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Calibration designs
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Calibration designs for eliminating drift
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Measurement assurance for measurements on ICs
Carroll Croarkin and Ruth Varner (1982).
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Calibration designs for gauge blocks
Ted Doiron (1993). Drift Eliminating
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Type A & B uncertainty analyses for resistivities
J. R. Ehrstein and M. C. Croarkin (1998).
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Calibration designs for electrical standards
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Theory of uncertainty analysis
Churchill Eisenhart (1962). Realistic
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Confidence, prediction, and tolerance intervals
Gerald J. Hahn and William Q. Meeker (1991).
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Original calibration designs for weighings
J. A. Hayford (1893). On the Least Square
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Uncertainties for values from a calibration curve
Thomas E. Hockersmith and Harry H. Ku
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EWMA control charts
Hunter, J. S. (1986). The Exponentially Weighted
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Fundamentals of mass metrology
K. B. Jaeger and R. S. Davis (1984).
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Fundamentals of propagation of error
Harry Ku (1966). Notes on the Use of
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Handbook of statistical methods
Mary Gibbons Natrella (1963).
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Sally T. Peavy, Shirley G. Bremer,
Ruth N. Varner, David Hogben (1986).
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Uncertainties for uncorrected bias
Steve D. Phillips and Keith R. Eberhardt (1997).
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Calibration of roundness artifacts
Charles P. Reeve (1979).
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Calibration designs for angle blocks
Charles P. Reeve (1967). The
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SI units
Barry N. Taylor (1991). Interpretation
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Uncertainties for calibrated values
Raymond Turgel and Dominic Vecchia
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Example of propagation of error for flow measurements
James R. Whetstone et al. (1989).
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Mathematica software
Stephen Wolfram (1993). Mathematica, A
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Restrained least squares
Marvin Zelen (1962). "Linear Estimation
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ASTM F84 for resistivity
ASTM Method F84-93, Standard Test Method
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ASTM E691 for interlaboratory testing
ASTM Method E691-92, Standard Practice
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Guide to uncertainty analysis
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty of
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ISO 5725 for interlaboratory testing
ISO 5725: 1997. Accuracy (trueness and
precision) of measurement results, Part 2: Basic method for
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ISO 11095 on linear calibration
ISO 11095: 1997. Linear Calibration
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MSA gauge studies manual
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NCSL RP on uncertainty analysis
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ISO Vocabulary for metrology
International Vocabulary of Basic and General
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Exact variance for length and width
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