Change Log for the Handbook
This page documents changes made to the online version of
the Handbook.
The initial publication of the CD of the Handbook was generated
from the 6/2003 version. We do not document changes made before
this date.
Subsequent printings of the CD will incorporate changes documented
here. We will list print dates for the CD. If your copy of
the Handbook CD does not contain a print date, then it
is from the initial 6/2003 printing.
September 2024 Changes
The following changes were made in September, 2024.
- On pages mpc55.htm and mpc552.htm, made a correction in the
covariance term for propogation of error formulas (the covariance
term should not be squared).
October 2023 Changes
The following changes were made in October, 2023.
- On page eda3669.htm, corrected the formula for the mu
parameterization (x > 0 to x > theta).
October 2022 Changes
The following changes were made in October, 2022.
- Made corrections to the table for critical values for the
t distribution on page eda3672.htm.
August 2022 Changes
The following changes were made in August, 2022.
- As there is no longer a specific SEMATECH site, the links to the
SEMATECH site were modified to go to the e-Handbook homepage.
- Corrected a typo in the formula for R8 on page prc262.htm.
July 2022 Changes
The following changes were made in July, 2022.
- On page eda359.htm, the reference to data set
AUTO83B.DAT in the "F Test Example" paragraph
was changed to JAHANMI2.DAT.
May 2022 Changes
The following changes were made in May, 2022.
- NIST standard headers and footers were added to all
"*.htm" pages.
February 2022 Changes
The following changes were made in February, 2022.
- On page eda35e.htm, in the Critical Region paragraph
changed A to A^2 when referring to the Anderson-Darling
- Added a referernce to Hunter on page pmc7.htm. Added a
link to this on page pmc324.htm. Updated the Hunter
reference on page mpc7.htm and updated the link to this
on page mpc3522.htm.
- On page eda3661.htm, made changes to the text for the hazard
function (specifically, use of lower case and upper case phi
in referring to cumulative distribution and probability density
was switched).
January 2022 Changes
The following changes were made in January, 2022.
- On page prc435.htm, corrected the confidence intervals
for mu3 - mu2 and for mu2 - mu1.
October 2021 Changes
The following changes were made in October, 2021.
- Fixed a typo on page eda35h.htm.
April 2021 Changes
The following changes were made in April, 2021.
- The page prc44.htm on variance components was updated to include
discussion of the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method in
addition to the method of moments. The R script prc44.r was added
to demonstrate the REML method. The file was
updated to include the updated versions of this file.
- The prc5.htm page updated the Searle reference to the second edition
of the book.
February 2021 Changes
The following changes were made in February, 2021.
- The R macro "pri471.r" was updated to correct the
Box Cox command for more recent versions of R.
Also, the CATAPULT.DAT file in Rcode/Rdata was modified
to remove the last column of plus/minus signs. This
column was causing problems with the pri472.r macro.
The file was updated to include
the updated versions of this file.
January 2021 Changes
The following changes were made in January, 2021.
- On page eda366g.htm, the link for the maximum Gumbel
pdf plot was mistakenly showing the formula for the pdf.
October 2020 Changes
The following changes were made in October, 2020.
- On page pri3364, corrected several rows in table 3.31.
August 2020 Changes
The following changes were made in August, 2020.
- Corrected the formula for k2 (second occurence) on
page prc263.htm.
June 2020 Changes
The following changes were made in June, 2020.
- Fixed a typo on page ppc134.htm.
- Corrected links on pages ppc131.htm and ppc136.htm.
May 2020 Changes
The following changes were made in May, 2020.
- Fixed a typo on page pmc445.htm.
- Corrected the address for the DOI on index2.htm.
April 2020 Changes
The following changes were made in April, 2020.
- The e-Handbook now has a DOI. This has been added to the
- Fixed a link on page apr165.htm.
- Fixed a typo in the standard deviation formula on
page eda366h.htm.
March 2020 Changes
The following changes were made in March, 2020.
- For prc435.htm, corrected an error in the
example computation.
February 2020 Changes
The following changes were made in February, 2020.
- For the file "2to5m2.txt" in pri\section3\eqns,
corrected the confounding for "12" and "13".
January 2020 Changes
The following changes were made in January, 2020.
