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where \( n \) is the sample size. The Gini mean difference was proposed by Gini (1912) and is the average absolute differences in all pairs of observations. Note that this is a measure of dispersion that does not depend on a measure of location.
<SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> where <y> is the response variable; <par> is a parameter where the computed Gini mean difference is stored; and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.
Gini (1921), "Measurement of Inequality in Incomes," The Economic Journal, 31, pp. 124-126.
SKIP 25 READ ROSNER.DAT Y . BOOTSTRAP SAMPLES 10000 TITLE CASE ASIS LABEL CASE ASIS CASE ASIS . TITLE Bootstrap Plot for Gini Mean Difference X1LABEL Bootstrap Sample X2LABELDataset: ROSNER.DAT Y1LABEL Gini Mean Difference . BOOTSTRAP GIN MEAN DIFFERENCE PLOT Y . LET LCL = ROUND(B025,3) LET UCL = ROUND(B975,3) JUSTIFICATION CENTER MOVE 50 5 TEXT Lower 95% Confidence Limit: ^LCL, Upper 95% Confidence Limit: ^UCL LINE DOTTED LINE COLOR RED DRAWSDSD 15 ^LCL 85 ^LCL DRAWSDSD 15 ^UCL 85 ^UCLThe following output is generated Bootstrap Analysis for the GINI MEAN DIFFERENCE Response Variable One: Y Number of Bootstrap Samples: 10000 Number of Observations: 50 Mean of Bootstrap Samples: 1.13362 Standard Deviation of Bootstrap Samples: 0.16878 Median of Bootstrap Samples: 1.13333 MAD of Bootstrap Samples: 0.11439 Minimum of Bootstrap Samples: 0.55771 Maximum of Bootstrap Samples: 1.71342 Percent Points of the Bootstrap Samples ----------------------------------- Percent Point Value ----------------------------------- 0.1 = 0.63803 0.5 = 0.71597 1.0 = 0.75432 2.5 = 0.81257 5.0 = 0.85786 10.0 = 0.91725 20.0 = 0.98941 50.0 = 1.13333 80.0 = 1.27518 90.0 = 1.35585 95.0 = 1.41879 97.5 = 1.47064 99.0 = 1.52013 99.5 = 1.56189 99.9 = 1.63985 Percentile Confidence Interval for Statistic ------------------------------------------ Confidence Lower Upper Coefficient Limit Limit ------------------------------------------ 50.00 1.01674 1.24562 75.00 0.93664 1.33103 90.00 0.85786 1.41879 95.00 0.81257 1.47064 99.00 0.71597 1.56189 99.90 0.61387 1.65573 ------------------------------------------ Program 2: SKIP 25 READ GEAR.DAT Y X . TITLE CASE ASIS LABEL CASE ASIS CASE ASIS . CHARACTER CIRCLE BLANK CHARACTER HW 1 0.75 CHARACTER FILL ON LINE BLANK SOLID . XLIMITS 1 10 MAJOR X1TIC MARK NUMBER 10 MINOR X1TIC MARK NUMBER 0 TIC MARK OFFSET UNITS DATA X1TIC MARK OFFSET 0.5 0.5 . Y1LABEL Gini Mean Difference X1LABEL Batch ID TITLE Gini Mean Difference Plot for GEAR.DAT . GINI MEAN DIFFERENCE PLOT Y X
Date created: 07/14/2023 |
Last updated: 07/14/2023 Please email comments on this WWW page to alan.heckert@nist.gov. |