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Dataplot Commands

Contents This is a dictionary of Dataplot commands and keywords as of 4/1993. New commands are documented in the auxillary chapters of Volume I and Volume II of the Dataplot Reference Manual.
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E
  6. F
  7. G
  8. H
  9. I
  10. J
  11. K
  12. L
  13. M
  14. N
  15. O
  16. P
  17. Q
  18. R
  19. S
  20. T
  21. U
  22. V
  23. W
  24. X
  25. Y
  26. Z
  27. Miscellaneous


A.DP PR-FI Generate a block plot for BOXSHOES.DAT
ABS(X) FUNC Compute absolute value
AC.DAT DA-FI Air conditioner performance (6 factors)
ALLAN STAN DEVIATION PLOT GR-CO Generate an Allan standard deviation plot
ALLAN VARIANCE PLOT GR-CO Generate an Allan variance plot
ALPH() CH/SY Write/draw Greek alpha
AMPLIFIER WC-CO Draw an amplifier
AMPLITUDE SPECTRAL PLOT GR-CO Generate amplitude spectral plot
AND WC-CO Draw an and box
AND RESW Used with PLOT, etc for multi-trace plot
ANDREWS INCREMENT SU-CO Specify x axis increment for ANDREWS PLOT
ANDREWS PLOT GR-CO Generate Andrew's curves
ANGLE WC-CO Set angle for TEXT strings
ANGLE UNITS WC-CO Define angle units for ANGLE command
ANOP LIMITS SU-CO Set limits for region in ANOP Plot
ANOP PLOT GR-CO Generate ANOP plot
ANOVA AN-CO Perform an analysis of variance
APPEND SU-CO Append a variable to end of another variable
APPR() CH/SY Write/draw approximatly equal to
AQUA AR-CO Set color to aquamarine
ARC WC-CO Draw an arc
ARCCOS(X) FUNC Compute arccosine
ARCCOSH(X) FUNC Compute hyperbolic arccosine
ARCCOT(X) FUNC Compute arccotangent
ARCCOTH(X) FUNC Compute hyperbolic arccotangent
ARCCSC(X) FUNC Compute arccosecant
ARCCSCH(X) FUNC Compute hyperbolic arccosecant
ARCSEC(X) FUNC Compute arcsecant
ARCSECH(X) FUNC Compute hyperbolic arcsecant
ARCSIN(X) FUNC Compute arcsine
ARCSINH(X) FUNC Compute hyperbolic arcsine
ARCTAN(X) FUNC Compute arctangent
ARCTANH(X) FUNC Compute hyperbolic arctangent
AREACODE.TEX RE-FI U. S. phone area codes (alphabet. by state)
AREACOD2.TEX RE-FI U. S. phone area codes (ordered numeric.)
AREAS.TEX RE-FI Area formulae for geometric figures
ARGAND SPECTRAL PLOT GR-CO Generate argand spectral plot
ARRD() CH/SY Write/draw arrow pointing down
ARRH AR-CH Set plot character to an arrow
ARRL() CH/SY Write/draw arrow pointing left
ARROW WC-CO Draw an arrow
ARROW AR-CH Set plot character to an arrow
ARROW ... COLOR PC-CO Set colors for arrows on plots
ARROW ... COORDINATES PC-CO Set location of arrows on plots
ARROW ... PATTERN PC-CO Set line type of arrows on plots
ARROW ... THICKNESS PC-CO Set line thickness of arrows on plots
ARROWD AR-CH Set plot character to arrow down
ARROWU AR-CH Set plot character to arrow up
ARRR() CH/SY Write/draw arrow pointing right
ARRU() CH/SY Write/draw arrow pointing up
ASCII.TEX RE-FI ASCII numeric equivalents
ASF11.DAT DA-FI Amer Samoa mon fre-11 (1977-86) (Time Series)
ASF12.DAT DA-FI Amer Samoa mon fre-12 (1977-86) (Time Series)
ASN2O.DAT DA-FI Amer Samoa mon N2O (1977-86) (Time Series)
ASCO2.DAT DA-FI Amer Samoa mon CO2 (1973-86) (Time Series)
ATOMS.TEX RE-FI Relative num of atoms of elements in univ
AUTOCORRELATION SC-LE Compute sample autocorrelation
AUTOCORRELATION PLOT GR-CO Generate autocorrelation plot
AUTOCORRELATION STAT PLOT GR-CO Generate autocorrelation (vs. subset) plot
AUTOCOVARIANCE SC-LE Compute sample autocovariance
AUTOMATIC RESW Set a switch to "automatic" position
AUTOPLOT ???(OBS) SU-CO Set switch (ON/OFF) for auto-plot-regen
AUTOSPECTRAL PLOT GR-CO Generate autospectral plot
AUTO83.DAT DA-FI EPA auto miles per gallon (Multivariate)
AUTO83B.DAT DA-FI EPA auto miles per gallon (T Test)


B... RESW Params with comput. WEIBULL PLOT percent pts
B.DP PR-FI Generate a block plot for SHEESLE2.DAT
BACKGROUND COLOR PC-CO Set color of background (= inside frame)
BACKGROUND COLOR WC-CO Set color of background after next ERASE
BAKER2.DAT DA-FI Force calibration (Time Series)
BALLSTIC.DP PR-FI Program to generate ball & stick Pareto plot
BAR PC-CO Set switch (ON/OFF) for bars on plots
BAR BASE PC-CO Set base location for bars on plots
BAR BORDER COLOR PC-CO Set color of border on bars
BAR BORDER LINE PC-CO Set line type for border on bars
BAR BORDER THICKNESS PC-CO Set thickness of border on bars
BAR DIMENSION PC-CO Set bar dimension to 2d or 3d
BAR DIRECTION PC-CO Set bar dirction (H/V)
BAR EXPANSION PC-CO Control the bar size for the block plot
BAR FILL PC-CO Set switch (ONXX/OFF) for bar fill subregion
BAR FILL COLOR PC-CO Set (background) color of bar fill
BAR PATTERN PC-CO Set type of pattern for bar fill
BAR PATTERN COLOR PC-CO Set line color in bar fill pattern
BAR PATTERN LINE PC-CO Set pattern line type within bars
BAR PATTERN LINE TYPE PC-CO Set line type in fill pattern
BAR PATTERN SPACING PC-CO Set line spacing in bar fill pattern
BAR PATTERN THICKNESS PC-CO Set line thickness in bar fill pattern
BAR PLOT [obsolete] GR-CO Generate a bar plot
BAR WIDTH PC-CO Set width for bars on plots
BAR() CH/SY Write/draw bar
BARH() CH/SY Write/draw horizontal bar
BARKEREX.TEX RE-FI Index of examples from Barker textbook
BARPLOT6.DP PR-FI Program to generate Pareto bar plot
BARV() CH/SY Write/draw vertical bar
BASL() CH/SY Write/draw backslash
BATCH GD-CO Set device 1 to 130 character alpha device
BAUD RATE SU-CO Set baud rate
BEAM.DP PR-FI Solve elastic beam (Differential Equation)
BELL PC-CO Set automatic pre-plot bell (ON/OFF)
BERGER1.DAT DA-FI Alaska Pipeline radiographic cal (Regression)
BESS0(X) FUNC Compute Bessel func 1st kind & order 0
BESS1(X) FUNC Compute Bessel func 1st kind & order 1
BETA PROBABILITY PLOT GR-CO Generate beta probability plot
BETA RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate beta random numbers
BETA() CH/SY Write/draw Greek beta
BIHISTOGRAM GR-CO Generate a bi-histogram plot
BIHIST.DP PR-FI Generate a bihistogram for AUTO83B.DAT
BINOMIAL PROBABILITY PLOT GR-CO Generate binomial probability plot
BINOMIAL RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate binomial random numbers
BINPAT FUNC Generate column of a Yates design
BINTAILP.TEX RE-FI Binary tail probabilities
BIOMED3.DAT DA-FI Biomedical (Multivariate)
BIWEIGHT SC-LE Compute biweight (robust) transformation
BLACK AR-CO Set color to black
BLANK AR-CH Set plot character to blank
BLANK AR-LI Set line type to blank (= none)
BLANK POSTSCRIPT GD-CO Control blank page (device 3, Postscript)
BLOCK PLOT GR-CO Generate a block plot
BLUE AR-CO Set color to blue
BLU2 AR-CO Set color to blue2
BLU3 AR-CO Set color to blue3
BLU4 AR-CO Set color to blue4
BOOTBERG.DP PR-FI Bootstrap linear slope analysis (BERGER1.DAT)
BOOTBER2.DP PR-FI Bootstrap inverse cal analysis (BERGER1.DAT)
BOOTLEW.DP PR-FI Bootstrap location analysis (LEW1.DAT)
BOOTMARS.DP PR-FI Bootstrap location analysis (MARSHAK.DAT)
BOOTSIMI.DP PR-FI Bootstrap analysis for unsupported statistic
BOOTSTRAP INDEX SC-LE Generate bootstrap index (rand samp w repl)
BOOTSTRAP SAMPLE SC-LE Generate bootstrap sample (rand samp w repl)
BOOTSTRAP MEAN PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap mean plot
BOOTSTRAP MIDMEAN PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap midmean plot
BOOTSTRAP MEDIAN PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap median plot
BOOTSTRAP SD PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap standard deviation plot
BOOTSTRAP VARIANCE PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap variance plot
BOOTSTRAP RELATIVE SD PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap relative st. dev. plot
BOOTSTRAP RANGE PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap range plot
BOOTSTRAP MINIMUM PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap minimum plot
BOOTSTRAP MAXIMUM PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap maximum plot
BOOTSTRAP SKEWNESS PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap skewness plot
BOOTSTRAP KURTOSIS PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap kurtosis plot
BOOTSTRAP AUTOCORR PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap autocorrelation plot
BOOTSTRAP SD OF MEAN PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap st. dev. of the mean plot
BOOTSTRAP AUTOCOV PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap autocovariance plot
BOOTSTRAP RANK COVAR PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap rank covariance plot
BOOTSTRAP LOWER HINGE PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap lower hinge plot
BOOTSTRAP UPPER HINGE PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap upper hinge plot
BOOTSTRAP LOWER QUAR PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap lower quartile plot
BOOTSTRAP UPPER QUAR PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap upper quartile plot
BOOTSTRAP TRIMMED MEAN PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap trimmed mean plot
BOOTSTRAP WIND MEAN PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap Windsorized mean plot
BOOTSTRAP ... DECILE PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap ... decile plots
BOOTSTRAP SINE FREQ PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap sine frequency plot
BOOTSTRAP SINE AMPL PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap sine amplitude plot
BOOTSTRAP LINEAR INTE PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap linear intercept plot
BOOTSTRAP LINEAR SLOPE PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap linear slope plot
BOOTSTRAP LINEAR RESSD PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap linear resid. s.d. plot
BOOTSTRAP LINEAR CORR PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap linear correlation plot
BOOTSTRAP TAGUCHI SN.. PLOT GR-CO Generate bootstrap Taguchi S/N plots
BOWEN.DAT DA-FI Dental polysac adhesion (3 factors)
BOX WC-CO Draw a box
BOX ... COLOR PC-CO Set colors for box frame on plots
BOX ... COORDINATES PC-CO Set location of boxes on plots
BOX ... FILL COLOR PC-CO Set the color for the interiors of boxes
BOX ... FILL GAP PC-CO Set the gap between lines for box fills
BOX ... FILL LINE PC-CO Set the line style for box fills
BOX ... FILL THICKNESS PC-CO Set the line thickness for box fills
BOX ... PATTERN PC-CO Set line pattern of boxes on plots
BOX ... SHADOW HW PC-CO Set the height and width of box shadows
BOX ... THICKNESS PC-CO Set line thickness of boxes on plots
BOX COX LINEARITY PLOT GR-CO Generate linearity plot (Box-Cox family)
BOX PLOT AR-CH Set all plot characters for BOX PLOT
BOX PLOT AR-LI Set all plot lines for BOX PLOT
BOX PLOT GR-CO Generate box plot
BOX-COX HOMO PLOT (not work) GR-CO Generate homosced. plot (Box-Cox family)
BOX-COX LINEARITY PLOT GR-CO Generate linearity plot (Box-Cox family)
BOX-COX NORMALITY PLOT GR-CO Generate normality plot (Box-Cox family)
BOXAUTO.DAT DA-FI Effect of additive on auto emissions
BOXAUTO.DP PR-FI Analyze Box auto emissions experiment
BOXBIKE2.DAT DA-FI Bike (7 factors)
BOXBIKE3.DAT DA-FI Bike (7 factors)
BOXBISG.DAT DA-FI Steel/carbon effect on springs without cracks
BOXBLOOD.DAT DA-FI Diet effect on blood coagulation
BOXBOD.DAT DA-FI Bio. oxygen demand versus incubation time
BOXCHEM.DAT DA-FI Cat/temp/press/conc effect on chemical yield
BOXCHEM2.DAT DA-FI Chemical impurity, 2 independent variables
BOXCLEAN.DAT DA-FI Cleanser stability (4 factors)
BOXHHEX.TEX RE-FI Index of examples from Box, et. al. textbook
BOXJE142.DAT DA-FI Box & Jenkins yield data (Spectral Analysis)
BOXPENIC.DAT DA-FI Process and blend effect on penicillin yield
BOXPILOT.DAT DA-FI Temp, concent, catalyst on chemical yield
BOXPLOT.DP PR-FI Program to generate a box plot
BOXPLOT2.DP PR-FI Program to generate a box plot
BOXRADAR.DAT DA-FI Mode/range/speed effect on radar speed
BOXRATS.DAT DA-FI Rat growth rate versus supplement amount
BOXREACT.DAT DA-FI Reactor efficiency (5 factors)
BOXREAC2.DAT DA-FI Reactor efficiency (5 factors)
BOXSHOES.DAT DA-FI Material affect on boys shoe sole wear
BOXSHOE2.DP PR-FI Analyze Box shoes data
BOXSHOE3.DP PR-FI Analyze Box shoes data
BOXSHOES.DP PR-FI Analyze Box shoes data
BOXSOLAR.DAT DA-FI Solar collection efficiency (4 factors)
BOXSPRAY.DAT DA-FI Aerosol spray dispersion versus age
BOXSPRIN.DAT DA-FI Steel/carbon effect on springs without cracks
BOXSPRI2.DAT DA-FI Steel/carbon effect on springs without cracks
BOXYIELD.DAT DA-FI Chemical yield (function of time, temperatur)
BOXYIEL2.DAT DA-FI Chemical yield (function of time, temperatur)
BOXWELD.DAT DA-FI Intertial weld breaking strength vs velocity
BRAD() CH/SY Write/draw larger radical
BREV() CH/SY Write/draw breve
BROWN AR-CO Set color to brown
BS() CH/SY Move 1 backspace
BUGS SU-CO List known bugs
BUILT-IN CHAR/SYMBOL (ANY) AR-CH All b-i char/sym may be used for plot char
BYE SU-CO Exit from DATAPLOT (= EXIT, STOP, etc.)


