Measurement Process Characterization
Gauge R & R studies
Data collection for time-related sources of variability
Time-related analysis
The purpose of this page is to present several options for collecting
data for estimating time-dependent effects in a measurement process.
Time intervals
The following levels of time-dependent errors are considered in this
section based on the characteristics of many measurement systems and
should be adapted to a specific measurement situation as needed.
- Level-1 Measurements taken over a short time to capture the
precision of the gauge
- Level-2 Measurements taken over days (of other appropriate time
- Level-3 Measurements taken over runs separated by months
Time intervals
In all cases, data collection and analysis are straightforward, and
there is no reason to estimate interaction terms when dealing with
time-dependent errors. Two levels should be
sufficient for characterizing most measurement systems.
Three levels are recommended for measurement
systems where sources of error are not well understood and have not
previously been studied.