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Dataplot Vol 2 Vol 1


    ISO 13528 ZSCORE (LET)
    Let Subcommand
    Generate a z-score based on the ISO 13528 standard.
    The standard definition of a z-score is

      Z(i) = (X(i) - xbar)/s

    with xbar and s denoting the sample mean and standard deviation, respectively.

    The ISO 13528 standard for proficiency testing defines the following z-score

      Z(i) = (X(i) - Xref)/sigma

    with Xref and sigma denoting the "assigned value" and the standard deviation of the proficiency assessment, respectively.

    Determing an assigned value is discussed on pages 5-10 of the standard. Determining a value for sigma is discussed on pages 15-18 of the standard.

    Since there are a mumber of different methods for determining Xref and sigma, these values will be defined by the user rather than being determined from the data.

    The ISO 13528 standard recommends that z-scores with an absolute value greater than 3 should be considered an "action signal" and those with an absolute value greater than 2 should be considered a "warning signal".

    LET <y> = ISO 13528 ZSCORE <x> <xref> <sigma>
                            <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <x> is the response variable;
                <xref> is a parameter that defines the assigned value;
                <sigma> is a parameter that defines the assigned value;
                <y> is a variable where the z-score values are stored;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.
Related Commands: Reference:
    ISO 13528, First Edition, Statistical Methods for Use in Proficiency Testing by Interlaboratory Comparisons, 2005, pp. 25-26.
    Proficiency Testing
Implementation Date:
    .  Note: this example is just meant to demostrate the
    .        mechanics of the command.  This is not in fact
    .        proficiency data, but it can be used to demonstrate
    .        how to use the command.
    skip 25
    read gear.dat y x
    let xref  = 1.
    let sigma = sd y
    let yz = iso 13528 zscore y xref sigma
    set write decimals 3
    print x y yz
    The following output is generated.
                  X              Y             YZ
              1.000          1.006          0.955
              1.000          0.996         -0.637
              1.000          0.998         -0.318
              1.000          1.000          0.000
              1.000          0.992         -1.274
              1.000          0.993         -1.114
              1.000          1.002          0.318
              1.000          0.999         -0.159
              1.000          0.994         -0.955
              1.000          1.000          0.000
              2.000          0.998         -0.318
              2.000          1.006          0.955
              2.000          1.000          0.000
              2.000          1.002          0.318
              2.000          0.997         -0.477
              2.000          0.998         -0.318
              2.000          0.996         -0.637
              2.000          1.000          0.000
              2.000          1.006          0.955
              2.000          0.988         -1.911
              3.000          0.991         -1.433
              3.000          0.987         -2.070
              3.000          0.997         -0.477
              3.000          0.999         -0.159
              3.000          0.995         -0.796
              3.000          0.994         -0.955
              3.000          1.000          0.000
              3.000          0.999         -0.159
              3.000          0.996         -0.637
              3.000          0.996         -0.637
              4.000          1.004          0.796
              4.000          1.002          0.318
              4.000          0.994         -0.955
              4.000          1.000          0.000
              4.000          0.995         -0.796
              4.000          0.994         -0.955
              4.000          0.998         -0.318
              4.000          0.996         -0.637
              4.000          1.002          0.318
              4.000          0.996         -0.637
              5.000          0.998         -0.318
              5.000          0.998         -0.318
              5.000          0.982         -2.866
              5.000          0.990         -1.592
              5.000          1.002          0.318
              5.000          0.984         -2.548
              5.000          0.996         -0.637
              5.000          0.993         -1.114
              5.000          0.980         -3.185
              5.000          0.996         -0.637
              6.000          1.008          1.433
              6.000          1.012          2.070
              6.000          1.008          1.433
              6.000          0.997         -0.477
              6.000          0.988         -1.911
              6.000          1.002          0.318
              6.000          0.995         -0.796
              6.000          0.998         -0.318
              6.000          0.981         -3.026
              6.000          0.996         -0.637
              7.000          0.990         -1.592
              7.000          1.004          0.637
              7.000          0.996         -0.637
              7.000          1.000          0.159
              7.000          0.998         -0.318
              7.000          1.000          0.000
              7.000          1.018          2.866
              7.000          1.010          1.592
              7.000          0.996         -0.637
              7.000          1.002          0.318
              8.000          0.998         -0.318
              8.000          1.000          0.000
              8.000          1.006          0.955
              8.000          1.000          0.000
              8.000          1.002          0.318
              8.000          0.996         -0.637
              8.000          0.998         -0.318
              8.000          0.996         -0.637
              8.000          1.002          0.318
              8.000          1.006          0.955
              9.000          1.002          0.318
              9.000          0.998         -0.318
              9.000          0.996         -0.637
              9.000          0.995         -0.796
              9.000          0.996         -0.637
              9.000          1.004          0.637
              9.000          1.004          0.637
              9.000          0.998         -0.318
              9.000          0.999         -0.159
              9.000          0.991         -1.433
             10.000          0.991         -1.433
             10.000          0.995         -0.796
             10.000          0.984         -2.548
             10.000          0.994         -0.955
             10.000          0.997         -0.477
             10.000          0.997         -0.477
             10.000          0.991         -1.433
             10.000          0.998         -0.318
             10.000          1.004          0.637
             10.000          0.997         -0.477

Date created: 01/27/2012
Last updated: 01/27/2012
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