- In search.htm and toolaids/search.htm, changed the
"http:" to "https:" in the search URL.
November 2019 Changes
The following changes were made in November, 2019.
- Fixed a typo on page eda33w.htm (and 4plot.htm).
August 2019 Changes
The following changes were made in August, 2019.
- Corrected a table on page pmc26.htm (the "n reject" column
for n = 16, 17, 18, and 19 was changed from 3 to 2).
July 2019 Changes
The following changes were made in July, 2019.
- Added links to R codes that perform the analysis on pages
pri472.htm and pri473.htm. Added these scripts to the
"R code" zip file.
June 2019 Changes
The following changes were made in June, 2019.
- Fixed two typos on page prc32.htm (the standard deviation in
the denominator in the "Computation of the test statistic"
paragraph and the value of the test statistic in the "Decision
process" paragraph.
- Created an updated version of the Handbook zip file.
April 2019 Changes
The following changes were made in April, 2019.
- Fixed a typo on the cd.htm page (also in toolaids/cd.htm).
September 2018 Changes
The following changes were made in September, 2018.
- Changed "Weld strength" to "Weld method in two splots in
eda333.htm (blockplo.htm).
June 2018 Changes
The following changes were made in June, 2018.
- Made updates to the tolerance limits on pages prc263.htm
and prc264.htm. The specific changes were
- Modified the formula for the k2 factor. The formula
as given was only valid for coverages > 0.5 (coverage
of 10% was identifical to coverage of 90%). The revised
formula should be valid for coverages < 0.5.
- Included the formula for Guenther's correction for
two-sided intervals.
- Changed the symbol for confidence from gamma to alpha.
Although Natrella uses gamma, the use of alpha seems more
prevelant in the literature. In addition, alpha is
commonly used for confidence in statistics, so this seems
to make the distinction between the coverage and confidence
factors more clear.
- Clarified the role of coverage and confidence in the example.
- Updated the R and Dataplot code examples.
March 2018 Changes
The following changes were made in March, 2018.
- Made a typographical correction on page apr167.htm.
February 2018 Changes
The following changes were made in January, 2018.
- Made a grammatical correction on page prc45.htm.
January 2018 Changes
The following changes were made in January, 2018.
- For convenience, created a directory to contain the data files
used in the e-Handbook. Also created the "datasets.htm" page
to provide easy access to these files. Created an entry on
toolaids.htm to link to this page.
Headers were added to data files that did not already have
them. Updated R and Dataplot scripts to skip these header
In addition, created links to the files from many pages in
the e-Handbook to these data files. Since there were hundreds
of these pages, these are not listed individually. Some
links were also corrected.
November 2017 Changes
The following changes were made in November, 2017.
- On page prc25.htm, corrected a link to the Poisson distribution
(it was going to the binomial distribution).
October 2017 Changes
The following changes were made in October, 2017.
- On page eda4283.htm, corrected the critical values for the
autocorrelation plot (from +/-0.087 to =/-0.140).
July 2017 Changes
The following changes were made in July, 2017.
- On page pri542.htm, added the line "0 0.333 0.667" to Table 5.3.
June 2017 Changes
The following changes were made in June, 2017.
- On page prc262.htm, added a short paragraph to help clarify
the definition of percentile.
- On page mpc3671.htm, the R script implementing the example
inadvertently skipped the first line in the data file. As
a result, most of the output values on the page had to be
updated as well. Also included a link to a Dataplot script
(in addition to the R script) for performing the calibration
- On page mpc3673.htm, added a link to a Dataplot script for
performing the calibration analysis.
May 2017 Changes
The following changes were made in May, 2017.
- On page eda35b.htm, made a correction to the formula for
the adjusted Fisher-Pearson skewness coefficient.
- On page mpc55.htm, corrected a typo in the propogation of
error formula equation.
April 2017 Changes
The following changes were made in April, 2017.
- On page apr412.htm, changed "MLE's" to "MLEs" in several places.
February 2017 Changes
The following changes were made in February, 2017.
- On page prc46 changesd the title from "Do all the processes have
the same proportion of defects" to "Do all the processes have the
same proportion of defectives?".
January 2017 Changes
The following changes were made in January, 2017.
