To pass arguments to a macro, do something like
Up tp 10 arguments may be passed (although limits on command line lengths still apply). Arguments containing spaces or hyphens should be enclosed in quotes. The character limit for a single argument is 40 characters. In the SAMPLE.DP macro, if a $1 is encountered, it will be replaced with "arg1", if a $2 is encountered, it will be replaced with "arg2" and so on. A $0 will substitute the number of arguments given on the CALL command. This substitution will only occur if a command line is contained within a macro (i.e., if no macro is active, the "$" will not signal any substitution and it will remain in the command line as given). Dataplot currently only supports one level of argument substitition for macros. That is, the values of the macro arguments (i.e., the $1, $2, etc.) will contain the values given by the most recent CALL command that specified at least one argument. If you need to nest CALL commands with macro arguments, the recommended work around is to have the higher level macro extract any macro arguments passed to it into temporary variables or strings before calling any other macros. For example, supposse SAMPLE.DP needs to call SAMPLE2.DP with arguments. You could do something like the following in SAMPLE.DP:
let string zzzzs1 = $1 let string zzzzs2 = $2 let string zzzzs3 = $3 ... call sample2.dp newarg1 newarg2 The default character for argument substitution is the "$". To use a different character, enter the command The MACRO SUBSTITUTION CHARACTER command allows you to specify a character other than "$" to signify argument substitution.
where <char> is the character to use as the macro substitution character.
print "Arg 2: $2" If you initiate this macro with the command
then the sub.dp macro will print
Arg 2: arg 2 If you enter
call sub.dp "arg 1" "arg 2" then the sub.dp macro will print
Arg 2: "arg 2" That is, the quotes enclosing the arguments will not be stripped off. This may be useful if you want the called macro to distinguish between arguments that denote literal text from those that denote the name of a previously defined string or parameter. That is, arguments to be interpreted as literal text will be enclosed in quotes and those that denote previously defined parameters or strings will not be enclosed in quotes. Note that in this case it is the responsibility of the called macro to decide how to interpret the arguments and to strip off the enclosing quotes if needed. To restore the default of stripping off the enclosing quotes, enter
The first way is to call a macro with NULL as the first argument. This clears the command line argument list and sets the number of arguments to 0 (i.e., $0 will be 0). The second way is to enter the comamnd
Then in "macro.dp", substitutions would occur for $y, $x, and $title. Analogous to how $0 returns the number of command line arguments, the sequence $00 returns the number of named command line arguments.
If a particular argument has spaces or hypens, it should be enclosed
in quotes. The "
rather than
You may include one or more spaces on either side of the "="
sign. The use of spaces around the "=" sign is optional.
The use of named arguments can be useful when you have multiple
arguments and you would like one or more of the arguments to be
optional (i.e., a default value will be used if the argument is
not provided).
The use of ordered arguments ($1, $2, etc.) and named arguments
(e.g., $y, $title, etc.) can be mixed. For example, $4 in the
called subroutine will substitute the fourth argument in the
list regardless of whether it is a named argument in the calling
It is up to the called macro to support either orded arguments only,
named arguments only, or both orded and named arguments.
Although ordered arguments and named arguments can be mixed, the
called macro will typically be simpler if they are not mixed.
Arguments names should be 8 characters or fewer. They should not
start with a numeric value (e.g., 1Y should not be used) to avoid
ambiguity with ordered arguments. That is, $1Y will actually
substitute for "$1" rather than "$1Y.
Specifically, the following are all acceptable ways to enter the same argument list. Previously supported:
call test.dp zy=y "target=for i = 1 1 50" x New formats:
call test.dp zy=y,"target=for i = 1 1 50",x call test.dp (y,"for i = 1 1 50",x) call test.dp ( y, "for i = 1 1 50",x ) call test.dp (zy=y, "target=for i = 1 1 50",zx=x) call test.dp ( zy=y, "target=for i = 1 1 50",zx=x ) call test.dp (zy=y, target="for i = 1 1 50",zx=x) call test.dp ( zy=y, target="for i = 1 1 50",zx=x ) The choice of which syntax to use is primarily a matter of personal preference.
This will list the currently defined ordered command line arguments and then list the currently defined named arguments.
where <name> is the command line argument name you are checking for. If <name> is found in the current list of command line arguments, a value of 1 is returned. If <name> is not found, a value of 0 is returned. This provides a way for the called macro to check if a specific named argument was given. For example,
PROBE COMMAND LINE ARGUMENT Y IF PROBEVAL = 1 LET Y = $Y ELSE PRINT "The Y argument was not specified" ENDIF Alternatively, you can use
So the above example would be
IF COMMAND LINE ARGUMENT Y EXISTS LET Y = $Y ELSE PRINT "The Y argument was not specified" ENDIFDefault:
2016/05: Added SET MACRO QUOTE STRIP command 2016/09: Added NULL option and RESET COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS 2016/10: Support for named arguments 2018/04: Support for additional methods for passing arguments MACRO SUBSTITUTION CHARACTER @ LET Y = NORMAL RAND NUMBERS FOR I = 1 1 100 CALL HIST.DP "Title for Sample Plot" Ywhere HIST.DP contains the lines TITLE @1 HISTOGRAM @2
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