C CHART GR-CO Generate C control chart
CABL AR-CO Set color to cadet blue
C.DP PR-FI Generate a block plot for RIPKEN.DAT
CALCOMP GD-CO Specify a Calcomp device
CALCOMP COLORS SC-SE Specify number of Calcomp colors available
CALCOMP PEN MAP GD-CO Define slot to color mapping for Calcomp
CALCOMP WIDTH SC-SE Specify pen width of Calcomp
CALENDAR.TEX RE-FI Calendars for the years 1988 and 1989
CALL SU-CO Execute a DATAPLOT subprgm from file
CANTOR SC-LE Generate Cantor numbers
CAPACITOR WC-CO Draw a capacitor
CAPTURE SU-CO Redirect alphanumeric output to a file
CARA() CH/SY Write/draw carot
CASE WC-CO Set case of letters (UPPER, LOWER)
CAUCHY PROBABILITY PLOT GR-CO Generate Cauchy probability plot
CAUCHY RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate Cauchy random numbers
CBLU AR-CO Set color to cornflower blue
CCC.DAT DA-FI Surface defects (C control charts)
CCP.DAT DA-FI Defective motors (P control charts)
CCPN.DAT DA-FI Defective mirrors (P, PN control charts)
CCU.DAT DA-FI Cracks in plastic wire (U control charts)
CCXBAR.DAT DA-FI Silicon wafer thickness (control charts)
CGM GD-CO Set device 1 to CGM (ANSI standard metafile)
CH WC-CO Activate and read cross-hair (0 to 100)
CHALLENG.DAT DA-FI NASA Challenger disaster data
CHARACTER ANGLE PC-CO Set the angle (in degrees) of plot characters
CHARACTER AUTOMATIC PC-CO Specify a variable for the CHARACTER command
CHARACTER CASE PC-CO Set case (upper/lower) for plot characters
CHARACTER COLORS PC-CO Set the colors for plot characters
CHARACTER FILL PC-CO Set fill switch (ON/OFF) for plot characters
CHARACTER FONT PC-CO Set the font for plot characters
CHARACTER HW PC-CO Set the height and width for plot characters
CHARACTER JUSTIFICATION PC-CO Set the justification for plot characters
CHARACTER OFFSET ... PC-CO Set offset (displacement) for plot characters
CHARACTER SIZES PC-CO Set the size (height) for plot characters
CHARACTER THICKNESS PC-CO Set the line thickness for plot characters
CHARACTER WIDTH PC-CO Set the width for plot characters
CHARACTERS PC-CO Set plot character types (X, SQUARE, etc)
CHEMMIX.DP PR-FI Solve for chemical mixture (Matrix Solve)
CHINA.DAT MP-FI Map coordinates for China (Map)
CHWIRUT1.DAT DA-FI Ultrasonic reference block calib (Regression)
CHWIRUT2.DAT DA-FI Ultrasonic reference block calib (Regression)
CHEB0(X) FUNC Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 0
CHEB1(X) FUNC Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 1
CHEB10(X) FUNC Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 10
CHEB2(X) FUNC Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 2
CHEB3(X) FUNC Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 3
CHEB4(X) FUNC Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 4
CHEB5(X) FUNC Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 5
CHEB6(X) FUNC Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 6
CHEB7(X) FUNC Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 7
CHEB8(X) FUNC Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 8
CHEB9(X) FUNC Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 9
CHEB10(X) FUNC Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 10
CHI() CH/SY Write/draw Greek chi
CHI-SQUARED PPCC PLOT GR-CO Generate chi-squared prob plot corr cf plot
CHI-SQUARED PROB PLOT GR-CO Generate chi-squared probability plot
CHI-SQUARED RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate chi-squared random numbers
CHSCDF(X,NU) FUNC Compute chi-squared cumulative dist func
CHSPDF(X,NU) FUNC Compute chi-squared prob density func
CHSPPF(P,NU) FUNC Compute chi-squared percent point func
CINT() CH/SY Write/draw circular integral
CIRC() CH/SY Write/draw circle
CIRCLE AR-CH Set plot character to circle
CIRCLE WC-CO Draw a circle
CIRCLE.DP PR-FI Solve equation of circle (Matrix Cofactor)
CIRCUIT.DP PR-FI Solve electrical circuit (Matrix Solve)
CLASS ...LOWER SU-CO Spec. first class lower lim for HISTOGRAM
CLASS ...UPPER SU-CO Spec. last class upper lim for HISTOGRAM
CLASS ...WIDTH SU-CO Set class width for HISTOGRAM
CLARK0.DAT DA-FI Electrical connectors (2-Way ANOVA)
CLEAR.DAT DA-FI Component inspection data (Univariate)
CO-SPECTRAL PLOT GR-CO Generate co-spectral plot
COCODE SC-LE Generate a coded variable based on another
COCOPY SC-LE Generate a coded variable based on another
CODE SC-LE Code the elements in a variable
CODE... SC-LE Carry out binary, quartile,... coding
CODE2 SC-LE Carry out binary coding
CODE4 SC-LE Carry out quartile coding
CODE8 SC-LE Carry out octile coding
CODEH SC-LE Code the data by hinges
CODEN SC-LE Code the data by percentiles (N=1,2, ... ,10)
COEF [not working] RESW Var where FIT, ANOVA, etc coef stored
COEFSD [not working] RESW Var where FIT, ANOVA, etc coef sd stored
COHERENCY SPECTRAL PLOT GR-CO Generate coherency spectral plot
COLOR WC-CO Set color of TEXT letters (RED, BLUE, etc)
COLUMN LIMITS IO-CO Set column limits for READ and SERIAL READ
COLUMN RULER SU-CO Print column headers (typically before LIST)
COMMENT SU-CO Insert a comment line in code
COMMENT CHARACTER SU-CO Define comment character for data files
COMMENT CHECK SU-CO Specify if data files checked for comments
COMMUNICATIONS LINK SU-CO Set link (phone, network, etc.) for host
COMPLEX AR-FO Set font to complex
COMPLEX ADDITION SC-LE Carry out complex addition
COMPLEX CONJUGATE SC-LE Carry out complex conjugate
COMPLEX DEMOD AMPL PLOT GR-CO Generate complex demodulation amp. plot
COMPLEX DEMOD PHASE PLOT GR-CO Generate complex demodulation phase plot
COMPLEX DIVISION SC-LE Carry out complex division
COMPLEX EXPONENTIATION SC-LE Carry out complex exponentiation
COMPLEX MULTIPLICATION SC-LE Carry out complex multiplication
COMPLEX ROOTS SC-LE Compute complex roots
COMPLEX SCRIPT AR-FO Set font to complex script
COMPLEX SQUARE ROOT SC-LE Carry out complex square root
COMPLEX SUBTRACTION SC-LE Carry out complex subtraction
CONCLUSIONS RESW Symbolic name for DATAPLOT's Conclus. file
CONFIDENCE LIMITS MEAN AN-CO Compute confidence limits for mean
CONNDOT.DP MM-FI Menu macro to connect dots via cross-hair
CONSTANT.TEX RE-FI Math, physical, & engineering constants
CONSUMPR.DAT DA-FI Yearly consumer price index relative to 1974
CONTINUE CHARACTER SU-CO Specify the command continuation character
CONTOUR PLOT GR-CO Generate contour plot
CONTOUR.DP PR-FI Generate a contour plot (BRAIN.DAT)
... CONTROL CHART GR-CO Generate mean, sd, or range control chart
CONTROL CHART AR-CH Set all plot characters for CONTROL CHART
CONVFACT.TEX RE-FI Conversion factors between metrics/units
CONVOLUTION SC-LE Compute convolution of elts in 2 var
COPY WC-CO Copy the current screen onto local hardcopier
COPY DELAY WC-CO Set the delay for the copy command
CORAL AR-CO Set color to coral
... CORRELATION PLOT GR-CO Generate auto- or cross-correlation plot
CORRELATION SC-LE Compute sample correlation
CORRELATION MATRIX SC-LE Compute sample correlation matrix
COS(X) FUNC Compute cosine
COSH(X) FUNC Compute hyperbolic cosine
COT(X) FUNC Compute cotangent
COTH(X) FUNC Compute hyperbolic cotangent
COUNTS PLOT GR-CO Generate counts (vs. subset) plot
COVARIANCE SC-LE Compute sample covariance
CP SC-LE Compute the process capability index
CPK SC-LE Compute the process capability index
CR WC-CO Set automatic carriage return after TEXT
CREATE SU-CO Create a subprogram
CRLF WC-CO Set auto carriage return/line feed after TEXT
CROSS-CORRELATION PLOT GR-CO Generate cross-correlation plot
CROSS-HAIR (or CH) WC-CO Activate and read cross-hair (0 to 100)
CROSS-PERIODOGRAM (not work) GR-CO Generate cross-periodogram
CROSS-SPECTRAL PLOT GR-CO Generate cross-spectral plot
CROSS TABULATE AN-CO Perform a cross-tabulation
CSC(X) FUNC Compute cosecant
CSCH(X) FUNC Compute hyperbolic cosecant
CUBE AR-CH Set plot character to cube
CUBE WC-CO Draw a cube
CUBE() CH/SY Write/draw cube
CUBE.DAT DA-FI Vertices of a cube (3-D)
CUMULATIVE INTEGRAL SC-LE Compute cumulative integrals of elts in a var
CUMULATIVE PRODUCT SC-LE Compute cumulative products of elts in a var
CUMULATIVE SUM SC-LE Compute cumulative sums of elts in a variable
CURRIE.DAT DA-FI Pollution source analysis (Multivariate)
CURRIE3.DAT DA-FI Atmospheric zinc concentrations
CURRIE4.DAT DA-FI Atmosperic chemical concentrations
CURSOR COORDINATES SU-CO Set cursor coor loc after PLOT, ERASE, etc
CURSOR SIZE SU-CO Set cursor size after a plot
CURSOR SPACING works? SU-CO Set cursor spacing after a plot
CURVEBAL.DAT DA-FI Curveball data (partial data set) (ANOVA)
CURVEBA2.DAT DA-FI Curveball data (full data set) (ANOVA)
CYAN AR-CO Set color to cyan
CYA2 AR-CO Set color to cyan2
CYA3 AR-CO Set color to cyan3
CYA4 AR-CO Set color to cyan4


