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Printer-Friendly Handbook Files

Consolidated pdf Files for Printing Handbook Chapters The links below allow complete Handbook chapters to be downloaded for easy printing or local electronic use. Most hyperlinks within chapters are preserved as internal links in the consolidated files. Links between chapters are preserved as web links that require Internet access. To reduce download times, the files are provided with different levels and methods of compression as well.

The PDF files are created from the HTML pages using the Adobe Acrobat software. This creates a copy of the HTML page in PDF format. However it does not reformat the page to optimize it for printing. These HTML pages were designed for viewing on a browswer, not for printing. So although these files permit easier printing of the e-Handbook, you may want to be selective about what you print as the full chapters will generate a large volume of pages.

NOTE:With the current version of Adobe Acrobat, the preservation of the links resulted in inconsistent results (i.e., some links worked, some did not). For that reason, we have disabled the links in the current version of the PDF files. If we are able to correct this problem, we will re-activate the links. If you primarily interested in using the PDF files for viewing, we recommend downloading the HTML version of the e-Handbook (i.e., use the HTML files for viewing and reserve the PDF files when you want to print multiple pages).

Please note that these pdf files are not updated as frequently as the html versions of the e-Handbook are. As a result, there may be some minor differences between the pdf files and the e-Handbook web site. The pdf files were last updated June 28, 2012. Changes to the html version of the e-Handbook are recorded in the change log.
Please Send Feedback This feature of the Handbook has been added in response to feedback from many users. Please let us know whether or not this page works well and simplifies printing of the Handbook at [email protected]. Of course, feedback on any other aspects of the Handbook is also greatly appreciated.
Handbook Chapters in Uncompressed pdf Format
  1. Exploratory Data Analysis (3.65 Mb)
  2. Measurement Process Characterization (2.13 Mb)
  3. Production Process Characterization (875 Kb)
  4. Process Modeling (390 Kb)
  5. Process Improvement (2.82 Mb)
  6. Process or Product Monitoring and Control (1.75 Mb)
  7. Product and Process Comparisons (890 Kb)
  8. Assessing Product Reliability (1.32 Mb)
Handbook Chapters in Zipped pdf Format
  1. Exploratory Data Analysis (3.00 Mb)
  2. Measurement Process Characterization (1.73 Mb)
  3. Production Process Characterization (742 Kb)
  4. Process Modeling (319 Kb)
  5. Process Improvement (2.38 Mb)
  6. Process or Product Monitoring and Control (1.41 Mb)
  7. Product and Process Comparisons (694 Kb)
  8. Assessing Product Reliability (1.13 Mb)
Handbook Chapters 1-8 The pdf versions of all 8 chapters of the e-Handbook can also now be downloaded in a single file, if preferred.
  1. Chapters 1-8 (uncompressed pdf) (12.8 Mb)
  2. Chapters 1-8 (zipped pdf) (10.46 Mb)
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