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Dataplot: Text Files

Introduction The Dataplot distribution comes with a number of text files that contain various types of reference information

The links for these file are to the NIST ftp site. If you have downloaded and installed Dataplot, local copies of the files are available in the "TEXT" subdirectory of the Dataplot auxillary directory. For Windows, the default auxillary directory is "C:\DATAPLOT". For Unix/Linux, the default auxillary directory is "/usr/local/lib/dataplot".

LIST Command You may view any of these files within Dataplot by entering the command
    LIST <file-name>
where <file-name> is one of the files listed below.
Specifying the Location of the Dataplot Auxillary Directory If Dataplot cannot find the requested file when you enter a LIST command, this indicates that the Dataplot auxillary directory is not installed in the expected location on your local platform. Contact your local system installer to determine the location of the Dataplot auxillary directory on your local platform.

If the Dataplot auxillary directory is not in the default location, you can define the environment variable DATAPLO$ (on Windows and Unix/Linux platforms) to tell Dataplot where the Dataplot auxillary directory is actually located. The Dataplot installation notes contain instructions for defining this variable for Windows and Unix/Linux platforms. For other platforms, contact your local system installer for guidance.

Built-In Dataplot Text Files
2KINDEX.TXT 2(k -p) experimental designs ordered by factors and runs
2TO3.TXT Full factorial experimental designs with 2 levels, 3 factors, 4 runs
AREACOD2.TXT United States phone area codes ordered alphabetically by state (no longer up to date)
AREACODE.TXT United States phone area codes ordered numerically (no longer up to date)
AREAS.TXT Area formulae for geometric figures
ASCII.TXT ASCII numeric equivalents
ATOMS.TXT Relative number of atoms of elements in universe
BALDAPPL.TXT Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award 1995 application information
BALDCRIT.TXT Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award 1995 examination categories
BALDFRAM.TXT Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award 1995 criteria framework
BALDREFE.TXT Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award 1995 literature reference
BALDRIGE.TXT Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award 1991 examination categories
BARKEREX.TXT Index of selected examples from "text/Quality by Experimental Design"text/ by Barker
BINTAILP.TXT Binary tail probabilities
BOXCOX.TXT Box-Cox variance stabilizing transformation
BOXEXAMP.TXT Index of selected examples from "text/Statistics for Experimenters"text/ by Box, Hunter, and Hunter
BOXINDEX.TXT Index of selected examples from "text/Statistics for Experimenters"text/ with corresponding
CONSTANT.TXT Mathematical, physical, and engineering constants
CONVFACT.TXT Conversion factors between metrics/units
DEFAULTS.TXT Dataplot default settings
DEMING14.TXT Demming's 14 "text/deadly diseases" (industrial quality)
DEMING7.TXT Demming's seven "text/dreadful diseases" (industrial quality)
DEXCONT.TXT Typical command sequence in using DEXCONT.DP
DEXCONT2.TXT Typical command sequence in using DEXCONT2.DP
DEXEXAMP.TXT Index of Dataplot design of experiment example data files
DEXNIST.TXT NIST design of experiment examples
DEXPLANS.TXT Index of design of experiment plans
DEXRES4.TXT Index of minimal sample size resolution for 2(k - p) designs
DEXSTAT2.TXT Typical command sequence for using DEXSTAT2.DP
DEXSUMS2.TXT Design of experiment plan sheet
DEXSUMSH.TXT Design of experiment summary sheet
DPGUI.TXT Description of graphical user interface for PC version (describes the original Turbo C interface, not the current Tcl/Tk based system)
FEDPAY88.TXT U. S. Federal salary scale for 1988
HOT.TXT The 10 hottest locations in the U. S.
ISHIKAW4.TXT The four usual "text/M" components in Ishikawa cause and effect diagram
JAPAN3.TXT The three modern concepts in Japanese industry
JAPAN6.TXT Japan's 6-point program for quality manufacturing
JAPANU.TXT Japan's three U's to be eliminated in the work area
JAPANW.TXT Japan's five W's (and one H) for component analysis
JOBS.TXT Fastest growing jobs requiring college degrees
KACKER.TXT Ragu Kacker's seven summary points of Taguchi's philosophy
LATITUDE.TXT Lattitude and longitude of U. S. cities
MORTGAGE.TXT Washingto DC 30 year mortgage rates (12/87)
NEWTOOLS.TXT The "text/7 New Tools" for quality control
NORPPCC.TXT Percent points of the normal probability plot
OLDTOOLS.TXT The "text/7 Old Tools" for problem solving
PDF.TXT Probability density functions for various distributions
PERIM.TXT Perimeter formulae for geometric figures
PERIODIC.TXT Periodic table elements
POSTCODE.TXT U. S. postal state codes (sorted alphabetically)
POSTRATE.TXT April 1988 postal rates for various weights
PPF.TXT Percent point functions for various distributions
PRINCIPL.TXT General principles of experiment design and analysis
PROPERR.TXT Propagation of error formulae
QUAL7OLD.TXT The 7 (Old) Tools for problem solving
QUALCOST.TXT Japan's definition and four components of "text/quality cost"
QUALTAG.TXT Taguchi quality references
SNOWY.TXT The 10 snowiest places in the U. S.
SPECTRUM.TXT Electromagnetic spectrum by frequency
TAGINDEX.TXT Index of Taguchi orthogonal experiment designs ordered by factors, runs, and levels
TAX1979.TXT 1979 federal income tax rates
TAX1987.TXT 1987 federal income tax rates
TIMEMANA.TXT Six techniques for time management
VOLUMES.TXT Volume formulae for geometric figures
WINDCHIL.TXT Windchill factor curves
WORKSTAT.TXT Top 10 workstations in 1986

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Date created: 06/05/2001
Last updated: 10/11/2017

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