DAGG() CH/SY Write/draw dagger
DARR() CH/SY Write/draw down arrow
DASH1 AR-LI Set line type to dashed type 1
DASH2 AR-LI Set line type to dashed type 2
DASH3 AR-LI Set line type to dashed type 3
DASH4 AR-LI Set line type to dashed type 4
DASHED AR-LI Set line type to dashed
DATA SC-LE Generate a set of data values
DATAPLOT.DP PR-FI Generate a run sequence plot (BAKER.DAT)
DDAG() CH/SY Write/draw double dagger
... DECILE SC-LE Compute decile
... DECILE PLOT GR-CO Generate decile (vs. subset) plot
DECOCT(X) FUNC Compute decimal to octal conversion
DECONVOLUTION SC-LE Compute the deconvolution of 2 variables
DEFAULT RESW Set a switch to "default" position
DEFINE SU-CO Define general ASCII string commands
DEFINE POSTHELP SU-CO Define terminal string to succeed HELP
DEFINE POSTPLOT SU-CO Define terminal string to succeed PLOT
DEFINE PREHELP SU-CO Define terminal string to precede HELP
DEFINE PREPLOT SU-CO Define terminal string to precede PLOT
DEGREES SU-CO Set degrees for trig calculations (ON/OFF)
DEGR() CH/SY Write/draw degree symbol
DEL() CH/SY Write/draw vector product
DELETE SU-CO Delete variable or elements of a variable
DELT() CH/SY Write/draw Greek delta
DEMING7.TEX RE-FI Demings's 7 "dreadful diseases" (ind. qual.)
DEMING14.TEX RE-FI Demings's 14 "deadly diseases" (ind. qual.)
DEMODF RESW Param with updated complex demodulation freq
DEMODF RESW Param with updated demod freq. (COMP DEMOD)
DERIVATIVE SC-LE Compute derivative of a function
DERIVPLO.DP PR-FI Plot function with derivatives (first two)
DEVICE ... GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 manufacturer
DEVICE ... CALCOMP GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to CALCOMP
DEVICE ... CGM GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to CGM (clear text encoding)
DEVICE ... CLOSE GD-CO Suppress plots to device 2/3 (and close file)
DEVICE ... COLOR GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 color (ON/OFF)
DEVICE ... CONTINUOUS GD-CO Set dev 1/2/3 continuous
DEVICE ... GENERAL GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to DATAPLOT metafile
DEVICE ... GENERAL CODED GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to DATAPLOT metafile (coded)
DEVICE ... HP-GL GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to HP-GL class
DEVICE ... HP-GL 7475 GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to HP-GL 7475 class
DEVICE ... HP-GL 7550 GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to HP-GL 7550 class
DEVICE ... HP-GL 7585 GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to HP-GL 7585 class
DEVICE ... HP-GL 9872 GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to HP-GL 9872 class
DEVICE ... HPGL LJET GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to LaserJet III (via HP-GL)
DEVICE ... HP 2623 GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to HP 2623
DEVICE ... HP 7221 GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to HP 7221
DEVICE ... OFF GD-CO Suppress plots to device 2/3 (file open)
DEVICE ... ON GD-CO Resume plots to device 2/3
DEVICE ... PICTURE POINTS GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 number of picture points
DEVICE ... POSTSCRIPT GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to Postscript
DEVICE ... POSTSCRIPT ENCA GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to encapsulated Postscript
DEVICE ... POWER GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 power (ON/OFF)
DEVICE ... QMS GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to QMS
DEVICE ... QUIC GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to QUIC
DEVICE ... REGIS GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to DEC REGIS class
DEVICE ... SUN GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to SUN
DEVICE ... TEKTRONIX 4010 GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to Tektronix 4010 class
DEVICE ... TEKTRONIX 4014 GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to Tektronix 4014 class
DEVICE ... TEKTRONIX 4105 GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to Tektronix 4105 class
DEVICE ... TEKTRONIX 4662 GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to Tektronix 4662
DEVICE ... UNIT NUMBER ??? GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 unit number identifier
DEVICE ... X11 GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to X11
DEVICE ... ZETA GD-CO Set device 1/2/3 to ZETA
DEX DEPTH PC-CO Set the depth of DEX interaction terms
DEX HORIZONTAL AXIS PC-CO Set the horizontal axis for DEX plots
DEX WIDTH PC-CO Define the width of levels for DEX plots
DEX SCATTER PLOT GR-CO Generate a design of experiment plot
DEX SIGN PLOT GR-CO Generate a design of experiment plot
DEX ... PLOT GR-CO Generate a design of experiment plot
DEX ... PARETO PLOT GR-CO Generate a design of experiment plot
DEX ... YOUDEN PLOT GR-CO Generate a design of experiment plot
DEX ... EFFECTS PLOT GR-CO Generate a design of experiment plot
DEX ... PARETO EFFECTS PLOT GR-CO Generate a design of experiment plot
DEX ... YOUDEN EFFECTS PLOT GR-CO Generate a design of experiment plot
DEX ... ABSO EFFECTS PLOT GR-CO Generate a design of experiment plot
DEX ... PARE ABSO EFFE PLOT GR-CO Genrate a design of experiment plot
DEX ... YOUD ABSO EFFE PLOT GR-CO Genrate a design of experiment plot
DEX 2-LEVEL SCATTER PLOT GR-CO Genrate a design of experiment plot
DEX 2-LEVEL ... PLOT GR-CO Genrate a design of experiment plot
DEX 3-LEVEL SCATTER PLOT GR-CO Genrate a design of experiment plot
DEX 3-LEVEL ... PLOT GR-CO Genrate a design of experiment plot
DEXCONT.DP MA-FI Generate DEX contour plot
DEXCONT2.DP MA-FI Generate DEX contour plot (subsets)
DEXCONTP.DP MA-FI Generate DEX contour plot
DEXCONTQ.DP MA-FI Generate DEX contour plot
DEXCUBE.DP MM-FI Generate cube for a 2**3 factorial design
DEXCUB70.DP PR-FI Program to generate 70 2**(3-1) cubes
DEXFACT2.DP MA-FI Create all 2-term interaction factors
DEXFACT3.DP MA-FI Create all 2 and 3 term interaction factors
DEXOPT.DP PR-FI Graphical analysis of optimizing designs
DEXPARET.DP MA-FI Generate Pareto plot of absolute effects
DEXSCAT1.DP MA-FI Multiplot of main effects scatter plots
DEXREG.DP PR-FI Graphical analysis of regression designs
DEXSCAT2.DP MA-FI Plot of main effects and 2-term interactions
DEXSCREE.DP Pr-FI Graphical analysis of screening designs
DEXSIM.DP PR-FI Program to generate experimental simulation
DEXSQUAR.DP MM-FI Generate square for 2**2 factorial design
DEXSTAT1.DP MA-FI Multiplot of statistics plots (main effects)
DEXSTAT2.DP MA-FI Multiplot of statistics plots (main, 2-term)
DEXSTAT2.TEX RE-FI Typical command sequence for DEXSTAT2.DP
DEXSTAT3.DP MA-FI Plot statistics plots (main, 2-term, 3-term)
DEXSURF.DP PR-FI Generate various surfaces
DEXTITCU.DP PR-FI Generate 2**(3-1) title page cube
DGRA AR-CO Set color to dark slate gray
DGRE AR-CO Set color to dark green
DIAM() CH/SY Write/draw diamond
DIAMOND AR-CH Set plot character to diamond
DIAMOND WC-CO Draw a diamond
DICTIONARY RESW Symbolic name for DATAPLOT's Dictionary
DIM(X,YU) FUNC Compute positive difference-- x-min(x,y)
DIMENSION SU-CO Set dimensions of internal data storage
DIOPHANT.DP PR-FI Solve Diophantine equation (Set Intersection)
DIRECTORY RESW Symbolic name for DATAPLOT's Directory files
DISCRETE GD-CO Set device 1 to 70-char alpha device
DISCRETE NARROW WIDTH GD-CO Set dev 1 to narrow width alpha device
DISCRETE WIDE WIDTH GD-CO Set dev 1 to wide width alpha device
DISC UNIF RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate discrete uniform random numbers
DISTINCT SC-LE Extract distinct elements from a var
DIVI() CH/SY Write/draw division
DMGR AR-CO Set color to dim gray
DOGR AR-CO Set color to dark olive green
DORC AR-CO Set color to dark orhid
DOTP() CH/SY Write/draw dot product
DOTTED AR-LI Set line type to dotted
DOUBLE EXPO PROB PLOT GR-CO Generate double exponential probability plot
DOUBLE EXPO RANDOM NUMBER SC-LE Generate double exponential random numbers
DRAFT69B.DAT DA-FI 1969 Draft Lottery data rankings (ANOVA)
DRAW WC-CO Draw a line
DSBL AR-CO Set color to dark slate blue
DTUR AR-CO Set color to dark turquoise
DUPLEX AR-FO Set font to duplex
DUTTON.DAT DA-FI Dutton coherency plot data (Time Series)
DVBA() CH/SY Write/draw double vertical bar
DZIUBA1.DAT DA-FI Standard resistor (Smoothing)


ECHO SU-CO Set automatic echo of command lines (ON/OFF)
ECKERLE4.DAT DA-FI Circular interference transmit. (Regression)
EDA1.DAT DA-FI Compare 2 detectors (Exploratory Analysis)
EDIT SU-CO Edit a file (line mode)
EFRON1.DP PR-FI Generate statistics for bootstrap simulation
EHRSTEIN.DAT DA-FI Resistivity of semicond. wafers (Contouring)
ELECT92.DAT DA-FI 1992 presidential election by state
ELEM() CH/SY Write/draw is an element of
ELKINS11.DAT DA-FI Elkins North Atlantic Freon-11 (Time Series)
ELLIPSE WC-CO Draw an ellipse
ELNINO.DAT DA-FI El Nino/Southern Oscillation (Time Series)
END SU-CO Exit from DATAPLOT (= STOP, EXIT, etc.)
END OF CREATE SU-CO End CREATion of a subprogram
END OF DATA IO-CO Define end data for READ & SERIAL READ
END OF IF SU-CO Define end of condit-executed commands
END OF LOOP SU-CO Terminate a loop
END OF MULTIPLOT SU-CO Terminate a multiplot command
EPSI() CH/SY Write/draw Greek epsilon
EQUI() CH/SY Write/draw equivalence
ERASE WC-CO Erase the current screen
ERASE DELAY SU-CO Set delay factor for ERASE
ERF(X) FUNC Compute error function
ERFC(X) FUNC Compute complementary error function
ERROR BAR PLOT GR-CO Generate error bar plot
ER.TEX RE-FI Batch file to restore terminal mode on PC
ESSEX.DAT DA-FI Essex tape data (Experiment Design)
ETA() CH/SY Write/draw Greek eta
EV1 ORDER STAT MEDIANS SC-LE Compute EV1 order statistic medians
EV2 ORDER STAT MEDIANS SC-LE Compute EV2 order statistic medians
EXACT ... RATIONAL FIT AN-CO Perform exact rational function fit
EXCEPT RESW Qualifier denoting excepted subset
EXIT SU-CO Exit from DATAPLOT (= STOP, END, etc.)
EXP(X) FUNC Compute exponential function
EXPERT SU-CO Invoke expert subsystem
EXPLOS SC-LE Compute the expected loss of a variable
EXPONENTIAL PROB PLOT GR-CO Generate exponential probability plot
EXPONENTIAL RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate exponential random numbers
EXTEND SU-CO Extend one var by (attaching) another var
EXTR VALUE 1 RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate extreme value type 1 ran num
EXTR VALUE 2 RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate extreme value type 2 ran num
EXTR VALUE TYPE 1 PROB PLOT GR-CO Generate ext. val. type 1 probability plot
EXTR VALUE TYPE 2 PPCC PLOT GR-CO Generate ext. val. type 2 prob plot cc plot
EXTR VALUE TYPE 2 PROB PLOT GR-CO Generate ext. val. type 2 probability plot
EYE COORDINATES PC-CO Set eye position for 3-dimensional plot


F PROBABILITY PLOT GR-CO Generate F probability plot
F RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate F random numbers
FCDF(X,NU1,NU2) FUNC Compute F cumulative dist func
FED SU-CO Edit a file (line mode editor)
FEEDBACK SU-CO Allow/suppress feedback printing (ON/OFF)
FEDPAY88.TEX RE-FI U. S Federal salary scale for 1988
FENCE SU-CO Set fence switch (ON/OFF) for BOX PLOT
FFT SC-LE Compute fast Fourier transform
FFT1.DP PR-FI Prog to do frequency-domain smoothing (FFT)
FFT2.DP PR-FI Prog to convolve/deconvolve a signal (FFT)
FFT3.DP PR-FI Prog to do frequency-domain smoothing (FFT)
FFTPLOT.DP PR-FI Generate an FFT plot of normal random numbers
FGRE AR-CO Set color to forest green
FIBONNACCI NUMBERS SC-LE Generate Fibonnacci numbers
FILL WC-CO Set fill switch (ON/OFF) for TEXT figure
FILTER WIDTH SU-CO Set filter width for SMOOTH
FILTER.DP PR-FI Prog to assess filter stabil. (Complex Root)
FIRE AR-CO Set color to firebrick
... FIT AN-CO Perform least squares fits (various kinds)
FIT CONSTRAINTS [not work] SU-CO Set constraints for FIT and PRE-FIT
FIT ITERATIONS SU-CO Set upper bound on iterations for FIT
FIT POWER>>PRE-FIT SU-CO Set fit criterion power for PRE-FIT
FIT STANDARD DEVIATION SU-CO Set lower bound on residual sd for FIT
FLICKER.DAT DA-FI Flicker noise (Time Series)
FONT WC-CO Set font for letters (TRIPLEX, COMPLEX, etc)
FOR RESW Qualifier denoting elts or var of interest
FOURIER EXPONENT SC-SE Set Fourier exponent
FOURIER TRANSFORM SC-LE Compute Fourier transform
FOURTH CENTR MOME SC-LE Compute sample 4th central moment
FPDF(X,NU1,NU2) FUNC Compute F probability density func
FPPF(P,NU1,NU2) FUNC Compute F percent point function
FRACBRAN.DAT FR-FI Data to generate a fractal branch
FRACCHRI.DAT FR-FI Data to generate a fractal Christmas tree
FRACCLOU.DAT FR-FI Data to generate a fractal cloud
FRACFERN.DAT FR-FI Data to generate a fractal fern
FRACFRON.DAT FR-FI Data to generate a fractal frond
FRACGALA.DAT FR-FI Data to generate a fractal galaxy
FRACPENT.DAT FR-FI Data to generate a fractal pentagon
FRACSPIR.DAT FR-FI Data to generate a fractal spiral
FRACSQUA.DAT FR-FI Data to generate a fractal square
FRACTRIA.DAT FR-FI Data to generate a fractal triangle
FRACT(X) FUNC Compute fractional portion
FRACTAL SC-LE Compute values of fractal curve
FRACTAL ITERATIONS SU-CO Specify the number of points for fractal plot
FRACTAL PLOT GR-CO Generate fractal plot
FRACTAL TYPE SU-CO Specify the data format for fractal plot
FRAME COORDINATES PC-CO Set plot frame location and shape
...FRAME PC-CO Set switch (ON/OFF) for frames on plots
...FRAME COLOR PC-CO Set colors for frame on plots
...FRAME PATTERN PC-CO Set line type for frame on plots
...FRAME THICKNESS PC-CO Set line thickness for frame on plots
... FREQUENCY PLOT GR-CO Generate frequency plot--cum/rel/cum rel
FREQPRIM.DAT DA-FI Frequency of prime numbers
FREQUENCY SC-LE Compute frequencies of distinct values
FREY.DAT DA-FI Frey drug fatality analysis (ANOVA)
FULLER.DAT DA-FI Fuller sperconductivity study (Exp Des)
FUNNEL.DAT DA-FI Funnel experiment (Experiment Design)
FUNNEL.DP PR-FI Analyze funnel experiment (FUNNEL.DAT)
FUNNEL2.DP PR-FI Analyze funnel experiment (FUNNEL.DAT)