- On page prc32 in the "Caution on looking up critical
values" section, the second list item reversed the
equations for "nu1 = N1 - 1" and "nu2 = N2 - 1" when
converting from GIF files to MathJax. This was
- On page ppc431.htm, fixed a broken link.
November 2016 Changes
The following changes were made in November, 2016.
- On all pages, the javascript code to collect usage
statistics was modifed. This should have no effect on the
content of the pages.
- The method for exit scripts (i.e., for links that leave the
NIST web pages) was modified to use JavaScript code (the
CGI script that was previously used is no longer available).
This should have no effect on the content of the pages.
Cerain pages use "frames". The JavaScript exit code for these
pages is incompatible with some of the frame code (i.e., we
can have either the exit script or correct navigation back to
the e-Handbook page, but currently not both). The exit script
code was removed on these pages.
The new exit script code to the Sematech page in the navigation
bar does not currently work. Therefore the exit script code was
- The acknowledgements page was updated to remove dead links and
to correct the links to NIST pages to reflect the new Drupal content
management system.
October 2016 Changes
The following changes were made in October, 2016.
- On page eda3672, modified some labeling on the graph
of the t pdf function. Specifically, changed the
"alpha = 0.05" labels to "alpha/2 = 0.025".
September 2016 Changes
The following changes were made in September, 2016.
- In search.htm, the search engine was changed from
Google Search Appliance to DigitalGov.
May 2016 Changes
The following changes were made in May, 2016.
- On page apr166, in the formula for the Birnbaum-Saunders
PDF function, changed two occurences of "u" to "\mu".
February 2016 Changes
The following changes were made in February, 2016.
- On page eda331 (autocopl), added a paragraph clarifying
that "uncorrelated" does not necessarily mean
- On page mpc552, corrected the covariance term in the
Y = XBAR/YBAR formula.
January 2016 Changes
The following changes were made in January, 2016.
- Corrected a broken link on page ppc45.htm.
- On page eda35b, for the description of kurtosis,
changed "peaked" and "flat" to "heavy-tailed" and
- On page eda361, there was some re-wording of the last
section for better clarity.
December 2015 Changes
The following changes were made in December, 2015.
- Corrected a typo in the formula for the multivariate
normal pdf (changed a "rho" to a "p").
November 2015 Changes
The following changes were made in November, 2015.
- The file "Rcode/ppc511.r was updated to include analysis for
pages ppc512.htm and ppc513.htm (this is the Furnace data
case study).
October 2015 Changes
The following changes were made in October, 2015.
- On page pmc42.htm for the "Table showing squared error for the
mean for sample data", two entries in the "Mean" column
were changed from 48.676 to 48.776.
- On page prc32.htm, the wrong standard deviation was used for
sample 2 which resulted in the wrong value for the test
statistic. This was corrected.
June 2015 Changes
The following changes were made in June, 2015.
- The MathJax updates to sections 5 and 6 of the mpc
chapter seemed to have gotten overwritten. These were
May 2015 Changes
The following changes were made in May, 2015.
- In the example on page prc241.htm, change value for phat
from 0.013 to 0.13.
- In a number of case studies in the EDA chapter, the report
for the test of normality stated that the test was based on
the Anderson-Darling test. It was in fact based on the PPCC
test. The fix was to augment the report to include both the
PPCC and the Anderson-Darling tests.
The Dataplot macros for the distributional tests were also
updated. Note also that Dataplot changed the way
Anderson-Darling tests are implemented. The macros were
updated to incorporate this change.
April 2015 Changes
The following changes were made in April, 2015.
- Updated the section on non-parametric capability indices
in page pmc16.htm. Added two references related to this
in page pmc7.htm.
- The MathJax equations were not being rendered with IE 9 and
below. Changed the config option on all pages that load
the MathJax Javascript code. Specifically, changed
"config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML" to "config=default.js".
- On page pri3323.htm, fixed a typo (in the last table,
changed E31 to E13).
February 2015 Changes
The following changes were made in February, 2015.
- Made some modifications on page prc262.htm. Specifically,
referenced various definitions for percentiles to the
Hyndman and Fan American Statistician article (the two basic
methods described correspond to R6 and R7 in the article).
Added the R8 method as this is the one advocated by the
article to be the "standard" definition. Added the article
to the References page (prc5.htm).
