Special-Purpose Software: BLUE Extreme Value Type I
Introduction - BLUE WIND
BLUE WIND is a suite of Matlab programs that calculates the
extreme wind speeds corresponding to specified Mean Return
Intervals (MRI) for thunderstorms and non-thunderstorm events
from the NIST database
http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/winds/datasets.htm or from a
user-defined time series of annual wind speed peaks.
The suite consists of:
- The AnnualWindSpeed script which is used to extract the wind
speed annual peak data for thunderstorms and
non-thunderstorms from an Excel sheet populated with wind
speed data from the NIST database.
- The blue8 script which performs the computations.
It fits the data to a Gumbel distribution based on
Lieblein's best linear unbiased estimation (BLUE) as
described in
Lieblein, J. (1974) “Efficient Methods of Extreme Value
Methodology,” NBSIR 74-602, National Bureau of
Standards, Washington, DC 20234.
In addition to the location and scale parameters of the
fitted Gumbel distribution, the Matlab script blue8 returns
extreme wind speeds corresponding to specified Mean Return
- The function bluecoeff, which provides the coefficients of
BLUE for 4 ≤ n epochs ≤ 100. The bluecoeff
script is called by blue8.
These scripts were developed and tested using version 2014b of Matlab.
Introduction - BLUE PRESSURE
BLUE PRESSURE is a suite of Matlab programs that calculates the
extreme positive and negative (suction) wind pressure using
Lieblein's BLUE method.
The suite consists of:
- The Matlab function blue4pressure, which estimates the
extreme pressures and calls bluecoeff.
- The function bluecoeff, which provides the coefficients of
BLUE for 4 ≤ n epochs ≤ 100.
These scripts were developed and tested using version 2014b of Matlab.
Download Files for Wind Speed
The following files are available for download:
blue_wind_manual.docx - User's Guide
(Word format).
- blue8.m - this Matlab script estimates
the extreme wind speeds and calls bluecoeff.
- bluecoeff.m - this Matlab script
is called by blue8 to provide the coefficients of BLUE for
4 ≤ n epochs ≤ 100.
- AnnualWindSpeed.m - given
the name of the Excel sheet from the NIST database, this
Matlab script extracts the time series of annual peaks of
thunderstorm and non-thunderstorm wind speeds.
The following files are tutorial examples.
- wind_speed.m - sample Matlab
script to compute wind speed extremes using the Excel sheet
It uses the AnnualWindSpeed.m Matlab script to perform the
data extraction and blue8.m to perform the calculations.
- wind_speed2.m - sample Matlab
script to compute wind speed extremes from the
WASP.csv file. It uses blue8.m to
perform the calculations. It assumes the WASP.csv file is
in the C:\windPRESSURE directory.
- Bakersfield_723840.xlsx
- sample Excel file used by the wind_speed.m script (Excel
- WASP.csv - sample ASCII file used by
the wind_speed2.m script (ASCII file).
Download Files for Pressure
The following files are available for download:
blue_pressure_manual.docx - User's Guide
(Word format).
- blue4pressure.m - this
Matlab script performs the BLUE estimation for pressure
- bluecoeff.m - this Matlab script
is called by blue4pressure to provide the coefficients of
BLUE for 4 ≤ n epochs ≤ 100.
The following files are tutorial examples.
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Date created: 01/04/2017
Last updated: 04/26/2023
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