G0 - G100 AR-CO Set color to grayscale levels (1 to 100)
GAIN SPECTRAL PLOT GR-CO Generate gain spectral plot
GAMM() CH/SY Write/draw Greek gamma
GAMMA PPCC PLOT GR-CO Generate gamma prob plot corr coef plot
GAMMA PROBABILITY PLOT GR-CO Generate gamma probability plot
GAMMA RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate gamma random numbers
GAMMA(X) FUNC Compute gamma function
GANOVA3.DP PR-FI Generate a 3-factor GANOVA plot
GASTAX86.DAT DA-FI Gasoline tax (by state) (Pareto Analysis)
GEAR.DAT DA-FI Gear diameters (Control charts)
GENERAL GD-CO Set dev 1 to device-indep
GENERAL (CODED) GD-CO Set dev 1 to coded device-indep
GENERAL FONT SC-SE Set font switch for GENERAL device
GENERAL JUSTIFICATION SC-SE Set justification switch GENERAL device
GENERAL PEN WIDTH SC-SE Set line width switch for GENERAL device
GENERAL PEN THICKNESS SC-SE Set pen thickness for GENERAL device
GENERAL REGION FILL SC-SE Set region fill option for GENERAL device
GEOMETRIC PPCC PLOT GR-CO Generate geometric prob plot corr coef plot
GEOMETRIC PROB PLOT GR-CO Generate geometric probability plot
GEOMETRIC RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate geometric random numbers
GETDATE.DP MA-FI Put the date and time in strings
GLDR AR-CO Set color to goldenrod
GNP.DAT DA-FI Gross Nat. Prod. (Multivariate; Time Series)
GNP2.DAT DA-FI Gross Nat. Prod. (Multivariate; Time Series)
GOLD AR-CO Set color to gold
GRADS SU-CO Set grads for trig calculations (ON/OFF)
GRAY AR-CO Set color to gray
GREEN AR-CO Set color to green
GRE2 AR-CO Set color to gre2
GRE3 AR-CO Set color to gre3
GRE4 AR-CO Set color to gre4
...GRID PC-CO Set swtch (ON/OFF) for (major) grid on plots
GRID COLOR PC-CO Set color for grid on plots
GRID PATTERN PC-CO Set line type for grid on plots
GRID THICKNESS PC-CO Set line thickness for grid on plots
GROUND WC-CO Darw a ground
GT() CH/SY Write/draw greater than
GTEQ() CH/SY Write/draw greater than or equal to
GYEL AR-CO Set color to green yellow


HABER1.DAT DA-FI Dens of 2-admiss numb (Regression; Time Ser.)
HAHN1.DAT DA-FI Thermal expansion of copper (Regression)
HALFNORMAL PROB PLOT GR-CO Generate halfnormal probability plot
HALFNORMAL RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate halfnormal random numbers
HALT SU-CO Exit from DATAPLOT (= STOP, END, etc.)
HAMAKER2.DAT DA-FI Drill speed (3-way ANOVA)
HARDCOPY PC-CO Set auto copy of plots to loc hdcpy (ON/OFF)
HARDCOPY DELAY SU-CO Set delay factor for hardcopy
HASP() CH/SY Move a half-space
HAT() CH&SY Write/draw hat (= high carat)
HAYES1.DAT DA-FI Fire research smoke obscuration (Time Series)
HBAR() CH/SY Write/draw horizontal bar
HEIGHT WC-CO Set height of letters (0 to 100)
HELP SU-CO Print short documentation for a command
HELP LINES SC-SE Set number of lines/screen for HELP
HEXAGON WC-CO Draw a hexagon
HHBA() ??? CH/SY Write/draw xx
... HINGE PLOT GR-CO Generate lower/upper hinge (vs. subset) plot
... HISTOGRAM GR-CO Generate histogram--cum/rel/cum rel
HIST.DP PR-FI Generate a histogram (SUNSPOT2.DAT)
HIST2.DP PR-FI Generate a presentation graphics histogram
HOMOSCEDASTICITY PLOT GR-CO Generate homoscedasticity plot.
HORIZONTAL SPACING WC-CO Set horizizontal character spacing (0 to 100)
HORIZONTAL SWITCH PC-CO Set horizontal or vertical plot orientation
HOTELL.DP MA-FI Macro to compute Hotelling (simult) conf lim
HOT.TEX RE-FI 10 hottest locations in the U.S.
HOST SU-CO Set host computer
HP 2623 GD-CO Set device 1 to HP 2623
HP 7221 GD-CO Set device 1 to HP 7221
HP-GL GD-CO Set device 1 to HP-GL
HP-GL PEN MAP GD-CO Define slot to color mapping for HP-GL
HW WC-CO Set height and width of letters


I RESW Variable denoting dummy index; used in FOR
I PLOT AR-CH Set all plot characters for I PLOT
I PLOT AR-LI Set all plot lines for I PLOT
I PLOT GR-CO Generate I plot
IASP() CH/SY Write/draw inverted nasp
IF SU-CO Define start of condit-executed commands
IMPLEMENT [obsolete] SU-CO Activate a local change to DATAPLOT
INDEX.DAT ED-FI Tag. orth exp des--ordered by fact/runs/lev
INDUCTOR WC-CO Draw an inductor
IND(X,TAG) FUNC Compute the (0-1) indicator function
INFI() CH/SY Write/draw infinity
INFINITY RESW Parameter with value "infinity"
INT(X) FUNC Compute Integer portion
INTE() CH/SY Write/draw integral
INTR() CH/SY Write/draw intersection
INTEGRAL SC-LE Compute definite integral of a function
INTEGRAL SC-LE Compute integral of elements in a var
INTERPOLATION SC-LE Compute (cubic spline) interpolated values
INVERSE FFT SC-LE Compute inverse fast Fourier transform
INVERSE FOURIER TRANSFORM SC-LE Compute inverse Fourier transform
INVMAT.DP MM-FI Menu macro to invert a matrix
IO SC-SE Set IO source for menu macros
IOTA() CH/SY Write/draw Greek iota
IPR SC-SE Set log unit num for printed output
IRD SC-SE Set log unit num for input
IRED AR-CO Set the color to indian red
IRIS.DAT DA-FI And./Fisher taxonomy iris data (Multivariate)
ISHIKAWA.DP MM-FI Menu macro to gen an Ishikawa diagram
ISHIKAW4.TEX RE-FI The 4 usual "M" components in Ishikawa Diag.


JACKNIFE MEAN PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife mean plot
JACKNIFE MIDMEAN PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife midmean plot
JACKNIFE MEDIAN PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife median plot
JACKNIFE SD PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife standard deviation plot
JACKNIFE VARIANCE PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife variance plot
JACKNIFE RELATIVE SD PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife relative st. dev. plot
JACKNIFE RANGE PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife range plot
JACKNIFE MINIMUM PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife minimum plot
JACKNIFE MAXIMUM PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife maximum plot
JACKNIFE SKEWNESS PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife skewness plot
JACKNIFE KURTOSIS PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife kurtosis plot
JACKNIFE AUTOCORR PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife autocorrelation plot
JACKNIFE SD OF MEAN PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife st. dev. of the mean plot
JACKNIFE AUTOCOV PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife autocovariance plot
JACKNIFE RANK COVAR PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife rank covariance plot
JACKNIFE LOWER HINGE PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife lower hinge plot
JACKNIFE UPPER HINGE PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife upper hinge plot
JACKNIFE LOWER QUAR PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife lower quartile plot
JACKNIFE UPPER QUAR PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife upper quartile plot
JACKNIFE TRIMMED MEAN PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife trimmed mean plot
JACKNIFE WIND MEAN PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife Windsorized mean plot
JACKNIFE ... DECILE PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife ... decile plots
JACKNIFE SINE FREQ PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife sine frequency plot
JACKNIFE SINE AMPL PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife sine amplitude plot
JACKNIFE LINEAR INTERC PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife linear intercept plot
JACKNIFE LINEAR SLOPE PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife linear slope plot
JACKNIFE LINEAR RESSD PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife linear resid. s.d. plot
JACKNIFE LINEAR CORR PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife linear correlation plot
JACKNIFE TAGUCHI SN.. PLOT GR-CO Generate jacknife Taguchi S/N plots
JAPANU.TEX RE-FI Japan's 3 U's to be eliminated in work area.
JAPANW.TEX RE-FI Japan's 5 W's (& 1 H) for component analysis
JAPAN6.TEX RE-FI Japan's 6-point program for quality manufac.
JAPAN3.TEX RE-FI The 3 modern concepts in Japanese industry
JOBS.TEX RE-FI Fastest growing jobs requiring a college deg
JULIA SC-LE Generate Julia numbers


KACKER.TEX RE-FI Kacker's 7 summary points of Taguchi philos.
KAHN.DAT DA-FI Kahn steel axles eddy current data (Exp Des)
KAPP() CH/SY Write/draw Greek kappa
KENSEI.DAT DA-FI Kensei aerosol spray data (Experiment Design)
KEYBOARD CHARACTER (ANY) AR-CH All keybd char may be used for plot char
KHAK AR-CO Set the color to khaki
KIM.DAT DA-FI Electron mobility analysis (Fitting)
KIRBY2.DAT DA-FI Electron microsc line width stan (Regression)
KNOTS SU-CO Set knots variable for SPLINE
KRASNY1.DAT DA-FI 9 response variables, 5 factors
KURTOSIS SC-LE Compute sample kurt (stand 4th cent mom)
KURTOSIS PLOT GR-CO Generate kurtosis (vs. subset) plot


...LABEL PC-CO Set the labels at sides and bottom of plot
...LABEL AUTOMATIC PC-CO Set an automatically generated label
...LABEL CASE PC-CO Set the case (upper/lower) for plot labels
...LABEL COLOR PC-CO Set the colors for plot labels
...LABEL DISPLACEMENT PC-CO Set the distance from the frame to the label
...LABEL FONT PC-CO Set the font for plot labels
...LABEL SIZE PC-CO Set the size (height) for plot labels
...LABEL THICKNESS PC-CO Set the line thickness for plot labels
LACC() CH/SY Write/draw left accent
... LAG PLOT GR-CO Generate lag plot for a given lag number
LAGPLOT.DP PR-FI Generate a lag plot (LEW.DAT)
LAMB() CH/SY Write/draw Greek lambda
LAPO() CH/SY Write/draw left apostrophe
LARR() CH/SY Write/draw left arrow
LATITUDE.TEX RE-FI Latitude & longitude of U. S. cities
LATTICE WC-CO Draw a lattice
LBLU AR-CO Set color to light blue
LBRA() CH/SY Write/draw left bracket
LC() CH/SY Shift to lower case
LCYA AR-CO Set color to light cyan
LCBR() CH/SY Write/draw left curly bracket
LGRA AR-CO Set color to light gray
LEGEND ... PC-CO Set the text for plot legends
LEGEND ... ANGLE PC-CO Set the angles for plot legends
LEGEND ... CASE PC-CO Set the cases (upper/lower) for plot legends
LEGEND ... COLOR PC-CO Set the colors for plot legends
LEGEND ... COORDINATES PC-CO Set the locations for plot legends
LEGEND ... DIRECTION PC-CO Set directions (hori/vert) for plot legends
LEGEND ... FONT PC-CO Set the font for plot legends
LEGEND ... HW PC-CO Set the height and width for plot legends
LEGEND ... JUSTIFICATION PC-CO Set the justification for plot legends
LEGEND ... SIZE PC-CO Set the size (height) for plot legends
LEGEND ... THICKNESS PC-CO Set the line thickness for plot legends
LELB() CH/SY Write/draw left elbow
LET AN-CO Define var & param; calc stat; roots/dif etc
LET FUNCTION AN-CO Define & operate on func; differentiate
LEW1.DAT DA-FI Steel-concrete beam deflections (Time Series)
LEW3.DAT DA-FI Concrete tensile strength (Regression)
LF WC-CO Set automatic line feed after TEXT
LGRE AR-CO Set color to lime green
LHBA() CH/SY Write/draw long horizontal bar
...LIMITS PC-CO Set limits (min and max) for plot frame
LINE COLORS PC-CO Set colors for lines (plots & figures)
LINE THICKNESS PC-CO Set thicknesses of lines (plots & figures)
LINE THICKNESS WC-CO Set thickness of lines (0 to 100)
LINEAR CORRELATION PLOT GR-CO Generate linear corr (vs. subset) plot
LINEAR INTERCEPT PLOT GR-CO Generate linear intercept (vs. subset) plot
LINEAR RESSD PLOT GR-CO Generate linear res. sd. (vs. subset) plot
LINEAR SLOPE PLOT GR-CO Generate linear slope (vs. subset) plot
LINES PC-CO Set line types (SOLID, DOT, etc.) on plots
LINES WC-CO Set line type for figures (SOLID, DOT, etc)
LIST SU-CO List last 20 (or more) commands entered
LIST ... SU-CO List contents of a file
LIST DEFINITIONS SU-CO List current user-defined definit (DEFINE)
LIST DIRECTORY SU-CO List DATAPLOT's Directory (= Master) file
LIST LINES SC-SE Change number of commands for LISTing
LIST SAVE SU-CO List current Saved-Commands file (SAVE)
LN(X) FUNC Compute logarithm (natural)
LOFCDF RESW Param with lack of fit cdf val from FIT, etc
...LOG PC-CO Set switch (ON/OFF) for log scale on plots
LOG(X) FUNC Compute logarithm (natural)
LOG10(X) FUNC Compute logarithm (base 10)
LOG2(X) FUNC Compute logarithm (base 2)
LOGGAMMA(X) FUNC Compute log (to the base e) gamma func
LOGICAL AND SC-LE Carry out logical and
LOGICAL IFF SC-LE Carry out logical iff
LOGICAL IFTHEN SC-LE Carry out logical ifthen
LOGICAL NAND SC-LE Carry out logical nand
LOGICAL NOR SC-LE Carry out logical nor
LOGICAL NOT SC-LE Carry out logical not
LOGICAL OR SC-LE Carry out logical or
LOGICAL XOR SC-LE Carry out logical xor
LOGISTIC PROBABILITY PLOT GR-CO Generate logistic probability plot
LOGISTIC RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate logistic random numbers
LOGNORMAL PROBABILITY PLOT GR-CO Generate lognormal probability plot
LOGNORMAL RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate lognormal random numbers
LOGO.DP MA-FI Generate DATAPLOT logo in lower right corner
LOGO2.DP MA-FI Generate DATAPLOT logo (larger size)
LOGO3.DP MA-FI Generate DATAPLOT logo (for landscape-mode)
LOGO3B.DP MA-FI Generate DATAPLOT logo (for portrait-mode)
LOGO3.DP MA-FI Generate JJF and DATAPLOT logo
LOOP SU-CO Initiate a loop
LOWER HINGE SC-LE Compute sample lower hinge
LOWER HINGE PLOT GR-CO Generate lower hinge (vs. subset) plot
LOWER QUARTILE SC-LE Compute sample lower quartile
LOWER QUARTILE PLOT GR-CO Generate lower quartile (vs. subset) plot
LOWESS SMOOTH AN-CO Perform lowess smoothing
LOWESS FRACTION SU-CO Set 0.0 to 1.0 width for lowess smooth
LOWESS PERCENTAGE SU-CO Set 0 to 100% width for lowess smooth
LQUO() CH/SY Write/draw left quote
LRAD() CH/SY Write/draw large radiacal
LSBL AR-CO Set color to light steel blue
LT() CH/SY Write/draw less than
LTEQ() CH/SY Write/draw less than or equal to
LUTHER.DAT DA-FI Torsion pendulum exp. for G (Time Series)
LVBA() CH/SY Write/draw long vertical bar
L4.DAT ED-FI Tag. L4 orth exp des 3 factors, 2 lev
L8.DAT ED-FI Tag. L8 orth exp des 7 factors, 2 lev
L9.DAT ED-FI Tag. L9 orth exp des 4 factors, 3 lev
L12.DAT ED-FI Tag. L12 orth exp des 11 factors, 2 lev
L16.DAT ED-FI Tag. L16 orth exp des 15 factors, 2 lev
L16B.DAT ED-FI Tag. L16B orth exp des 5 factors, 4 lev
L18.DAT ED-FI Tag. L18 orth exp des 7 factors, 6/3 lev
L25.DAT ED-FI Tag. L25 orth exp des 6 factors, 5 lev
L27.DAT ED-FI Tag. L27 orth exp des 13 factors, 2/3 lev
L32.DAT ED-FI Tag. L32 orth exp des 31 factors, 2 lev
L32B.DAT ED-FI Tag. L32B orth exp des 10 factors, 2/4 lev
L36.DAT ED-FI Tag. L36 orth exp des 22 factors, 3 lev
L50.DAT ED-FI Tag. L50 orth exp des 12 factors, 2/5 lev
L54.DAT ED-FI Tag. L54 orth exp des 26 factors, 2/3 lev
L64.DAT ED-FI Tag. L64 orth exp des 31 factors, 2 lev
L64B.DAT ED-FI Tag. L64B orth exp des 21 factors, 4 lev
L81.DAT ED-FI Tag. L81 orth exp des 40 factors, 3 lev