January 2015 Changes
The following changes were made in January, 2015.
- Corrected a typo in the formula for the SSe sum of
squares (removed the "J" before summations).
December 2014 Changes
The following changes were made in December, 2014.
- The formulas for SSE and SST were corrected on pages
ppc231.htm, ppc232.htm, and ppc233.htm. Note that this
corrects an error that was introduced when converting
the equations to MathJax. Specifically, removed the
bar from the yij and yijk terms.
- On page eda35b.htm, made some updates to the formulas for
skewness and kurtosis. Also expanded the discussion of
September 2014 Changes
The following changes were made in September, 2014.
- The URL for the MathJax web site (for rendering equations)
was changed. All pages that used MathJax were modified to
use the new URL. This did not involve any substantive
August 2014 Changes
The following changes were made in August, 2014.
- In pages eda33l.htm and eda33m.htm, added a link to
the reference section for Filliben's 1975 Technometrics
- Fixed a typo in page prc5.htm.
- On page ppc232, corrected the formula for the interaction term
in the first table (the grand mean should be added rather than
July 2014 Changes
The following changes were made in July, 2014.
- Equations in chapter 5 (pri) have been converted to MathJax.
In addition, some minor editorial updates were made to these
- On page prc31.htm, the Welch-Satterthwaithe formula for
degrees of freedom was corrected (note that it was
previously correct and the conversion to MathJax introduced
an error).
June 2014 Changes
The following changes were made in June, 2014.
- Equations in chapters 7 (prc) have been converted to MathJax.
May 2014 Changes
The following changes were made in May, 2014.
- Equations in chapters 8 (apr) have been converted to MathJax.
- On page pmc422, corrected an entry in table 1 to be consistent
with the computation performed in table 2.
March 2014 Changes
The following changes were made in March, 2014.
- Equations in chapters 3 (ppc), 4 (pmd) and 6 (pmc) have been
converted to MathJax.
- On page eda3669, made some clarifications to the description
on the lognormal pdf (specifically, made explicit the
relationship to the popular parameterization mu = exp(m)).
- On page eda354, modified the R script to use the "aov" rather
than the "lm" command to perform the analaysis of variance.
This corrected a problem with the degrees of freedom.
January 2014 Changes
The following changes were made in January, 2014.
- The R script ppc511.r was corrected.
- On page prc241.htm, clarified that the method described
is actually commonly referred to as the Wilson method and
that a method described in Brown, et. al. is commonly
referred to as the Agresti-Coull method.
November 2013 Changes
The following changes were made in November, 2013.
- Equations in the e-Handbook are currently rendered as
GIF files (these were originally created using either
LaTex or Word. We are currently replacing these with
MathJax. MathJax uses JavaScript to render inline
LaTex equations. Chapters 1 and 2 have now been updated
on the public site. Related to this, most stand alone
occurrences of Greek characters are now rendered using
HTML syntax (e.g., α) rather than as GIF files
(GIF files were used in the original e-Handbook pages
due to the fact that some of the popular browsers did
not yet support the HTML Greek characters). Again,
this conversion is completed for Chapters 1 and 2.
Some minor editiorial updates were made to Chapter 1.
- A small bit of JavaScript code has been added to all of
the HTML pages. This JavaScript code is being used by
NIST to genrate web page usage statistics for NIST.
It involves no substantive change in the e-Handbook.
- On page prc312, corrected the formula for the unpaired
observations, unequal variances case.
- On page pmc42, there was an error in computing the mean
for the net income example. This error propogated to the
other values in the table and to the final MSE. Corrected
the mean value, the error and squared error columns, and
the final MSE.
- Created a directory, Rcode, to contain the R codes and
associated data files used in the e-Handbook. Under
Tools & Aids page there is a link to "Statistical Software".
This page (dataplot.htm) contains a link to the R web site.
In this section, I added a link to a zip file that contains
the contents of the Rcode directory.
- Fixed a typo in an equation (changed 2*SQRT(16) to 3*SQRT(16)).
- On page pmc324, fixed some typos in the "EWMA statistics" table
(changed 49.12 to 49.21, 49.34 to 49.38, and added the last entry
May 2013 Changes
The following changes were made in May, 2013.
