens also to be flat (unimportant), then choose
either setting for X2 based on cost or ease.
- Case 2. On the other hand, if the
X1*X2 interaction plot is steep
(important), then this dictates a prefered setting
for X2 not based on cost or ease.
To be specific for case 2, if X1*X2 is
important, with X1*X2 = "+" being the
better setting, and if X1 is important, with
X1 = "+" being the better setting, then
this implies that the best setting for X2 must be
"+" (to assure that X1*X2 (= +*+) will also
be "+"). The reason for this is that since we are already
locked into X1 = "+", and since X1*X2
= "+" is better, then the only way we can obtain
X1*X2 = "+" with X1 = "+" is for
X2 to be "+" (if X2 were "-", then
X1*X2 with X1 = "+" would yield
X1*X2 = "-").
In general, if X1 is important, X1*X2
is important, and X2 is not important, then
there are four distinct cases for deciding
what the best setting is for X2:
=> X2
By similar reasoning, examining each factor and pair of
factors, we thus arrive at a resulting vector of the
k best settings:
(x1best, x2best, ..., xkbest)
This average-based k-vector should be compared
with best settings k-vectors obtained from
previous steps (in particular, from step 1 in which the
best settings were drawn from the best data value).
When the average-based best settings and the data-based
best settings agree, we benefit from the increased
confidence given our conclusions.
When the average-based best settings and the
data-based best settings disagree, then what settings
should the analyst finally choose? Note that in general
the average-based settings and the data-based settings
will invariably be identical for all "important" factors.
Factors that do differ are virtually always
"unimportant". Given such disagreement,
the analyst has three options:
- Use the average-based settings for minor
factors. This has the advantage of a broader
(average) base of support.
- Use the data-based settings for minor factors.
This has the advantage of demonstrated local
- Use the cheaper or more convenient settings for
the local factor. This has the advantage of
Thus the interaction effects matrix yields important
information not only about the ranked list of factors, but
also about the best settings for each of the k main
factors. This matrix of subplots is one of the most important
tools for the experimenter in the analysis of 2-level
screening designs.
- Confounding Structure (for Fractional Factorial Designs)
When the interaction effects matrix is used to analyze
2-level fractional (as opposed to full) factorial designs,
important additional information can be extracted from the
matrix regarding confounding structure.
It is well-known that all fractional factorial designs have
confounding, a property whereby every estimated main effect is
confounded/contaminated/biased by some high-order
interactions. The practical effect of this is that the analyst
is unsure of how much of the estimated main effect is due to the
main factor itself and how much is due
to some confounding interaction. Such contamination is the price
that is paid by examining k factors with a sample size
n that is less than a full factorial
n = 2k runs.
It is a "fundamental theorem" of the discipline of experimental
design that for a given number of factors k and a given
number of runs n, some fractional factorial designs are
better than others. "Better" in this case means that the
intrinsic confounding that must exist in all
fractional factorial designs has been minimized by the choice
of design. This minimization is done by constructing the design
so that the main effect confounding is pushed to as high an
order interaction as possible.
The rationale behind this is that in physical science and
engineering systems it has been found that the
"likelihood" of high-order interactions being significant is
small (compared to the likelihood of main effects and 2-factor
interactions being significant). Given this, we would prefer
that such inescapable main effect confounding be with the highest
order interaction possible, and hence the bias to the estimated
main effect be as small as possible.
The worst designs are those in which the main effect confounding
is with 2-factor interactions. This may be dangerous
because in physical/engineering systems, it is quite common for
Nature to have some real (and large) 2-factor interactions. In
such a case, the 2-factor interaction effect will be inseparably
entangled with some estimated main effect, and so the experiment
will be flawed in that
- ambiguous estimated main effects and
- an ambiguous list of ranked factors
will result.
If the number of factors, k, is large and the
number of runs, n, is constrained to be small, then
confounding of main effects with 2-factor interactions is
unavoidable. For example, if we have k = 7 factors and
can afford only n = 8 runs, then the corresponding
2-level fractional factorial design is a 27-4
which necessarily will have main effects confounded with (3)
2-factor interactions. This cannot be avoided.