MAGENTA AR-CO Set color to magenta
MAG2 AR-CO Set color to magenta2
MAG3 AR-CO Set color to magenta3
MAG4 AR-CO Set color to magenta4
MAIL [obsolete] SU-CO Print message from DATAPLOT service org
MAJOR ...TIC NUMBER PC-CO Set number of major tics on plots
MANDEL.DAT DA-FI Specific volume of rubber (3-factor ANOVA)
MARGIN WC-CO Set the carriage return position after TEXT
MARGIN COLOR PC-CO Set color of margin (= outside frame)
MARK.DP MA-FI Generate user defined logo
MARK2.DP MA-FI Generate user defined logo with DATAPLOT logo
MARO AR-CO Set the color to maroon
MARSHAK.DAT DA-FI Nuclear thermometry (Bootstrap analysis)
MAQU AR-CO Set the color to medium aquamarine
MASTER RESW Symbolic name for DATAPLOT's directory file
MATHOPER.DP MA-FI Generate a word chart with math options
MATRIX ADDITION SC-LE Carry out matrix addition
MATRIX ADJOINT SC-LE Compute the classical adjoint of a matrix
MATRIX COFACTOR SC-LE Compute matrix cofactor
MATRIX DEFINITION SC-LE Set matrix definition
MATRIX DETERMINANT SC-LE Compute matrix determinant
MATRIX EIGENVALUES SC-LE Compute matrix eigenvalues
MATRIX EIGENVECTORS SC-LE Compute matrix eigenvectors
MATRIX EUCLIDEAN NORM SC-LE Compute matrix Euclidean norm
MATRIX INVERSE SC-LE Compute matrix inverse
MATRIX MINOR SC-LE Compute matrix minor
MATRIX MULTIPLICATION SC-LE Carry out matrix multiplication
MATRIX NUMBER OF COLUMNS SC-LE Compute matrix number of columns
MATRIX NUMBER OF ROWS SC-LE Compute matrix number of rows
MATRIX RANK SC-LE Compute the matrix rank
MATRIX SIMPLEX SOLUTION SC-LE Compute matrix simplex solution
MATRIX SOLUTION SC-LE Compute matrix solution
MATRIX SPECTRAL NORM SC-LE Compute matrix spectral norm
MATRIX SPECTRAL RADIUS SC-LE Compute matrix spectral radius
MATRIX SUBMATRIX SC-LE Define matrix submatrix
MATRIX SUBTRACTION SC-LE Carry out matrix subtraction
MATRIX TRACE SC-LE Compute matrix trace
MATRIX TRANSPOSE SC-LE Compute matrix transpose
MAX(X,Y) FUNC Compute maximum
...MAXIMUM PC-CO Set maxima to appear on plot frame
MAXIMUM SC-LE Compute sample maximum
MAXIMUM PLOT GR-CO Generate maxima (vs. subset) plot
MAXITEST.DP MA-FI A large test macro
MAXPPCC RESW Internal parameter returned by PPCC plot
MAVRO.DAT DA-FI Filter transmittance (Univariate Time Series)
MBLU AR-CO Set the color to medium blue
MDBL AR-CO Set the color to midnight blue
MEAN SC-LE Compute sample mean
MEAN CONTROL CHART GR-CO Generate mean control chart
MEAN PLOT GR-CO Generate mean (vs. subset) plot
MEANPLOT.DP PR-FI Generate a mean plot (PBF11.DAT)
MEDIAN SC-LE Compute sample median
MEDIAN PLOT GR-CO Generate median (vs. subset) plot
MEDIAN POLISH AN-CO Perform robust analysis of variance
MESSAGE [not work] SU-CO Write message to DATAPLOT service org
MFGR AR-CO Set the color to medium forest green
MGLD AR-CO Set the color to light goldenrod yellow
MICHELSO.DAT DA-FI Michekson's 1879 speed of light determination
MIDMEAN SC-LE Compute sample midmean
MIDMEAN PLOT GR-CO Generate midmean (vs. subset) plot
MIDRANGE SC-LE Compute sample midrange
MIDRANGE PLOT GR-CO Generate midrange (vs. subset) plot
MIMIMUM SC-LE Compute sample minimum
MIN(X,Y) FUNC Compute minimum
...MINIMUM PC-CO Set minima to appear on plot frame
MINIMUM PLOT GR-CO Generate minima (vs. subset) plot
MINMAX SC-SE Specify form for EV1, EV2, Weibull
MINOR GRID PC-CO Set switch (ON/OFF) for minor grid on plots
MINOR ...TIC NUMBER PC-CO Set number of minor tics on plots
MISRA1.DAT DA-FI Dental res. monomolec adsorbtion (Regression)
MLCO2MON.DAT DA-FI Mauna Loa monthly co2 (1974-86) (Time Series)
MLF11.DAT DA-FI Mauna Loa freon-11 (1977-86) (Time Series)
MLF12.DAT DA-FI Mauna Loa freon-12 (1977-86) (Time Series)
MLN2O.DAT DA-FI Mauna Loa monthly N2O (1977-86) (Time Series)
MLCO2.DAT DA-FI Mauna Loa monthly CO2 (1958-87) (Time Series)
MOD(X,Y) FUNC Compute modulo
MORC AR-CO Set the color to medium orchid
MORTGAGE.TEX RE-FI Wash. D. C. 30-yr mortgage rates (Dec/87)
MOVE WC-CO Move to a point
MOVEDATA WC-CO Move to a point (units of last plot)
MSD(X) FUNC Compute most significant digit
MSBL AR-CO Set the color to medium slate blue
MSGR AR-CO Set the color to medium sea green
MSPG AR-CO Set the color to medium spring green
MTUR AR-CO Set the color to medium turquoise
MU() CH/SY Write/draw Greek mu
MULTIPLOT PC-CO Set number of rows and columns for multiplot
MULTIPLOT COORDINATES PC-CO Change default MULTIPLOT global coordinates
MULTITEXT.DP MM-FI Menu macro to position text via cross-hair
MULTITRA.DP PR-FI Generate a multi-trace plot (HAYES1.DAT)
MURDER86.DAT DA-FI 1986 murder rates by state (Pareto Analysis)
MVRD AR-CO Set the color to medium violet red


NAF11.DAT DA-FI Elkins North Atlantic Freon-11 (Time Series)
NAME SU-CO Assign additional names to a variable
NAND [not work] WC-CO Draw a nand box
NASP() CH/SY Write/draw nasp
NAVY AR-CO Set color to navy
NBSACTIV.DAT DA-FI Statist comp activ at NBS (Pareto Analysis)
NBSPART1.DAT MP-FI Map of middle of NBS campus (Map)
NBSPOW1.DAT DA-FI NIST metrology data (part 1)
NBSPOW2.DAT DA-FI NIST metrology data (part 2)
NBSPOW3.DAT DA-FI NIST metrology data (part 3)
NBSSOFTW.DAT DA-FI Software used at NBS (Pareto Analysis)
NEGATE SU-CO Set switch (ON/OFF) to negate vertical plot
NEGATIVE BINO PROB PLOT GR-CO Generate neg. bin. probability plot
NEGATIVE BINO RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate negative binomial random numbers
NELSON.DAT DA-FI Dialetric breakdown (Non-linear fitting)
NEWS SU-CO Print general news from DATAPLOT service org
NEWTOOLS.TEX RE-FI The "7 New Tools" for quality control
NLIST SU-CO Generate a list with line numbers
NOR WC-CO Draw a nor box
NORCDF(X) FUNC Compute normal N(0,1) cumulative dist func
NORMAL ORDER STAT MEDIANS SC-LE Generate normal order statistic medians
NORMAL PLOT GR-CO Generate a normal plot
NORMAL PROBABILITY PLOT GR-CO Generate normal probability plot
NORMAL RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate normal N(0,1) random numbers
NORMHIST.DP MM-FI Menu macro to gen hist + normal density
NORMDENS.DP MA-FI Draw a labelled normal density function
NORM20.DAT DA-FI List of 20 normal random numbers
NORPDF(X) FUNC Compute normal N(0,1) prob density func
NORPPCC.TEX RE-FI Percent points of the normal probability plot
NORPPF(P) FUNC Compute normal N(0,1) percent point func
NOT=() CH/SY Write/draw not equal
NOT EXIST RESW In IF command, check for variable existence
NP CHART GR-CO Generate Np control chart
NU() CH/SY Write/draw Greek nu
NUT.DAT DA-FI Strength of a component (3 factors)
NWF11.DAT DA-FI Niwot Ridge freon-11 (1977-86) (Time Series)
NWF12.DAT DA-FI Niwot Ridge freon-12 (1977-86) (Time Series)
NWN2O.DAT DA-FI Niwot Ridge mon N2O (1977-86) (Time Series)


OCTDEC(X) FUNC Compute octal to decimal conversion
OFF RESW Set a switch to "off" position
OIL.DP PR-FI Prog to max. oil production (Simplex Method)
OLDTOOLS.TEX RE-FI The "7 Old Tools" for quality control
OMEG() CH/SY Write/draw Greek omega
OMIC() CH/SY Write/draw Greek omicon
ON RESW Set a switch to "on" position
OPERATOR [not work] SU-CO Send a message to host console operator
OR WC-CO Draw an or box
ORANGE AR-CO Set color to orange
ORCH AR-CO Set color to orchid
ORANGE AR-CO Set color to orange
ORA2 AR-CO Set color to orange2
ORA3 AR-CO Set color to orange3
ORA4 AR-CO Set color to orange4
ORCH AR-CO Set color to orchid
ORED AR-CO Set color to orange red
ORIENTATION PC-CO Specify page orientation (landscape/portrait)
ORIGIN COORDINATES PC-CO Set reference origin for 3-dimensional plot
ORTHOGONAL FIT [FUTURE] AN-CO Carry out a least squares orthogonal fit
OVAL WC-CO Draw an oval


