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DATAPLOT Language Features
DATAPLOT is an interactive high-level (free-format English-like
syntax) language with extensive capabilities in:
Specific Features
Specific features of the Dataplot language include:
Programming With DATAPLOT
Sequential and Structured
DATAPLOT programs proceed sequentially from the
beginning of the code to the end. The language is
structured. There are no "Go-To"-type statements
and no statement labels.
Low Level Commands
Like BASIC, FORTRAN, etc., DATAPLOT has a series
of low-level commands which specify to the
computer that certain elementary operations (such
as readinq, writing, looping, etc.) should be carried out.
High Level Commands
In addition, hovever, DATAPLOT goes beyond BASIC
and FORTRAN in that it allows the analyst to also
make use of a set of high-level commands (such as
PLOT, FIT, HISTOGRAM, etc.) which permit the
analyst to carry out a wide variety of graphics
(continuous or discrete), non-linear fitting, data
analysis, and mathematical operations directly.
Like BASIC, DATAPLOT is an interpretive language.
Although tbe language can be used in a
semi-interactive mode (running pre-stored programs
at a terminal), and a batch mode (running
pre-stored programs with remote output on the
batch high-speed printer), it was primarily
designed for, and is most effectively used in, an
interactive environment.
Dataplot Programs Typically Short
Because of the existence of commonly-used high-level
graphical and analytical capabilities, the typical DATAPLOT
program is short (e.g., 5 to 20 lines). Usually there is only
a main program with no need of subprograms. If subprograms
are desired, they are accessed via the
CALL command.
Input and Output are Format Free
Input and output in DATAPLOT is format-free. The
READ and
command enter data into DATAPLOT, the
(with PRINT as a synonyn) command allows the writing of
data to the terminal screen or to an external file.
Several Hundred Commands
The DATAPLOT command vocabulary consists of several hundred
commands. The analyst may use any command at any time. A
given program for a given application typically makes use of
a small subset of DATAPLOT commands (10 to 15 commands).
Three Most Important Commands
The 3 most important DATAPLOT commands are
FIT, and
LET. Other
commonly-used commands are
...LABEL (as in YLABEL,
WRITE, and
Spaces are the Universal Separator in Dataplot
The universal separator between words on a DATAPLOT command
line is a blank (1 or more blanks). The comma is never used
in any DATAPLOT command syntax; when in doubt, use a blank
rather than a comma, as in
English-Synatax Language
Commands Have English Language Names
DATAPLOT is an English-syntax language. Many of the command
statements are identical to their English-language
counterparts. For example,
Examples of English Like Syntax
Thus to generate a plot of the function sin(x)/x for the
values starting with x = 0.1, at increments of 0.2, and
ending vith x = 12, one would enter
Dataplot Programs Easy to Write
The net result is that DATAPLOT programs are easy
to write, easy to understand, and easy to update.
This is particularly important for the analyst
with no prior programming experience.
Free-Format Language
Columns 1 to 80
Command statements appear free-format in columns 1 to 80
of a program line.
Space Used as Separator Between Command Components
The usual separator between components of a command line is
a blank (one or more blanks). Thus to generate a plot of
X**2 over the interva1 of x values starting with x = -3, at
increments of 0.1, and ending with x = +3, the following is
Packing of Characters Permitted in Functions
Packing of characters is permitted only in defining and using
functions. Thus
One Continuation Line Allowed
If command statements are longrer than 80 characters, then
they may be extended onto the next line by appending ... at
the end of the first line, as in
FOR B = 1 .1 2 FOR C = .5 .01 .6
Declaration-Free Language
Supported Types in Dataplot
The data types supported in the
Dataplot language are
Rules for Names
Names used for parameters, variables, matrices, and functions
can be up to eight characters, must start with an alphabetic
character, and may thereafter be any combination of the 26
alphabetic characters and the 10 numeric characters. Names
which are longer than 8 characters can be used, but only the
first eight characters are scanned and internal1y stored.
Declaration Free Language
DATAPLOT is a declaration-free language. One need not
pre-define parameter, variable, matrix, and function names
in a separate section unto itself (as with ALGOL and PASCAL);
in fact, one does not pre-define such elements at all. One
simply introduces these elements along the way as needed
by the program and as dictated by the analysis.
DELETE First to Change Type
Once a name is defined (as a parameter, a variable, a matrix,
or a function), it remains that type throughout the DATAPLOT
run. For exanple, if X is used as a variable, it will remain
a variable for the entire run. If the analyst chooses to
change the use of a name (for example, to change a variable X
to a function X) in the middle of a run, then the analyst
must first delete the name using the
DELETE command (as in
DELETE X), and then reuse the name in the desired fashion.
Structured Language
Program Execution Flows from Top to Bottom
Program execution, whether in the main routine
or within a subprogram, always flows from top to
bottom, and so DATAPLOT is by design a
structured language. DATAPLOT does not have
statement labels and therefore is a
"GO-TO-less" language. In practice, because of
the existence of higher-level graphics/analysis
commnands, and because of the DATAPLOT feature of
being able to append subset and conditionality
qualifiers at the end of any high-level graphics
and analysis command, the need for such branching
has been virtually eliminated. The net result is
a structured, top-to-bottom language structure
which greatly facilitates the writing and updating
of programs.
Subprograms Initiated with CALL Command
Branching within a (sub)program is not permitted;
branching between subprograms can be done via the
CALL command, as in
Spaces are Universal Separator in Dataplot
The universal separator for components in a
DATAPLOT command line is the space (= blank). A
blank between the words of a command line are
important because DATAPLOT uses such spaces as a
separator. Spaces around relational operators
(e.g., =, <, <=, etc.), arithmetic operators (+, -,
*, and **), and within arithmetic
expressions (e.g., B**2-4*A*C) may be included or
excluded at the preference of the analyst.
Readability considerations suggest that spaces be
included around such operators and in such expressions.
Commas Serve No Purpose
Commas serve no purpose in DATAPLOT and may at
times be the cause of syntax errors. There are no
commands which call for the use of commas in
DATAPLOT; vhen in doubt, leave a space rather
than a comma. Blanks and spaces within
mathematica1 and functional expressions are solely
for visual convenience--they may be included or
excluded at the discretion of the analyst; as in
Command Statements are Free Format
Command statements appear free-format in columns 1
to 80 of a program line. If a statement is longer
than this, it may be continued onto the next line
by appending a ... at the end of the first line.
Statements longer than 2 full lines (160 characters)
are not permitted.
No Punctuation in Data Files
DATAPLOT also expects no punctuation in data files
which are read via the READ and SERIAL READ
commands. Adjacent numbers on a line image may be
free-format but should be separated by at least
one blank. Commas between numbers will be
ignored by DATAPLOT. DATAPLOT also converts non-printing
characters (e.g., tab characters) in command lines and
data files to spaces (this is not true in earlier versions
Restricting Rows and Columns When Reading Data Files
Alphabetic information at the beginning of a data file can
be skipped over using the
SKIP command. For example,
The ROW LIMITS command allows the analyst to focus only on specified line images of a file, as in
Main Menu
Components of the Dataplot Language
The DATAPLOT language consists of the following components:
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Date created: 06/05/2001 |