- The April 2013 fix for page pmc32.htm was actually incorrect.
Changed back to the original formula. However, added an
explanatory section that C4 often given in terms of the
April 2013 Changes
The following changes were made in April, 2013.
- On page pmc32.htm, corrected the equation for c4
(changed SQRT(2/(n-1)) to SQRT((n-1)/2).
March 2013 Changes
The following changes were made in March, 2013.
- On page pmc421.htm, the MSE changed from 2.018 to 2.42
(should divide by 10 rather than 12).
- The 4/2009 update for page prc242.htm was mistakenly
copied to prc243.htm. Moved prc243.htm to prc242.htm.
- Fixed a typo for the equation for the test statistic for the
chi-square variance test on page eda358.htm.
- On page pmc552.htm, an entry in one of the matrices (the
B = V*L**(-1/2)) was incorrect.
February 2013 Changes
The following changes were made in February, 2013.
- Fixed a typo on page ppc511.htm.
December 2012 Changes
The following changes were made in December, 2012.
- Corrected the moving average model to include the
moving average term.
November 2012 Changes
The following changes were made in November, 2012.
- Removed references to SEMPLOT on pmc44.htm.
- Fixed broken link to Box-Ljung test on page pmc_d.htm.
- Corrected typo on page pmc231.htm.
- Added a link to R code on page pmc44a.htm.
October 2012 Changes
The following changes were made in October, 2012.
- Fixed a broken link on page ppc134.htm.
- In the macros prc241.r and prc241.dp, changed the "20"
in the binomial cdf calls to "n" (which is defined previously
in the macro).
July 2012 Changes
The following changes were made in July, 2012.
- The citation to Neter, Wasserman, and Kutner corrected
a typo for Kutner on pages eda355.htm and eda43.htm.
- On page prc16.htm, changed Q2 to Q3 when referring to the
upper quartile.
June 2012 Changes
The following changes were made in June, 2012.
- The eda35e.r file was updated. For reproducibility, an
explicit seed is set before generating each set of random
numbers. In addition, some comments were added in regards
to the Cauchy distribution warning that numerical issues are
possible in some cases.
April 2012 Changes
A significant update was made in April, 2012. An effort was made
to make some of the content more software neutral. In addition,
in most of the examples and case studies where Dataplot scripts
were provided, links are now also provided to scripts using the
open source R statistical software program. Numerous other
minor edits were also made.
March 2012 Changes
The following changes were made in March, 2012.
- On page mpc622.htm, corrected the s1 value from 0.04054
to 0.06139.
December 2011 Changes
The following changes were made in December, 2011.
- On page eda362.htm, commented out a sentence in regard to
the cumulative hazard function.
July 2011 Changes
The following changes were made in July, 2011.
- Fixed two typos on page eda35.htm.
June 2011 Changes
The following changes were made in June, 2011.
- On page eda33l.htm, the links for "short" and "fat" tails
cases were reversed. Corrected this.
May 2011 Changes
The following changes were made in May, 2011.
- On page mpc321.htm, clarified that the table of
relative efficiencies of R versus S is really the
relative efficiencies of R versus S/c4. This modification
is based on Mahmoud, Henderson, Epprecht, and Woodall (2010),
"Estimating the Standard Deviations in Quality-Control
Applications," Journal of Quality Technology, pp. 348-357,
Vol. 42, No. 4.
April 2011 Changes
The following changes were made in April, 2011.
- On page eda35d.htm, corrected a broken link to
page pmd142.htm.
March 2011 Changes
The following changes were made in March, 2011.
- On page apr161.htm, the example formulas for lambda = 0.01
for EXPPDF and EXPCDF where modified to change the parameter
from 0.01 to 100 (Dataplot uses the scale parameter which is
- On page pmc322.htm, in the table for "Example of moving range"
the third value in the moving range columns was changed from 14
to 1.4.
- On page eda33o.htm(qqplot.htm), modifed a sentence in the Purpose
February 2011 Changes
The following changes were made in February, 2011.
- The "airplane glass failure time" case study has been replaced
with the "Fatigue Life of Aluminum Alloy Specimens" case study
in the EDA chapter (the "eda429x.htm" files).