P CHART GR-CO Generate P control chart
PALLETT.DAT DA-FI Voice recognition ATIS SLS test results
PALLETT.DP PR-FI Generate block plots (PALLET.DAT)
PARA() CH/SY Write/draw paragraph
PARETO PLOT GR-CO Generate Pareto plot
PARETO PPCC PLOT GR-CO Generate Pareto prob plot corr coef plot
PARETO PROBABILITY PLOT GR-CO Generate Pareto probability plot
PARETO RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate Pareto random numbers
PARETO.DP MM-FI Menu macro to generate a Pareto plot
PART() CH/SY Write/draw partial derivative
PARTIAL AUTOCORR PLOT GR-CO Generate a partial autocorrelation plot
PATTERN SC-LE Generate a patterned sequence within a var
PATTERN COLOR ??? WC-CO Set (general) pattern color
PATTERN HEIGHT ??? WC-CO Set (general) pattern height??
PATTERN LINE ??? WC-CO Set (general) pattern line type
PATTERN SPACING ??? WC-CO Set (general) pattern spacing
PATTERN THICKLNESS ??? WC-CO Set (general) pattern thickness
PATTERN WIDTH ??? WC-CO Set (general) pattern (line) width
PAUSE SU-CO Stop execution (of a macro) until CR entered
PBF11.DAT DA-FI Pt. Barrow freon-11 (1977-86) (Time Series)
PBF12.DAT DA-FI Pt. Barrow freon-12 (1977-86) (Time Series)
PBN2O.DAT DA-FI Pt. Barrow N2O (1977-86) (Time Series)
PBCO2.DAT DA-FI Pt. Barrow CO2 (1973-86) (Time Series)
PDFPLOT.DP MA-FI Generate pdf traces for chi-square
PDF.TEX RE-FI Probability density functions for dist
PEDESTAL [not work] PC-CO Set switch (ON/OFF) for pedestal on 3d-plot
PEDESTAL COLOR [not work] PC-CO Set color of pedestal on 3d-plots
PEDESTAL HEIGHT PC-CO Set height for 3-d pedestal
PEDESTAL SIZE [not work] PC-CO Set size for pedestal on 3d-plots
PENTAGON.DAT DA-FI Pentagon yearly expenditures (1-factor ANOVA)
PERCENT POINT PLOT GR-CO Generate percent point plot
PERDEF SC-LE Compute the percentage of defectives
PERIM.TEX RE-FI Perimeter formulae for geometric figures
PERIODIC.TEX RE-FI Chemistry periodic table
... PERIODOGRAM GR-CO Generate auto- or cross-periodogram
PERIODOGRAM GR-CO Generate auto-periodogram
PERM9.DAT ED-FI Random permutations of 1-9 (Exp. Des.)
PERM16.DAT ED-FI Random permutations of 1-16 (Exp. Des.)
PERM20.DAT ED-FI Random permutations of 1-20 (Exp. Des.)
PERM30.DAT ED-FI Random permutations of 1-30 (Exp. Des.)
PERM50.DAT ED-FI Random permutations of 1-50 (Exp. Des.)
PERM100.DAT ED-FI Random permutations of 1-100 (Exp. Des.)
PERM200.DAT ED-FI Random permutations of 1-200 (Exp. Des.)
PERM500.DAT ED-FI Random permutations of 1-500 (Exp. Des.)
PERM1000.DAT ED-FI Random permutation of 1-1000 (Exp. Des.)
PGRE AR-CO Set color to pale green
PHASE SPECTRAL PLOT GR-CO Generate phase spectral plot
PHASE PLANE DIAGRAM GR-CO Generate a phase plane diagram
PHI() CH/SY Write/draw Greek phi
PHONE.TEX RE-FI Misc. phone numbers (update locally)
PI RESW Parameter with value 3.1415926
PI() CH/SY Write/draw Greek pi
PICTURE POINTS (or PP) GD-CO Set device 1 number of picture points
PIE CHART GR-CO Generate pie chart
PIECHART.DP MM-FI Menu macro to generate labelled pie chart
PINK AR-CO Set color to pink
PLACBURM.DAT ED-FI Plack-Burm orth exp des 11 factors, 2 levels
PLANETS.DAT DA-FI Solar system planet statistics (Multivariate)
PLOT GR-CO Generate plot of variables and/or functions
PLOTFUNC.DP MM-FI Menu macro to plot a function
PLOTMAT.DP PR-FI Program to plot a matrix (Matrix)
PLOTROOT.DP PR-FI Program to plot complex roots of family
PLOTSIN.DP MM-FI Menu macro (elementary) to plot sin function
PLOTTEXT.DP MA-FI Superimpose text strings on pre-existing plot
PLOT1VAR.DP MM-FI Menu macro (elementary) to read & plot 1 var
PLOT2VAR.DP MM-FI Menu macro (elementary) to read & plot 2 var
PLOT25.DP MA-FI Generate multiplot of 25 representative plots
PLUM AR-CO Set color to plum
POINCARE PLOT GR-CO Generate Poincare plot
POINT WC-CO Draw a point
POISSON PPCC PLOT GR-CO Generate Poisson prob plot corr coef plot
POISSON PROBABILITY PLOT GR-CO Generate Poisson probability plot
POISSON RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate Poisson random numbers
POLYNOMIAL ADDITION SC-LE Carry out polynomial addition
POLYNOMIAL DEGREE SU-CO Set degree of polynomial in smoothing; (obs)
POLYNOMIAL DIVISION SC-LE Carry out polynomial division
POLYNOMIAL EVALUATION SC-LE Carry out polynomial evaluation
POLYNOMIAL MULTIPLICATION SC-LE Carry out polynomial multiplication
POLYNOMIAL SQUARE SC-LE Carry out polynomial square
POLYNOMIAL SUBTRACTION SC-LE Carry out polynomial subtraction
POLYROO1.DP PR-FI Program to solve complex roots of polynomial
POLYROO2.DP PR-FI Program for roots of sum 20 quintics (Poly)
PONTIUS.DAT DA-FI Load cell calibration (Regression)
POSTCODE.TEX RE-FI U. S. postal state codes (alphabetically)
POSTRATE.TEX RE-FI April 1988 postal rates for various weights
POSTRAT2.TEX RE-FI U. S. postal rates for various years
POSTSCRIPT GD-CO Specify Postscript output device
POSTSCRIPT ENCAPSULATED GD-CO Specify encapsulated Postscript output device
POSTSCRIPT FONT SC-SE Specify Postscript font
POSTSCRIPT MARGIN SC-SE Specify Postscript margins (in dots)
POSTSCRIPT PPI SC-SE Specify Postscript dots per inch
POSTSCRIPT SHOW FONTS GD-CO Show the available Postscript fonts
POSTSCRIPT SPACE SC-SE For Postscript, start with "%!" or " %!"
PP [host dependent] SU-CO Send the most recent plot to a printer
... PPCC PLOT GR-CO Generate prob plot corr coef plot (9 fam)
PPCC RESW Internal parameter set by probability plot
PPCC PLOT GR-CO Generate (Tukey lambda) prob plot cc pl
PPF.TEX RE-FI Percent point functions for distributions
PRE-ERASE PC-CO Set switch (ON/OFF) for auto-erase bef plots
... PRE-FIT AN-CO Perform pre-fit analysis for starting values
PRESIDENT.TEX RE-FI U. S. Presidents (ordered by year)
PRE-SORT PC-CO Set automatic pre-plot sort (ON/OFF)
PRED RESW Var with predicted values from FIT, etc
PREPLOT PC-CO Set graphics device for pre-plot strings
PREPOST SC-SE Define gr device for PREPLOT/POSTPLOT string
PREVIEW SU-CO Synonym for list
PRIM() CH/SY Write/draw prime
PRIME NUMBERS SC-LE Generate prime numbers
PRIMESM.DAT DA-FI Mersenne prime numbers
PRINCIPLE COMPONENTS SC-LE Generate a matrix of principle components
PRINCIPLE COMP EIGENVALUES SC-LE Gen matrix of principle component eigenvalues
PRINCIPLE COMP EIGENVECTOR SC-LE Gen matrix of principle component eigenvector
PRINCIPLE TYPE SU-CO Specify the format for principle components
... PRINCIPLE COMPONENTS SC-LE Generate matrix of principle components
... PRINCIPLE COMP EIGENVAL SC-LE Gen a specific principle component eigenvalue
... PRINCIPLE COMP EIGENVEC SC-LE Gen a specific principle component eigenvect
PRINT IO-CO Write (terminal/file) var, param, func
PRINTING SU-CO Allow/suppress analysis printing (ON/OFF)
... PROBABILITY PLOT GR-CO Generate probability plot (24 dist)
PROBE SU-CO Examine code settings (used by implementor)
PROD() CH/SY Write/draw product
PRODUCT SC-LE Compute product of elements in a var
PROFILE PLOT GR-CO Generate profile plot (multivar anal)
PROFPLOT.DP PR-FI Generate a profile plot (AUTO79.DAT)
PROMPT WC-CO Set switch (ON/OFF) for prompt
PROPORTION LIMITS SU-CO Set limits for region in Proportion plot
PROPORTION PLOT GR-CO Generate a proportion (vs. subset) plot
PSI() CH/SY Write/draw Greek psi
PURPLE AR-CO Set color to purple
PYRA() CH/SY Write/draw pyramid
PYRAMID AR-CH Set plot character to pyramid
PYRAMID WC-CO Draw a pyramid


QMS GD-CO Specify a QMS output device
QMS FONT SC-SE Specify QMS font to use
QMS ... MARGIN SC-SE Specify QMS margins (in dots)
QMS PPI SC-SE Specify QMS points per inch
QUADRATURE SPECTRAL PLOT GR-CO Generate quadrature spectral plot
QUALCOST.TEX RE-FI Japan's def and 4 comp of "quality cost"
QUANPLOT PR-FI Generate quantile-quantile plot (AUTO83.DAT)
QUANTILE-QUANTILE PLOT GR-CO Generate quantile-quantile plot
... QUARTILE PLOT GR-CO Generate lower/upper quart (vs. subset) plot
QUERY [obsolete] SU-CO Send query line to DATAPLOT consultant file
QUIC GD-CO Specify a QMS output device
QUIC FONT SC-SE Specify QMS font to use
QUIC ... MARGIN SC-SE Specify QMS margins (in dots)
QUIC PPI SC-SE Specify QMS points per inch
QUINLAN.DAT DA-FI Speedometer casing (4 response, 15 factors)
QUIT SU-CO Exit from DATAPLOT (= STOP, END, etc.)


R SU-CO Re-execute one previous command
R CHART GR-CO Generate range control chart plot
RACC() CH/SY Write/draw right accent
RADI() CH/SY Write/draw radical
RADIANS SU-CO Set radians for trig calculations (ON/OFF)
RAIN.DP PR-FI Solve raindrop differential equation
RANDN.DAT DA-FI Normal random numb (Univariate; Time Series)
RANDOM PERMUTATION SC-LE Generate random permutation
RANDOM SAMPLE SC-LE Generate random sample (with replacement)
RANDSAMP.DP MM-FI Menu macro to gen stratified random sample
RANDU.DAT DA-FI Uniform random numb (Univariate; Time Series)
RANDWALK.DAT DA-FI Random walk (Time Series)
RANGE SC-LE Compute sample range
RANGE CONTROL CHART GR-CO Generate range control chart
RANGE PLOT GR-CO Generate range (vs. subset) plot
RANK SC-LE Rank the elements in a variable
RANK CORRELATION SC-LE Compute sample rank correlation
RANK COVARIANCE SC-LE Compute sample rank covariance
RAPO() CH/SY Write/draw right apostrophe
RARR() CH/SY Write/draw right arrow
RBRA() CH/SY Write/draw right bracket
RCBR() CH/SY Write/draw right curly bracket
READ IO-CO Read variables
READ FORMAT SC-SE Set format for (fast) READ
READ FUNCTION IO-CO Read 1 line of functions (= READ STRING)
READ MATRIX IO-CO Read in a matrix
READ PARAMETER IO-CO Read one line of parameters.
READ STRING IO-CO Read one line of strings (= READ FUNCTION)
RED AR-CO Set color to red
RED2 AR-CO Set color to red2
RED3 AR-CO Set color to red3
RED4 AR-CO Set color to red4
REFPLOT.DP MA-FI Macro to gen DATAPLOT tutorial ref plot
REGION BASE WC-CO Set region base
REGION BORDER COLOR WC-CO Set region border color
REGION BORDER LINE WC-CO Set region border line type
REGION BORDER THICKNESS WC-CO Set region border (line) thickness
REGION FILL WC-CO Set fill switch (ONXX/OFF) for reg (& 3d)
REGION FILL WC-CO Set region fill switch (ON/OFF)
REGION FILL COLOR WC-CO Set region fill color
REGION PATTERN WC-CO Set region pattern
REGION PATTERN COLOR WC-CO Set region pattern color
REGION PATTERN LINE WC-CO Set region pattern line type
REGION PATTERN SPACING WC-CO Set region pattern spacing
REGION PATTERN THICKNESS WC-CO Set region pattern (line) thickness
REGIS GD-CO Set device 1 to DEC Regis
RELATIVE SD PLOT GR-CO Generate relative st. dev. (vs. subset) plot
RELATIVE STANDARD DEVIATION SC-LE Compute sample relative stand dev
RELB() CH/SY Write/draw right elbow
RENAME SU-CO Assign a different name to a variable
REPDF RESW Param with rep deg of freedom from FIT etc
REPEAT (or R) SU-CO Re-execute one previous command
REPSD RESW Param with replic. sd from FIT, ANOVA, etc
RES RESW Var with residuals from FIT, ANOVA, etc
RESDF RESW Param with res deg of freedom from FIT etc
RESET SU-CO "Zero-out" var &/or param &/or func, etc
RESISTOR WC-CO Draw a resistor
RESPLOT.DP PR-FI Generate a residual plot (SPIEGEL.DAT)
RESSD RESW Param with res sd from FIT, ANOVA, etc
RESTORE MEMORY SU-CO Restore all saved var/param/func from file
RETAIN SU-CO Retain var or elements of a var
REVTRI AR-CH Set plot character to reverse triangle
RHO() CH/SY Write/draw Greek rho
RING BELL WC-CO Ring the bell
RIPKEN.DAT DA-FI Cal Ripken batting average (ANOVA)
ROOT ACCURACY SU-CO Set accuracy for ROOT subcommand under LET
ROOTOGRAM GR-CO Generate rootogram
ROOTS SC-LE Compute roots of a function
ROSZMAN1.DAT DA-FI Quantum defects for sulfur 1 atom (Fitting)
ROUND(X) FUNC Compute rounded value (to closest int)
RQUO() CH/SY Write/draw right quote
RUN SEQUENCE PLOT GR-CO Generate run sequence plot
RUNGE-KUTTA SC-LE Compute Runge-Kutta diff. eq. solution
RUNS AN-CO Carry out runs analysis
RUNS PLOT (FUTURE) GR-CO Generate runs plot


