DATAPLOT is a powerful and flexible program for performing
scientific, engineering, statistical, mathematical, and
graphical analysis. It is an interactive, command-driven
language/system with English-like syntax. It was
developed in response to data analysis problems
encountered at the National Bureau of Standards (now
the National Institute of Standards and Technology)
DATAPLOT is primarily written in Fortran-77, highly portable,
and runs on mainframes, minicomputers, workstations, and PC's.
Its capabilities include:
Summary of Capabilities
A summary of Dataplot's capabilities includes:
- Raw Graphics
2D, 3D, contour, color, multi-traces, multi-plots/page,
character/line/spike/bar plots, auto-labeling,
auto-scaling, legends, sizing, etc.
- Analysis Graphics
Plotting data, plotting functions, mixing data and
functions, plotting modeling residuals
- Presentation Graphics
Hershey fonts, Greek, math, word charts for slides,
3-D bars, Postscript
- Summary Graphics
Pie charts, histograms, stratified histograms, Pareto
charts, error bar plots, X-Y plots, etc.
- Diagrammatic Graphics
Geometric symbols, electrical symbols, logic diagrams,
schematics, etc.
- Graphical Data Analysis
Histograms, bihistograms, scatter plots, probability
plots, PPCC plots, Box-Cox normality plots, Box-Cox
linearity plots, symmetry plots, ANOP plots,
quantile-quantile plots, multiplotting, statistic
subset plots
- Exploratory Data Analysis
Box plots, stem-and-leaf diagrams,
rootograms, median polish, scatter plots,
robust smoothing, lowess, biweighting, robust
linear/polynomial/non-linear fitting, Box-Cox
transformations, general transformations, bootstrap
plots, jackknife plots, 4-PLOT assumptions testing,
scatter plot matrices, comparative multiplotting
- Time Series Analysis
Lag plots, autocorrelation plots, periodograms,
spectral plots, complex demodulation plots, Allan
variance plots, Fourier plots, cross-spectral plots,
coherency spectral plots, argand plots, gain plots,
runs analysis
- Smoothing
Moving agerage, moving midmean, triangular, general
least squares polynomial smoothing, robust, 3RSR, lowess
- Fitting
Linear, polynomial, multi-linear, user-definable
non-linear, general spline, graphical residual analysis,
auto-predicted values and residuals, auto-lack-of-fit
F testing, intercept/slop/residual sd/correlation
subset plotting, Box-Cox transformational linearity
plotting, Tukey biweight/tricube robust fitting, cubic
spline interpolation
- General Data Analysis
Location/variation/randomness/distribution summaries,
t-test, Chi-squared tests, F tests, ANOVA, general
transformations, subset analyses, Youden interlab plots
- Statistics/Probability Calculations
Summary tabulation and cross-tab, library of probability
functions, cdf's, pdf's, on-line auxiliary file of
common probability functions, random number generation,
random permutations generation, simulation, moment
calculations, stat calculations, stat subset plots
- Multivariate Analysis
Star plots, profile plots, principal components,
Andrews curves, scatter plot matrix, condition
plots, multiplotting
- Experiment Design
On-line design files, (comparative, factorial,
Taguchi, response surface designs), random permutations,
scatter plots, sign plots, Pareto plots, DEX statistic
plots, main effects plots, interaction plots, 2-factor
statistic plots, Taguchi signal-to-noise plots, Cpk
plots, expected loss plots, etc., predicted value
contour plots, Yates 2k analysis,
summary square and cube plots, tutorial data files,
design simulator, on-line generators and confounding
structure file, Ishikawa diagrams
- Statistical Process Control
Xbar charts, range charts, s control charts, p/Np/C/U
control charts
- Reliability
Weibull plot, Weibull Probability plot, Weibull PPCC
plot, survival plots
- Mathematics
On-line function parsing, plotting functions, roots,
analytic differentiation, integration, convolution,
extensive library of math functions, complex arithmetic
operations, complex roots, FFT, matrix operations
(inverse, norm, minor, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, etc.),
set operations (union, intersection, Cartesian product,
etc.}, polynomial arithmetic operations, logical set
operations (and, or, nand, nor), differential equation
solver, simplex LP solver, fractal plots
DATAPLOT can be downloaded
via the web. Pre-built executables are available for several
common Linux/Unix platforms, Mac OS X, and for
Windows XP/VISTA/7/8. Source code is available for systems where
a pre-built executable is not available.
For assistance with downloading or set-up of DATAPLOT, contact
Alan Heckert or
Jim Filliben.
Date created: 06/05/2001
Last updated: 02/13/2023
Please email comments on this WWW page to
[email protected].