- On page eda366a.htm, the name "fatigue life" was changed to
"Birnbaum-Saunders" as the primary name (these in fact refer
to the same distribution, however, the name Birnbaum-Saunders
is more prevelant in the literature).
- On page eda33u.htm (and weibplot.htm), the values for
the shape and scale estimates were reversed. In addition,
added some additional text to specify how the shape and
scale estimates are determined from the plot and to
clarify the values on the x-axis.
- On page apr452.htm, corrected the equation for M(t)
(M(t) = abt^b changed to at^b).
January 2011 Changes
The following changes were made in January, 2011.
- On page eda33a8.htm (and histogr8.htm), corrected the
value of the outlying point to 9.45 (from 4.5).
September 2010 Changes
The following changes were made in September, 2010.
- On page pri33a.htm, there was a missing row in one of
the tables (the unnumbered table betweem 3.38 and 3.39).
This missing row was inserted.
August 2010 Changes
The following changes were made in August, 2010.
- On page eda33l.htm (normprpl.htm), changed "m(i)" to
"U(i)" in the definition of the median order statistics
in order to make the notation consistent.
July 2010 Changes
The following changes were made in July, 2010.
- Corrected the formula for the lognormal cumulative hazard
function on page eda3669.htm.
- Corrected the link to the normal probability plot on page
- Corrected the link to the normal probability plot on page
pri598.htm. Also corrected a formatting problem on this
page where a "bold" specification was not ended correctly.
June 2010 Changes
The following changes were made in June, 2010.
- The section on univariate outliers was substantially modified.
The page eda35h.htm was completely rewritten and three new pages
were added (eda35h1.htm, eda35h2.htm, and eda35h3.htm). Updates
were made to eda35.htm, eda43.htm, and eda44.htm to reflect
the new material.
- The link to the "privacy policy" on the main page was
changed to reflect its new location.
- Made a few edits to page pmc544.htm.
March 2010 Changes
The following changes were made in March, 2010.
- Fixed typos on pages eda3312.htm and eda3313.htm
(specifically, changed "randomness" to "non-randomness"
in the Recommended Next Step section).
- Fixed a typo on page eda356.htm (in Double Exponential
Distribution section, changed "extremes fall about 12
standard deviations" to "extremes fall about 6 standard
February 2010 Changes
The following changes were made in February, 2010.
- On page mpc233.htm, fixed a typo that caused the last
paragraph to be formatted incorrectly.
- On page eda338.htm, corrected the statement "If the slope
of the complex demodulation plot is zero" to "If the slope
of the complex demodulation plot is not zero".
- On page pmc231.htm, fixed the links for the "Previous" and
"Next" buttons at the bottom of the page.
- On page index2.htm, removed the link to the Department of
Commerce Technology Administration (just links to Department
of Commerce).
- On page ppc333.htm, changed "10%" to "10 angstroms".
- On page pmc16.htm, fixed the equation m <= MU <= LSL to
m <= MU <= USL.
January 2010 Changes
The following changes were made in January, 2010.
- On page pri596.htm, a typo was fixed that caused several
paragraphs to appear as bold when only a single word was
supposed to be bold.
December 2009 Changes
The following changes were made in December, 2009.
- On page pri42.htm, refined a link (the link went to the correct
page, but modified it to go to the appropriate section).
November 2009 Changes
The following changes were made in November, 2009.
- On page ppc331.htm, fixed a broken link.
- On page eda35b.htm, made some modifications to the
text distinguishing between kurtosis and excess kurtosis.
September 2009 Changes
The following changes were made in September, 2009.
- On page prc222.htm, fixed a broken link.
- On page prc24.htm, fixed a broken link.
October 2009 Changes
The following changes were made in October, 2009.
- On page eda4212.htm, fixed a broken link.
July 2009 Changes
The following changes were made in July, 2009.
- Corrected a grammatical error on page pmc31.htm.
April 2009 Changes
The following changes were made in April, 2009.
- Rewrote page prc243.htm. New page based on pages 30-34
of Fleiss, Levin, and Paik (Third Edition). Also added
the Fleiss, Levin, and Paik to the references in
February 2009 Changes
The following changes were made in February, 2009.
- Fixed a typo on page apr215.htm (a K-S was changed to
December 2008 Changes
The following changes were made in October, 2008.