S CHART GR-CO Generate st. dev. control chart plot
SALM AR-CO Set color to salmon
SAVE SU-CO Save selected LISTed commands
SAVE RESW Symbolic name for DTPLT SAVEd-command file
SAVE MEMORY SU-CO Save all var/param/func to file
SBLU AR-CO Set color to slate blue
SDPLOT.DP PR-FI Generate standard deviation plot (PBF11.DAT)
SDPRED.DP MA-FI Macro to compute linear fit conf lim for obs
SEARCH SU-CO Search a file for all occurrences of string
SEARCH DICTIONARY SU-CO Search Dictionary file for string (all)
SEARCH DIRECTORY SU-CO Search Directory file for string (all)
SEARCH1 SU-CO Search file for first occurrence of string
SEARCH1 DICTIONARY SU-CO Search Dictionary file for string (first)
SEARCH1 DIRECTORY SU-CO Search Directory file for string (first)
SEC(X) FUNC Compute secant
SECH(X) FUNC Compute hyperbolic secant
SEED SU-CO Set seed for random number generators
SEGMENT ... COLOR PC-CO Set colors for line segments on plots
SEGMENT ... COORDINATES PC-CO Set location of line segments on plots
SEGMENT ... PATTERN PC-CO Set line type for segments on plots
SEGMENT ... THICKNESS PC-CO Set line thickness for segments on plots
SEMI-CIRC RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate semi-circular random numbers
SEMI-CIRCLE WC-CO Draw a semi-circle
SEMI-CIRULAR PROB PLOT GR-CO Generate semi-circ. probability plot
SEQUENCE PC-CO Set auto-seq-numbering for plots (ON/OFF)
SEQUENCE SC-LE Generate a sequence within a variable
SEQUENTIAL DIFFERENCE SC-LE Compute seq. differences of elts in a var
SERIAL READ IO-CO Read variables serially
SET SU-CO Specify settings for certain commands
SET CARDINALITY SC-LE Compute set cardinality
SET CARTESIAN PRODUCT SC-LE Carry out set cartesian product
SET COMPLEMENT SC-LE Carry out set complement
SET DISTINCT SC-LE Extract distinct elements of a set
SET INTERSECTION SC-LE Carry out set intersection
SET UNION SC-LE Carry out set union
SGRE AR-CO Set color to sea green
SHADEBOX.DP MA-FI Draw a legend box (with shadow effect)
SHAPE RESW Internal parameter set by PPCC plots
SHEESLEY.DAT DA-FI Light bulb lead wire weld process (ANOVA)
SHEESLE2.DAT DA-FI Light bulb lead wire weld process (ANOVA)
SHEESLE2.DP PR-FI Generate a block plot (SHEESLE2.DAT)
SHOW COLORS GD-CO Show available colors
SHOW COLORS CALCOMP GD-CO Show colors for Calcomp plotter
SHOW COLORS CGM GD-CO Show colors for CGM metafile
SHOW COLORS HP 2622 GD-CO Show colors for HP-2622 (and related)
SHOW COLORS POSTSCRIPT GD-CO Show colors for Postscript
SHOW COLORS REGIS GD-CO Show colors for Regis
SHOW COLORS SUN GD-CO Show colors for Sun
SHOW COLORS TEKT 4115 GD-CO Show colors for Tektronix 4115 (and related)
SHOW COLORS TEKT 4662 GD-CO Show colors for Tektronix 4662
SHOW COLORS TEKT 4027 GD-CO Show colors for Tektronix 4027
SHOW COLORS X11 GD-CO Show colors for X11
SHOW COLORS ZETA GD-CO Show colors for Zeta plotter
SHOW READ FORMAT SU-CO Show current format for READ
SIEN AR-CO Set color to sienna
SIGM() CH/SY Write/draw Greek sigma
SIGN(X) FUNC Compute sign
SIMIU.DAT DA-FI Thunderstorm wind vel (Univariate; Time Ser.)
SIMPLEX AR-FO Set font to simplex
SIMPLEX SCRIPT AR-FO Set font to simplex script
SIMPMETH.DP MM-FI Menu macro to compute simplex sol (lin prog)
SIN(X) FUNC Compute sine
SINE AMPLITUDE PLOT GR-CO Generate sine amplitude (vs. subset) plot
SINE FREQUENCY PLOT GR-CO Generate sine freq. (vs. subset) plot
SINGULAR VALUES SC-LE Compute matrix singular values
SINGULAR VALUE DECOMP SC-LE Compute matrix singular value decomposition
SINGULAR VALUE FACTOR SC-LE Compute matrix singular value factorization
SINH(X) FUNC Compute hyperbolic sine
SIZE SC-LE Compute sample size (number of observ)
SKEWNESS SC-LE Compute sample skew (stand 3rd cent mom)
SKEWNESS PLOT GR-CO Generate skewness (vs. subset) plot
SKIP IO-CO Set num of header lines to skip for READ
SKBL AR-CO Set color to sky blue
SMALL14.DAT DA-FI Atomic modelling (Multivariate)
... SMOOTH AN-CO Perform smoothing of equi-spaced data
SNAIL.DAT DA-FI Snail spiral data (Regression)
SNOWY.TEX RE-FI 10 snowiest places in the USA
SOLID AR-LI Set line type to solid
SORT SC-LE Sort the elements in a variable
SORT.DP MM-FI Menu macro to sort alpha list via priorities
SORTC SC-LE Sort elem in 1 var & carry another var
SOULEN0.DAT DA-FI Josephson junc cryoth. (Univariate; Time Ser)
SOULEN.DAT DA-FI Josephson junc cryoth. (Univariate; Time Ser)
SPACING WC-CO Set spacing (equal/proportional) for TEXT
SPECPLOT.DP PR-FI Generate a spectral plot (LEW.DAT)
... SPECTRAL PLOT GR-CO Generate auto-, cross-, etc spectral plot)
SPECTRAL PLOT GR-CO Generate (auto-) spectral plot
SPECTRUM.TEX RE-FI Electromagnetic Spectrum (by frequency)
SPF11.DAT DA-FI S. Pole monthly freon-11 (1977-86) (Time Ser)
SPF12.DAT DA-FI S. Pole monthly freon-12 (1977-86) (Time Ser)
SPGR AR-CO Set color to spring green
SPIEGEL.DAT DA-FI Nuclear tank calibration (Regression)
SPLETT.DAT DA-FI Superconducting chip optimization (Exp Des)
SPN2O.DAT DA-FI South Pole monthly N2O (1977-86) (Time Ser.)
SPCO2.DAT DA-FI South Pole monthly CO2 (1973-86) (Time Ser.)
SPIKE PC-CO Set switch (ON/OFF) for spikes on plots
SPIKE BASE PC-CO Set base location for spikes on plots
SPIKE COLOR WC-CO Set color for spikes
SPIKE DIRECTION PC-CO Set spike direction (H/V)
SPIKE LINE PC-CO Set line types for spikes on plots
SPIKE PATTERN WC-CO Set line pattern for spikes
SPIKE THICKNESS WC-CO Set thickness for spikes
SPIKEPLO.DP PR-FI Generate a spike plot (GNP.DAT)
SPIRAL.DP MA-FI Generate a spiral plot
... SPLINE FIT AN-CO Perform spline fit
SPRINGS.DP PR-FI Solve for frequency of spring (Eigenvalues)
SQRT(X) FUNC Compute square root
SQUA() CH/SY Write/draw square
SQUARE AR-CH Set plot character to square
STAN DEVI CONTROL CHART GR-CO Generate stan. dev. control chart
STAN DEVI OF THE MEAN PLOT GR-CO Generate sd of mean (vs. subset) plot
STANDARD DEVI OF THE MEAN SC-LE Compute standard deviation of the mean
STANDARD DEVIATION SC-LE Compute sample standard deviation
STANDARD DEVIATION PLOT GR-CO Generate standard dev (vs. subset) plot
STAR AR-CH Set plot character to star
STAR PLOT GR-CO Generate star plot (multivar anal)
STARPLOT.DP PR-FI Generate a star plot (AUTO79.DP)
STAR() CH/SY Write/draw star
STATUS SU-CO Print status of lines, char, var, par
STBL AR-CO Set color to steel blue
STEM-AND-LEAF DIAGRAM GR-CO Generate stem-and-leaf diagram
STOP SU-CO Exit from DATAPLOT (= EXIT, END, etc.)
SUB() CH/SY Shift to subscript
SUBS() CH/SY Write/draw subset
SUBPLOT.DP MA-FI Macro to gen subseries plot of raw data
SUBPLOTR.DP MA-FI Macro to gen subseries plot of residuals
SUBSET RESW Qualifier denoting subset of interest
SUBSTITUTION CHARACTER SC-SE Define alternate substitution char (for \)
SUM SC-LE Compute sum of elements in a variable
SUM PLOT GR-CO Generate a sum (vs. subset) plot
SUM.DP MM-FI Menu macro to sum a list of numbers
SUMD??? SC-LE Compute XXX
SUMM() CH/SY Write/draw summation
SUMMARY AN-CO Compute summary statistics
SUN GD-CO Specify SUN graphics device
SUNSPOT.DAT DA-FI Monthly sunspot (Time Series)
SUNSPOT2.DAT DA-FI Yearly sunspot (Time Series)
SURVIVAL PLOT GR-CO Generate a tail area plot
SUP() CH/SY Shift to superscript
SUPE() CH/SY Write/draw superset
SYMBOL [not working] WC-CO Define alternate special symbol to ()
SYMBOL PLOT GR-CO Generate a symbol plot
SYMMETRY PLOT GR-CO Generate a symmetry plot
SYSTEM [host dependent] SU-CO Execute an operating system command
SWANSON1.DAT DA-FI Ozone spectroscopy (spline Regression)


TAIL AREA PLOT GR-CO Generate a tail area plot
TAN AR-CO Set color to tan
T PPCC PLOT GR-CO Generate t prob plot corr coef plot
T PROBABILITY PLOT GR-CO Generate t probability plot
T RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate t random numbers
T TEST AN-CO Carry out 1- or 2-sample t test
TTEST.DP MM-FI Menu macro to perfrom t test on 2 var
TABULATE AN-CO Tabulate counts of distinct values of a var
TABULATE COUNTS AN-CO Tabulate counts of var 1 based on var 2
TABULATE MEAN AN-CO Tabulate means of variable 1 based on var 2
TABULATE RANGES AN-CO Tabulate ranges of variable 1 based on var 2
TABULATE SD AN-CO Tabulate std dev of variable 1 based on var 2
TAGREF.TEX RE-FI The 2 primary Tag reference books for quality
TAGUCHI SN... PLOT GR-CO Generate Taguchi (target) S/N (subset) plot
TAGUCHI SN PLOT GR-CO Gen Tag. S/N "target is better" (subset) plot
TAGUCHI SNL PLOT GR-CO Gen Tag. S/N "larger is better" (subset) plot
TAGUCHI SNS PLOT GR-CO Gen Tag S/N "smaller is better" (subset) plot
TAGUCHI SN2 PLOT GR-CO Gen Tag. S/N "target is better" (subset) plot
TAGUCHISUMMARY.TEX RE-FI Summary of Taguchi orthogonal designs
TAGUCHIL....TEX RE-FI Listing of Taguchi LX orthogonal designs
TAN(X) FUNC Compute tangent
TANH(X) FUNC Compute hyperbolic tangent
TAU() CH/SY Write/draw Greek tau
TAX1979.TEX RE-FI 1979 federal income tax rates
TAX1987.TEX RE-FI 1987 federal income tax rates
TCDF(X,NU) FUNC Compute t cumulative dist func
TEKTRONIX AR-FO Set font to Tektronix
TEKTRONIX 4010 GD-CO Set dev 1 to Tekt 4010
TEKTRONIX 4014 GD-CO Set dev 1 to Tekt 4014
TEKTRONIX 4027 GD-CO Set dev 1 to Tekt 4027
TEKTRONIX 4105 GD-CO Set dev 1 to Tekt 4105
TEKTRONIX 4662 GD-CO Set dev 1 to Tekt 4662
TERMINATOR CHARACTER SU-CO Set character to terminate commands
TEXAS.DAT MP-FI Map coordinates for Texas (Map)
TEXASMAP.DP MA-FI Generate a map of Texas
TEXT WC-CO Write out text
TEXT BASE ??? WC-CO Set base?? for TEXT
TEXT BORDER COLOR ??? WC-CO Set color of border for TEXT
TEXT BORDER LINE ??? WC-CO Set border line type for TEXT
TEXT BORDER THICKNESS ??? WC-CO Set border thickness for TEXT
TEXT FILL ??? WC-CO Set fill switch (ON/OFF) for TEXT
TEXT FILL COLOR ??? WC-CO Set fill color for TEXT
TEXT PATTERN ??? WC-CO Set fill pattern for TEXT
TEXT PATTERN COLOR ??? WC-CO Set pattern color for TEXT
TEXT PATTERN LINE ??? WC-CO Set pattern line type for TEXT
TEXT PATTERN SPACING ??? WC-CO Set pattern spacing for TEXT
TEXT PATTERN THICKNESS ??? WC-CO Set pattern (line) thickness for TEXT
THET() CH/SY Write/draw Greek theta
THEX() CH/SY Write/draw there exists
THFO() CH/SY Write/draw therefore
THICKNESS WC-CO Set thickness of TEXT letters (0 to 100)
THIRD CENTRAL MOME SC-LE Compute sample third central moment
THISTLE AR-CO Set color to thistle
THURBER.DAT DA-FI Semiconductor mobility modelling (Regression)
...TIC PC-CO Set the existence (ON/OFF) of plot tic marks
...TIC COLOR PC-CO Set the color of plot tic marks
...TIC LABEL PC-CO Set the switches (ON/OFF) for tic mark labels
...TIC LABEL ANGLE PC-CO Set the tic mark label angles
...TIC LABEL CASE PC-CO Set the tic mark label cases (upper/lower)
...TIC LABEL COLOR PC-CO Set the tic mark label colors
...TIC LABEL CONTENTS PC-CO Set the tic mark label contents (alphabetic)
...TIC LABEL DECIMALS PC-CO Set the tic mark label number of decimals
...TIC LABEL DIRECTION PC-CO Set the tic mark label direction (hori/vert)
...TIC LABEL DISPLACEMENT PC-CO Set the tic mark label distances from frame
...TIC LABEL FONT PC-CO Set the tic mark label fonts
...TIC LABEL FORMAT PC-CO Set the tic label formats (alpha, expo, etc)
...TIC LABEL HW PC-CO Set the tic mark label heights and widths
...TIC LABEL JUSTIFICATION PC-CO Set the tic mark label justification
...TIC LABEL SIZE PC-CO Set the tic mark label size (= height)
...TIC LABEL THICKNESS PC-CO Set the tic mark label line thickness
...TIC OFFSET PC-CO Set the offset of plot tic marks
...TIC POSITION PC-CO Set position (in/out/thru) of plot tic marks
...TIC SIZE PC-CO Set the size of plot tic marks
...TIC THICKNESS PC-CO Set the line thickness of plot tic marks
TIC OFFSET UNITS PC-CO Set tic offset in data or DATAPLOT units
TILD() CH/SY Write/draw tilda
TIME [host dependent] SU-CO Display (wall clock) time and date
TIMEMANA.TEX RE-FI 6 techniques for time management
TIME() CH/SY Write/draw times sign
TITLE PC-CO Set the title at the top of the plot
TITLE AUTOMATIC PC-CO Set an automatically generated title
TITLE CASE PC-CO Set the case (upper/lower) for plot title
TITLE COLOR PC-CO Set the color for plot title
TITLE DISPLACEMENT PC-CO Set the distance from the frame to the title
TITLE FONT PC-CO Set the font for plot title
TITLE SIZE PC-CO Set the size (height) for plot title
TITLE THICKNESS PC-CO Set the line thickness for plot title
TO RESW Set interval of values within a variable
TPDF(X,NU) FUNC Compute t probability density func
TPPF(P,NU) FUNC Compute t percent point function
TRAFFIC.DAT DA-FI Traffic fatalaties by state (Pareto Analysis)
TRANSLATE SU-CO Define auto-translation of any graphics
TRIA() CH/SY Write/draw triangle
TRIANGLE AR-CH Set plot character to triangle
TRIANGLE WC-CO Draw a triangle
TRIANGULAR PROB PLOT GR-CO Generate triangular probability plot
TRIANGULAR RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate triangular random numbers
TRICUBE SC-LE Compute tricube (robust) transformation
TRIGONOMETRIC UNITS SU-CO Set trigonometric units
TRII() CH/SY Write/draw inverted triangle
TRIMMED MEAN PLOT GR-CO Generate trimmed mean (vs. subset) plot
TRIPLEX AR-FO Set font to triplex
TRIPLEX ITALIC AR-FO Set font to triplex italic
TRIWEIGHT SC-LE Compute triweight (robust) transformation
TTEST.DP MM-FI Menu macro to perfrom t test on 2 var
TUFTE BOX PLOT AR-CH Set all plot characters for TUFTE BOX PLOT
TUFTE BOX PLOT AR-LI Set all plot lines for TUFTE BOX PLOT
TUKEY LAMBDA PPCC PLOT GR-CO Generate Tukey lambda prob plot cc plot
TUKEY LAMBDA PROB PLOT GR-CO Generate Tukey lambda probability plot
TUKEY LAMBDA RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate Tukey lambda random numbers
TURQUOISE AR-CO Set color to turquoise