On the other hand, situations arise in which 2-factor interaction
confounding with main effects results not from constraints on
k or n, but on poor design construction. For
example, if we have k = 7 factors and can afford n
= 16 runs, a poorly constructed design might have main effects
counfounded with 2-factor interactions, but a well-constructed
design with the
same k = 7, n = 16 would have main effects
confounded with 3-factor interactions but no 2-factor
interactions. Clearly, this latter design is preferable in
terms of minimizing main effect confounding/contamination/bias.
For those cases in which we do have main effects confounded
with 2-factor interactions, an important question arises:
For a particular main effect of interest,
how do we know which 2-factor interaction(s)
confound/contaminate that main effect?
The usual answer to this question is by means of generator theory,
confounding tables, or alias charts. An alternate complementary
approach is given by the interaction effects matrix. In
particular, if we are examining a 2-level fractional factorial
design and
- if we are not sure that the design has main effects
confounded with 2-factor interactions, or
- if we are sure that we have such 2-factor
interaction confounding but are not sure
what effects are confounded,
then how can the interaction effects matrix be of assistance?
The answer to this question is that the confounding structure
can be read directly from the interaction effects matrix.
For example, for a 7-factor experiment, if, say, the factor
X3 is confounded with the 2-factor interaction
X2*X5, then
- the appearance of the factor X3 subplot
and the appearance of the 2-factor
interaction X2*X5 subplot will
necessarily be identical, and
- the value of the estimated main effect for X3
(as given in the legend of the main effect subplot) and
the value of the estimated 2-factor interaction effect for
X2*X5 (as given in the legend of the
2-factor interaction subplot) will also necessarily be
The above conditions are necessary, but not sufficient for the
effects to be confounded.
Hence, in the abscence of tabular descriptions (from your
statistical software program) of the confounding structure, the
interaction effect matrix offers the following graphical
alternative for deducing confounding structure in fractional
factorial designs:
- scan the main factors along the diagonal subplots and
choose the subset of factors that are "important".
- For each of the "important" factors, scan all of the
2-factor interactions and compare the main factor subplot
and estimated effect with each 2-factor interaction
subplot and estimated effect.
- If there is no match, this implies that the main effect
is not confounded with any 2-factor interaction.
- If there is a match, this implies that the main
effect may be confounded with that 2-factor
- If none of the main effects are confounded with any
2-factor interactions, we can have high confidence in the
integrity (non-contamination) of our estimated main
- In practice, for highly-fractionated designs, each main
effect may be confounded with several 2-factor
interactions. For example, for a 27-4
fractional factorial design, each main effect will be
confounded with three 2-factor interactions. These
1 + 3 = 4 identical subplots will be blatantly obvious
in the interaction effects matrix.
Finally, what happens in the case in which the design
the main effects are not confounded with 2-factor
interactions (no diagonal subplot matches any off-diagonal
subplot). In such a case, does the interaction effects matrix
offer any useful further insight and information?
The answer to this question is yes because even though such
designs have main effects unconfounded with 2-factor interactions,
it is fairly common for such designs to have 2-factor interactions
confounded with one another, and on occasion it may be of
interest to the analyst to understand that confounding. A
specific example of such a design is a 24-1 design
formed with X4 settings = X1*X2*X3.
In this case, the 2-factor-interaction confounding structure may
be deduced by comparing all of the 2-factor interaction subplots
(and effect estimates) with one another. Identical subplots and
effect estimates hint strongly that the two 2-factor interactions
are confounded. As before, such comparisons provide necessary
(but not sufficient) conditions for confounding. Most statistical
software for analyzing fractional factorial experiments will
explicitly list the confounding structure.
Conclusions for the defective springs data
The application of the interaction effects matrix plot to the
defective springs data set results in the following conclusions:
- Ranked list of factors (including 2-factor interactions):
- X1 (estimated effect = 23.0)
- X1*X3 (estimated effect = 10.0)
- X2 (estimated effect = -5.0)
- X3 (estimated effect = 1.5)
- X1*X2 (estimated effect = 1.5)
- X2*X3 (estimated effect = 0.0)
Factor 1 definitely looks important. The X1*X3
interaction looks important. Factor 2 is of lesser importance.
All other factors and 2-factor interactions appear to be
- Best Settings (on the average):
(X1, X2, X3) = (+, -, +) = (+1, -1, +1)