Q3: I need a map showing the location of the Penfold's winery in Australia.

  1. Ottawa, Canada
    (4:40): issue query to Yahoo -> wine australia
    interesting area: 
    Regional: Countries: Australia: Business and Economy: Companies:
    Beverages: Alcoholic: Wine 
    and a direct link to Wine of Australia, the wine-industry's site
    Explore Yahoo category first: follow sublink /Wineries/ and find link to
    'penfolds' winery. 
    (4:44) go to http://www.penfolds.com.au
    Browse around their site for a few minutes, decide to have AltaVista
    search for a map on their site with the query - >
    host: www.penfolds.com.au map 
    No results. (4:49)
    Decide to explore 'wineaustralia.com.au' first. 
    For maps (on http://www.wineaustralia.com.au/frame/searchregion_fr.html)
    they want to know which part of Australia you're looking for, so I check
    the penfolds site and find the citation 
    "Penfolds owns about 500ha (1200 acres) of vineyards spread through all
    the-major premium winegrape-growing districts of South Australia. There
    are Penfolds vineyards in the Barossa Valley, the Clare Valley, the Eden
    Valley (higher up and adjacent to the Barossa), the McLaren Vale just
    south of Adelaide, and in Coonawarra in the far south-east of the State.
    Grapes are also purchased from Padthaway, a major-vineyard area 100km
    north of Coonawarra." (http://www.penfolds.com.au/range.html) (4:52)
    Find Penfolds location on Coonawarra map, and on Barossa map.
    Not satisfied, though, and I return to Penfolds site for further
    (manual) exploration (5:01).
    System near-crash ('spin-drying) delays things about 10 minutes
    Explore Penfolds site a few pages more, am almost sure there's no map
    (5:18) Go to AltaVista with query -> magill vineyard "metropolitan area"
    First two hits look interesting, but http://www.wine.com.au (/magill.htm
    and /pen_vmag.htm) does not respond (link is from '96, so may have
    (5:22) Decide to go to http://www.yahoo.com.au and search for 'wine',
    (5:24) http://www.auswine.com.au does not respond,
    http://www.winetitles.com.au/wineonline.html does not provide good maps
    (5:29) http://www.thegrape.com.au (nothing - online wine-shop)
    (5:32) http://www.australianwines.com
    Find map on http://www.australianwines.com/regions/sa.html with Adelaide
    (where the magill estate is), Eden Valley, McLaren Vale and Clare.
    Although Penfolds is not explicitly mapped, this is enough for me since
    I'm growing hungry (and thirsty!) - call it a day.
    (5:35) Three answers: 
    Call it a day, case tentatively closed.

  2. Place: Dublin, Ireland
    Date: June 11th 1998
    Time: 3:00pm (local time)
    Started search using Fusion
    Query: "penfold's winery" australia
    Clicked on #3 "Penfolds Wines Australia" 
        Skimmed through site, no maps. States that main production centre is
        in Nuriootpa in Barossa Valley, while the original is the Magill
        Vineyard in Adelaide, South Australia. It's 8km from the city centre
        in the surburb of Magill, entrance on Penfold Road.

  3. somewhere in the UK
    12/6/98 start time12.20am finish time 12.45pm
    Load bookmark INfo search - travel channal
    went to maps link
    went to Mercators maps, avoided the australian rail timetable as i
    knew it has only timetables and no further links Went to search
    realised I need to know where penfold's winery is! searched  for -
    australia, winery, wines (case insensitive, all of the words) No
    results searched for - australia, winery, wines (case insensitive, any
    of the words) No results tried 'links and contacts' think this site is
    too 'collectors map's' type. I need something with food and drink
    couldn't take bookmark on world atlas so tried geography from the
    mercator's page clicked Austrilia clicked search went to winery no
    penfold in selections available also unable to put in penfold clicked
    on search typed penfold and got six results one being
    http://www.winetitles.com.au/varietals/cabernet/duval.html Q.E.D

  4. Place: Aberdeen, Scotland
    Date:  12. June 1998
    Time: 2:30PM (local time)
    searched through yahoo for Australia - wineries.
    found penfolds winery.
    Clicked on this url - however could not access the server,
    www.penfolds.com.au gave up.

  5. Iowa City, Iowa, USA
    8 hours for 10 queries over 2 afternoons
            o Submit to Altavista the query: +map +Penfold +Wineries +Australia
            o This query returns 4 matches.
            o The second and third links is the page that are pointers to
              Barrosa valley: South Australia
              (http://atpubs.com.au/barossa/barossa_valley.html). Click on the
              second link
            o This page has a pointer to Barrosa valley wineries map
              (http://atpubs.com.au/barossa/valley_map.html), click on it. The
              map is displayed in a new window.
            o Look down in the main page of Barrosa Valley. There is a pointer
              to Barrosa wineries.  (http://atpubs.com.au/barossa/wineries.html)
              Click on  it.
            o This page contains the list of wineries
              Find Penfold's in this page. It is the number 38. This also has
              information about the schedule to visit the winery.