U CHART GR-CO Generate U control chart
UARR() CH/SY Write/draw up arrow
UC() CH/SY Shift to upper case
UGIANSKY.DAT DA-FI Interlab stress corr. (Youden plot; Multivar)
UNIFORM ORDER STAT MEDIANS SC-LE Generate uniform order statistic medians
UNIFORM PROBABILITY PLOT GR-CO Generate uniform probability plot
UNIFORM RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate uniform (0,1) random numbers
UNIO() CH/SY Write/draw union
UNSB() CH/SY Shift to un-subscript
UNSP() CH/SY Shift to un-superscript
UPPER HINGE SC-LE Compute sample upper hinge
UPPER HINGE PLOT GR-CO Generate upper hinge (vs. subset) plot
UPPER QUARTILE SC-LE Compute sample upper quartile
UPPER QUARTILE PLOT GR-CO Generate upper quartile (vs. subset) plot
UPSI() CH/SY Write/draw Greek upsilon
USADEFIC.DAT DA-FI USA deficit (1980 to 1988) (1-factor ANOVA)
USA.DAT MP-FI Map coordinates for USA (crude resolu.) (Map)
USA3.DAT MP-FI Map coordinates for USA (Map)


VALU() CH/SY Write actual value of succeeding param
VARI() CH/SY Write/draw varies
VARIANCE SC-LE Compute sample variance
VARIANCE OF THE MEAN PLOT GR-CO Generate var. of mean (vs. subset) plot
VARIANCE PLOT GR-CO Generate variance (vs. subset) plot
VB AR-CH Set plot character to vertical bar
VBAR() CH/SY Write/draw vertical bar
VBLU AR-CO Set color to blue violet
VECCHIA.DAT DA-FI Superconducting chip optimization (Exp Des)
VECTOR AR-CH Set plot character to vector
VECTOR ADDITION SC-LE Carry out vector addition
VECTOR ANGLE SC-LE Compute vector angle
VECTOR ARROW SU-CO Set atributes for arrow on vector plot
VECTOR DISTANCE SC-LE Compute vector distance
VECTOR DOT PRODUCT SC-LE Carry out vector dot product
VECTOR FORMAT SU-CO Set type of data for vector plot
VECTOR LENGTH SC-LE Compute vector length
VECTOR PLOT GR-CO Generate a vector plot
VECTOR SUBTRACTION SC-LE Carry out vector subtraction
VERSUS RESW Used with PLOT, etc for multi-trace plot
VERTICAL SPACING WC-CO Set vertical spacing between lines (0 to 100)
VERTICALLY RESW Rotate contents (but not frame) of plot
VIBRATE.DAT DA-FI Vibration of a component (9 factors)
VIEW SU-CO Synonym for LIST
VIOL AR-CO Set color to violet
VISIBLE [future] PC-CO Set 3-d bkgrd lines visibility (ON/OFF)
VOLUMES.TEX RE-FI Volume formulae for geometric figures
VRED AR-CO Set color to violet red


WAMPLER1.DAT DA-FI Polynomial fitting test data (Regression)
WAMPLER2.DAT DA-FI Multilinear fitting test data (Regression)
WEBER.DAT DA-FI Hospital energy consumption (5 factors)
WEIBPLOT.DP PR-FI Generate a Weibull plot (ABERNE17.DP)
...WEIBULL SCALE PC-CO Set scale for plots to be Weibull
WEIBULL ADJUSTED RANKS SC-LE Generate adj. ranks for Weibull analysis
WEIBULL PLOT GR-CO Generate Weibull plot
WEIBULL PPCC PLOT GR-CO Generate Weibull prob plot corr coef plot
WEIBULL PROBABILITY PLOT GR-CO Generate Weibull probability plot
WEIBULL RANDOM NUMBERS SC-LE Generate Weibull random numbers
WEICDF(X,GAMMA) FUNC Compute Weibull cum distribution func
WEIGHTS SU-CO Set weights variable for FIT, PRE-FIT, etc
WEIGHTED MEAN SC-LE Compute a weighted mean
WEIGHTED MEDIAN SC-LE Compute a weighted median
WEIGHTED SD SC-LE Compute a weighted standard deviation
WEIGHTED VARIANCE SC-LE Compute a weighted variance
WEIPDF(X,GAMMA) FUNC Compute Weibull prob density func
WEIPPF(P,GAMMA) FUNC Compute Weibull percent point function
WHEAT AR-CO Set color to wheat
WHITE AR-CO Set color to white
WIDTH WC-CO Set width of letters (0 to 100)
WINDCHIL.TEX RE-FI Windchill factor curves
WINDOW COORDINATES PC-CO Set graphics region coor. (0 to 100)
WINDSORIZED MEAN PLOT GR-CO Generate Winsorized mean (vs. subset) plot
WORDCHAV.DP MM-FI Menu macro to gen centered vert wordchart
WORDCHAH.DP MM-FI Menu macro to gen centered hor wordchart
WORKSTAT.TEX RE-FI Top 10 workstations in 1986
WRIGHT11.DAT DA-FI Wright brothers flight data (2-way ANOVA)
WRITE IO-CO Write (terminal/file) var, param, func
WRITE " " IO-CO Write (terminal/file) a literal text string
WRITE DECIMALS SC-SE Set num. decimals for WRITE output
WRITE FORMAT SC-SE Set format for WRITE output
WRITE REWIND SC-SE Set switch (ON/OFF) for WRITE rewind
WRT RESW "With respect to"; used in LET for roots etc


XBAR CHART GR-CO Generate xbar (= mean) control chart plot
XI() CH/SY Write/draw Greek xi
X11 GD-CO Set device 1 to X11
X11 CAP SC-SE Control how X11 draws end of lines
X11 FONT SC-SE Specify the X11 font
X11 JOIN SC-SE Control how X11 connects points of lines
X11 PIXMAP SC-SE Control whether X11 screen can be refreshed


YATES ANALYSIS Y AN-CO Carry out Yates analysis of 2**k design
YELLOW AR-CO Set color to yellow
YEL2 AR-CO Set color to yellow2
YEL3 AR-CO Set color to yellow3
YEL4 AR-CO Set color to yellow4
YGRE AR-CO Set color to yellow-green
YOUDPLOT.DP PR-FI Generate a Youden plot (UGIANSKY.DAT)


ZETA GD-CO Specify ZETA graphics device
ZETA COLORS SC-SE Specify number of colors for ZETA device
ZETA WIDTH SC-SE Specify pen width for ZETA device
ZETA() CH/SY Write/draw Greek zeta


2KINDEX.DAT ED-FI 2**(k-p) exp des--ordered by factors & runs
2TO2.DAT ED-FI Full factor exp des 2 lev, 2 fac, 4 runs
2TO3M1.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 3 fac, 4 runs
2TO3.DAT ED-FI Full factor exp des 2 lev, 3 fac, 8 runs
2TO4M1.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 4 fac, 8 runs
2TO4.DAT ED-FI Full factor exp des 2 lev, 4 fac, 16 runs
2TO5M2.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 5 fac, 8 runs
2TO5M1.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 5 fac, 16 runs
2TO5.DAT ED-FI Full factor exp des 2 lev, 5 fac, 32 runs
2TO6M3.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 6 fac, 8 runs
2TO6M2.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 6 fac, 16 runs
2TO6M1.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 6 fac, 32 runs
2TO6.DAT ED-FI Full factor exp des 2 lev, 6 fac, 64 runs
2TO7M4.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 7 fac, 8 runs
2TO7M3.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 7 fac, 16 runs
2TO7M2.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 7 fac, 32 runs
2TO7M1.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 7 fac, 64 runs
2TO7.DAT ED-FI Full factor exp des 2 lev, 7 fac, 128 runs
2TO8M4.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 8 fac, 16 runs
2TO8M3.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 8 fac, 32 runs
2TO8M2.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 8 fac, 64 runs
2TO8M1.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 8 fac, 128 runs
2TO9M5.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 9 fac, 16 runs
2TO9M4.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 9 fac, 32 runs
2TO9M3.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 9 fac, 64 runs
2TO9M2.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 9 fac, 128 runs
2TO10M6.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 10 fac, 16 runs
2TO10M5.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 10 fac, 32 runs
2TO10M4.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 10 fac, 64 runs
2TO10M3.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 10 fac, 128 runs
2TO11M7.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 11 fac, 16 runs
2TO11M6.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 11 fac, 32 runs
2TO11M5.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 11 fac, 64 runs
2TO11M4.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 11 fac, 128 runs
2TO15M11.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 11 fac, 16 runs
2TO31M26.DAT ED-FI Frac factor exp des 2 lev, 31 fac, 32 runs
23CUBE.DP MM-FI Menu macro to gen a 2**3 fact exp des cube
3DPLOT.DP MM-FI Menu macro to gen a 3dplot with cube frame
3-D PLOT GR-CO Generate 3-dimensional plot of var &/or func
4-PLOT GR-CO Generate 4-plot univariate analysis plot
/ SU-CO Re-execute SAVEd commands.
/ LP [host dependent] SU-CO Re-execute SAVEd commands, output to printer
/ LPT1 [host dependent] SU-CO Re-execute SAVEd commands, output to printer
/ PRINTER [host dependent] SU-CO Re-execute SAVEd commands, output to printer
/ PSPRINTER [host dependent] SU-CO Re-execute SAVEd commands, output to printer
/ [host depend] SU-CO Re-execute SAVEd commands, output to file
\ CH/SY Write actual value of succeed. param or str
& CH/SY Concatonate strings (used with \)
... RESW Continue any statement onto next line
() RESW Set math/Greek char in TEXT, LABEL, etc.
+-() CH/SY Write/draw + or -
-+() CH/SY Write/draw - or +
. SU-CO Insert a comment line in code
; RESW Terminator character for a command
< RESW "Less than"
<= RESW "Less than or equal to"
<> RESW "Not equal to"
= RESW "Equal"; used in FIT, PRE-FIT, FOR, etc
> RESW "Greater than"
>= RESW "Greater than or equal to"

Date created: 06/05/2001
Last updated: 04/29/2022

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