Process or Product Monitoring and Control
6.5. Tutorials
Dimension reduction tool | A Multivariate Analysis problem could start out with a substantial number of correlated variables. Principal Component Analysis is a dimension-reduction tool that can be used advantageously in such situations. Principal component analysis aims at reducing a large set of variables to a small set that still contains most of the information in the large set. | ||
Principal factors | The technique of principal component analysis enables us to create and use a reduced set of variables, which are called principal factors. A reduced set is much easier to analyze and interpret. To study a data set that results in the estimation of roughly 500 parameters may be difficult, but if we could reduce these to 5 it would certainly make our day. We will show in what follows how to achieve substantial dimension reduction. | ||
Inverse transformaion not possible | While these principal factors represent or replace one or more of the original variables, it should be noted that they are not just a one-to-one transformation, so inverse transformations are not possible. | ||
Original data matrix | To shed a light on the structure of principal components analysis, let us consider a multivariate data matrix \({\bf X}\), with \(n\) rows and \(p\) columns. The \(p\) elements of each row are scores or measurements on a subject such as height, weight and age. | ||
Linear function that maximizes variance | Next, standardize the \({\bf X}\) matrix so that each column mean is 0 and each column variance is 1. Call this matrix \({\bf Z}\). Each column is a vector variable, \({\bf z}_i, \, i = 1, \, \ldots, \, p\). The main idea behind principal component analysis is to derive a linear function \({\bf y}\) for each of the vector variables \({\bf z}_i\). This linear function possesses an extremely important property; namely, its variance is maximized. | ||
Linear function is component of \({\bf z}\) | This linear function is referred to as a component of \({\bf z}\). To illustrate the computation of a single element for the \(j\)th \({\bf y}\) vector, consider the product \({\bf y} = {\bf z} {\bf v}'\) where \({\bf v}'\) is a column vector of \({\bf V}\), and \({\bf V}\) is a \(p \times p\) coefficient matrix that carries the \(p\)-element variable \({\bf z}\) into the derived \(n\)-element variable \({\bf y}\). \({\bf V}\) is known as the eigen vector matrix. The dimension of \({\bf z}\) is \(1 \times p\), the dimension of \({\bf v}'\) is \(p \times 1\). The scalar algebra for the component score for the \(i\)th individual of \({\bf y}_j, \, j = 1, \, \ldots, \, p\) is: $$ y_{ij} = v_1' z_{1i} + v_2' z_{2i} + \cdots + v_p' z_{pi} \, . $$ This becomes in matrix notation for all of the \(y\): $$ {\bf Y} = {\bf Z} {\bf V} \, . $$ | ||
Mean and dispersion matrix of \({\bf y}\) |
The mean of \({\bf y}\) is \({\bf m}_y = {\bf V}'{\bf m}_z = 0\),
because \({\bf m}_z = 0\).
The dispersion matrix of \({\bf y}\) is $$ {\bf D}_y = {\bf V}' {\bf D}_z {\bf V} = {\bf V}' {\bf R} {\bf V} \, . $$ |
\({\bf R}\) is correlation matrix | Now, it can be shown that the dispersion matrix \({\bf D}_z\) of a standardized variable is a correlation matrix. Thus \({\bf R}\) is the correlation matrix for \({\bf z}\). | ||
Number of parameters to estimate increases rapidly as \(p\) increases |
At this juncture you may be tempted to say: "so what?". To answer
this let us look at the intercorrelations among the elements of a
vector variable. The number of parameters to be estimated for a
variable is
Uncorrelated variables require no covariance estimation | All these parameters must be estimated and interpreted. That is a herculean task, to say the least. Now, if we could transform the data so that we obtain a vector of uncorrelated variables, life becomes much more bearable, since there are no covariances. |