  6. Tokyo, Japan
    June 12nd, 1998 Local time
    By default, search on Altavista
       12:50 AM
       Query : Australia penfold's winery location map
       ->1 minute
       clicked on 1:
                                    1. The Magill Estate - Cellar Door tours
                                    -> no information
                                    Wine links
                                    Australian wine industry official site
                                    penfold (coonawara)
                                    select coonawara
                                    region map !!
       Result : map on the region

  7. Using a custom front-end tool AltaGCL
    Waterloo, 13 June 15:21
       sidetracked exploring penfold's web site which has no map! (10 min)
       tried "autralia" "wineries" "map"  Used Infoseek and much browsing to
      http://atpubs.com.au/barossa/wineries.html    [key]
      http://atpubs.com.au/barossa/valley_map.html  [map]
      in retrospect, altagcl penfold* wine* map  worked fine.
    Total time: 19 minutes

  8. Waterloo, Canada
    Using a custom front-end tool AltaGCL
    15 June, 9:43am
       query: ("penfold"..("vineyard*" or "winery")) and "australia"
    		and ("map" or "directions") 
       Looking through the solutions, I found the Penfold homepage.
       I then wasted 10 minutes trying to find a map on their site.
       Eventually I realized that this was a waste of time.
       query: "penfold" and "wineries" and "australia"
       found: URL : http://www.about-australia.com/sa/saatt.htm
       time:  2 minutes
       info:  Penfold winery is in the Barossa Valley
       Change strategy, let's look for a map of the valley and hope that
       it shows us where the winery is located.
        query: "barrossa valley" and "map"
        found: URL : http://atpubs.com.au/barossa/barossa_valley.html
        gives: south australia map showing the location of the valley
        found: http://www.nanou.com.au/barossa/map.html
        (the second link is the key to the map which was found by playing
         with the URL)
        The total time is pretty high because I was using a monochrome
        xterminal and I looked at a few other maps before finding the
        one listed.  The maps were impossible to read in the form given
        and "xv" was used to magnify them...
        total time: 40 minutes

  9. At a university in Glasgow, Scotland
    (using more sophisticated techniques)
    there appears to be two wineries of that name in different regions.
     Search for "map wineries Australia" with Metacrawler result:
    Search for wineries and continue on that trail until you get to the actual 
    Maps can be selected from:
    Answer: go to http://www.ozemail.com.au/~wilmap/SA45.HTML and select the
    area you wnat to visit, they will provide teh map you need..... in
    particular go to http://www.ozemail.com.au/~wilmap/SA140.HTML for the
    Penfold winery

  10. Novice WWW searcher!
    Place: San Diego, CA
    Date: June 16, 1998
    Query:	Penfold Winery
    Click on "www.penfolds.com.au"
    Click on "Penfold's Magill Estate"
    Click on "Range"
    Click on "Home"
    Click on "Australian Wine Growing Regions"
    Click on "Wines"
    (Back, Back, Back, Back)
    Click on "maps"
    Click on "MapQuest"
    Click on "Interactive Atlas"
    	Message "map data coming soon" - page not ready yet.
    Gave up internet search at 9:30 am, decided to go to the local Triple A
    office for the maps.

  11. Australia
    Using a query re-formulation tool, the Hyperindex Browser (HiB)
    3.      HiB + Anzwers (chose to run the HiB off the Anzwers search engine
                           as this is the major Australian search engine)
            o entered "penfolds" which produced "penfolds wines australia" as
              one of the query refinements. Used this to beam down which led
              directly to the Penfolds Winery home page - no map showing
              its location
            o using "local" knowledge then used "barossa valley" as query
            o beamed down using the refinement "barossa valley weintal" 
              - got nowhere
            o then beamed down using the refinement "australia barossa valley" 
              The first document abstract titled "Vineyards - SA - Barossa valley"
              looked highly relevant, but when activating the link received
              the error message "server does not have DNS entry"
            o Then scanned downwards through the document abstracts and entry
              number 41 titled "Excite Travel: Barossa Valley" contained the
              keyword "maps". Followed the link and received a page.
            o Followed the link under "Barossa Regional Guide" - could find
              no maps
            o went back to the Excite page
            o followed the link under "Barossa Valley" - the followed the link 
              under "Barossa wineries" which lead to a relevant page:

  12. Place : Nacsis.  Tokyo Japan
    Date : June 18, 1998
    Time : 2:30 PM  (Japan Time)
    Started search on Netscape Navigator
            Query : Australia  Penfold's winery
            Clicked on #7  " Winery Links"
            Clicked on #21  "Penfolds Winery  (Australia)"
            Clicked on "The Magill Estate"
    "located withen the metropolitan area of suburban Adeleid, the south
    State Capital"
            Clicked every bottun
                    But I can't find address anywhere.
            Query : "Map Australia  Adeleid"
            Clicked on "World Travel Net - World Travel Atlas"
            Clicked on "Australia - Australia- Adeleid"
                    But I can't find winery on map
         Finish Time : 3:30PM

  13. At a university in Toronto, Canada
      Trying URL www.penfolds.com.au.
        Clicked all over the web site.  No map.
        They suggest visiting the Magill Estate.  The text implies that
        it is not a main production vineyard, but it is "Penfold wines
        spiritual home" and it appears to be targeted at tourists.  I'll
        assume that the original question was posed by a potential tourist.
        The estate is "very much part of suburban Adelaide, just 8km or a
        15-20 minute taxi ride from the city centre."  Should be easy to
        find a map of Adelaide showing the estate.
      Metacrawler query: Adelaide map
      Clicking on #2: "Excite Travel: Adelaide, South Australia"
        Clicking around.  Nothing useful.
      Clicking on #8: "Partial Map of Adelaide, South Australia"
        Directions on how to get to a hotel.  Not useful.
      Clicking on #11: "Adelaide Map South Australia"
        Ugly, low-resolution map.
      Expanding Metacrawler query: Adelaide map wineries
      Clicking on #1: "Barossa Valley: South Australia"
        Clicking on "Barossa Valley Map".
          A map appeared in a separate window.  It' a sketch map covered with
          location numbers but with no key.
        Looking for a key.  Clicking on "Barossa Wineries".
    	Appears to be a key to the map.  "PENFOLD/KAISER STUHL" is #38.
    	This is not the Magill estate.  Will it do?
      Clicking on #3 "Touring Guide: Adelaide".
        Object not found.
      Clicking on #14.
        A history of Adelaide.  No map.
      (Here follows a half-hour of fruitless searching that I'm not willing
      to take the time to transcribe.  I couldn't find a map showing the
      Magill estate, but it's eight miles east of Adelaide in the town
      of Magill.)

  14. At a university somewhere in Massachusetts, USA
    Using multisearch
    Entered "I need a map showing the location of the Penfold's winery in
    Australia." into multisearch.
    >From InfoSeek, went to
    Searching around this site, there would appear to be no map on it, but the
    pages say the main vineyard in in Adelaide.
    >From WebCrawler, went to
    http://www.csu.edu.au/australia/sa/sa.html, no good
    Entered "map of suburban Adelaide Australia." into multisearch
    >From Excite, went to
    This shows where 'Magill' is, the location of Penfold's winery.  The map
    doesn't show Penfolds road though.

  15. At another university in Glasgow, Scotland
    Query to Altavista: Penfold winery
    Chose Document 1 from the retrieved document list. From this document, I
    found out that the location of the winery is in suburban Adelaide, and that
    also the name used now for it now is Magill.
    >From this document, I followed a link to the Australian winemakers
    homepage, where there were maps of Australian wine growing regions.
    I chose the region of Adelaide, and found a map with the location of the
    Magill (or Penfold) winery on it. The URL is:

  16. Elsewhere in Ottawa, Canada, using AltaVista ...
    ANSWER: http://atpubs.com.au/barossa/valley_map.html
    Queries:	7
    Links:		23
    Time:		40 minutes	(including recording time)
    		I would have been happy with the address
    		and directions which I found before the map
    Query: "Penfold s winery" Australia map location directions
    	rare words and map cognates
    Found out:  "Penfold s winery" occurs on only 2 pages on AltaVista
    	directions is too common a word with wrong meanings
    Query: +"penfold s winery" Australia map location directions
    Found out: Way too specific.
    Followed Link: 55 restaurants
    	The query words did not appear on the newsletter found.
    Query: +penfold* +winery Australia map location directions
    Found: Many Australian pages with tourist information
    (This format below means I followed a chain of links and backed out)
    Followed Link: http://www.home.aone.net.au/chrisa/
    	-> http://www.penfolds.com.au/		(Penfolds Winery)
    	-> http://www.penfolds.com.au/range.html  (The Range)
    	-> http://www.penfolds.com.au/vineyards.html#magill  (Magill)
    No obvious maps, back to the AltaVista results.
    Followed Link: 
    	-> http://www.travelaustralia.com.au/see_contact.works?id=52664
    	   (Penfolds Winery)
    Found: Address but no map, collect geographic information
    	In South Australia
    	Tanunda Rd
    Followed: http://www.sacentral.sa.gov.au/shopping/wine.htm
    	-> http://www.wineaustralia.com.au/
    	-> http://www.wineaustralia.com.au/frame/searchwinery_fr.html
    Query: +penfold* +winery "south australia" nuriootpa tanunda map 
            location directions
    Followed: http://www.about-australia.com/sa/satown.htm
    	-> http://www.tourism.sa.gov.au/Touring_Guide/barossa.htm
    	not found
    Go to MapQuest.com
    	search for nuriootpa, australia
    	Map to Nuriootpa is available but street level map not available.
    Back to previous AV hits list for more links
    Followed:  http://www.penfolds.com.au/events2.html
    	-> http://www.penfolds.com.au/grange/clinic.html
    Followed:  http://www.finalword.com/Touring_Australia/gta_www/gta_186a.htm
    	-> http://www.wordnet.co.uk/wine2.htm
    	-> http://www.penfolds.com.uk
    Add Barossa to key words
    Query: +penfold* barossa "south australia" nuriootpa tanunda map 
            location directions
    Followed:  http://www.flynwa.com/wg/places/Australia/Adelaide/BGVCBD.htm
    	Found:  Explicit directions to the valley
    	Other place names: 
    		"Port Wakefield"
    Followed:  http://www.atn.com.au/sa/south/atract-c.htm
    Query: barossa "port wakefield" lyndoch "south australia" nuriootpa 
           tanunda map location directions
    Drop 'penfold' entirely and add all geographical names
    Followed:  http://atpubs.com.au/barossa/wineries.html
    	-> http://atpubs.com.au/barossa/valley_map.html

  17. France
    Metacrawler: Query: map location "Penfold's winery"
    --> NO results.
    Metacrawler: Penfold winery
    --> 21 results.
    --> 2nd: http://www.penfolds.com.au/
    Penfolds webserver.  I surf for about 5 minutes.  No Map.
    Metacrawler: Penfold winery map
    --> 2 results
    Nothing useful.
    Metacrawler: map penfold
    --> 28 references.
    --> 1st: http://mtx.net.au/~exy/Barossa_Valley.HTML
    title: Barossa Valley: South Australia
    Shows a map of australia, indicating where Barossa Valley is.  A link
    (Barossa Valley Map: http://atpubs.com.au/barossa/valley_map.html) on
    the same page points to a more detailed map of the valley. Another
    link on this page (Barossa wineries) list all wineries (including
    Penfold) and an index, where to find them on the detailed map.
    http://mtx.net.au/~exy/Barossa_Valley.HTML and
    (15 minutes)

  18. Another Australian searcher...
    [9:45am Aus EST]
    SIGIR'98 web site [from bookmark]
        -=> "Tourism"
    	-=> "travel guide"
    	    -=> "Books & Maps"
    		-=> "Victoria's Great Outdoors" Dead end.
    	-=> "Tourism Victoria" [slow to come up...]
    Try Anzwers search [type in www.anzwers.com.au]: "Penfold"
    Too general. Try: "Penfold Winery"
        -=> 1. "Penfolds Magill Estate"
    	-=> Wander site for five minutes. Nada, except winery is in Adelaide.
    type in "www.wine.com.au". No such URL
    Try Anzwers search [type in www.anzwers.com.au]: "Penfold Winery map"
        -=> 2. "Barossa Valley Wineries"
    	-=> "See Baross Valley Map" [new window popped up]
    	See other window for key: Penfold's is #38 on the map. Done.
    [10:00am Aus EST.]

  19. Saarbrucken, Germany 
    22 June 1998, 19:20-21:20 p.m.
    Metacrawler (find all words): map "Penfold's winery"
          - no results
    Metacrawler (find all words): map Penfold
          - second result http://www.dougbarker.clara.net/ 
            (Penfold Adoration Site) was off-topic
          - first result http://mtx.net.au/~exy/Barossa_Valley.HTML 
            (Barossa Valley) contains a link to the Barossa Valley map: 
    	map contains only numbers, but no place names
          - back up to http://mtx.net.au/~exy/Barossa_Valley.HTML (Barossa Valley)
          - follow a link to http://atpubs.com.au/barossa/wineries.html 
            (Barossa Valley Wineries) Penfold's is winery #38
          - go back to Barossa Valley map. I assume that #38 on the map 
            (near Nuriootpa) is Penfold's.
          - go back to Barossa Valley wineries to confirm that Penfold's is 
            indeed near Nuriootpa.

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