- Changed the partial autocorrelation plot on page
pmc622.htm. It was showing the partial autocorrelation
plot for the raw data, not the differenced data.
October 2008 Changes
The following changes were made in October, 2008.
- On page prc16.htm, the wrong value for the interquartile
range was used in computing the lower and upper fence
values. This was corrected.
- Fixed a typo on page pri521.htm.
September 2008 Changes
The following changes were made in September, 2008.
- On page pri5363.htm, there was a typo in table 3.26.
For the Box-Behnken design, the X3 for sequence 1
was changed from a 10 to a 15.
May 2008 Changes
The following changes were made in May, 2008.
- On page pri5322.htm, the best solution for Y2
was changed from 157.1 to 1571.05 (this was a typo).
March 2008 Changes
The following changes were made in March, 2008.
- Corrected the spelling of Springer-Verlag on page
- Corrected a link for one of the SEMSTAT files.
February 2008 Changes
The following changes were made in February, 2008.
- Fixed a typo on page eda33q.htm.
December 2007 Changes
The following changes were made in December, 2007.
- On page prc7.htm, corrected the volume number for the
Ljung and Box Biometrika paper.
October 2007 Changes
The following changes were made in October, 2007.
- On page prc24.htm, fixed the link to the binomial
distribution (it was going to the beta distribution).
September 2007 Changes
The following changes were made in September, 2007.
- On page pmc435.htm, the formula in "step 1" for
the yearly averages (A(p)) did not divide by the number
of periods. Corrected the equation.
- Corrected the spelling for George Kaupas (author of the
Course Builder software) on the acknowledgements page
and on the toolaids/cb/index.htm page.
- On page eda35b.htm, reworded the section on the
definition of kurtosis.
July 2007 Changes
The following changes were made in July, 2007.
- On page pmc3231.htm, fixed a typo in the first
equation (the S(r) for the standardized case was
missing the "- k").
June 2007 Changes
The following changes were made in June, 2007.
- On page prc263.htm, fixed a mistake in the Dataplot macro
for obtaining the k-factor for one-sided tolerance intervals.
Also rewrote the text for this section.
May 2007 Changes
The following changes were made in May, 2007.
- On page ppc333.htm, in the last paragraph, changed
"10%" to "10 angstroms".
- On page pmc625.htm, several of the Dataplot macros were
in the wrong directory and so were not found when the
user initiated the link. The macros were moved to the
correct directory.
April 2007 Changes
The following changes were made in April, 2007.
- On page prc3.htm, there was no link to page
prc35.htm (as there was to the other four sections).
Added the appropriate link.
March 2007 Changes
The following changes were made in March, 2007.
- On page mpc3321.htm, the h matrix should have
been divided by (1/6) (i.e., 0.5 instead of 3). Corrected
this and the resulting change in the computation of the
B vector.
- On page prc263.htm, added a Dataplot macro for obtaining
a more accurate approximation for the k-factor for
one-sided tolerance intervals.
February 2007 Changes
The following changes were made in February, 2007.
- On page pri8.htm, corrected the reference for
Miller's Technometrics paper.
January 2007 Changes
The following changes were made in January, 2007.
- On page eda35h.htm, fixed two typos.
December 2006 Changes
The following changes were made in December, 2006.
- On page apr312.htm, the link to lot acceptance sampling
plans was incorrect. Fixed this link.
September 2006 Changes
The following changes were made in September, 2006.
- On page apr164.htm, modified the section that demonstrated
the Dataplot commands for the lognormal distribution.
- Since International SEMATECH no longer makes SEMSTAT
available on its web pages, we will make the software
available on the NIST site (note that NIST does not and
will not support SEMSTAT). The page dataplot.htm was
modified to include links to the SEMSTAT software.
In addition, the links to SEMSTAT in pages apr452.htm,
pmc449.htm, pmc44a.htm, and prc241.htm were modified to
point to the NIST location rather than the International
SEMATECH location.
August 2006 Changes
The following changes were made in August, 2006.
- On page pri331.htm, added a sentence clarifying
i and j in Y(ij).
- On page apr451.htm, modified the paragraph describing the use of
the CHSPPF function in Dataplot and the CHIINV function in Excel
for computing the confidence interval. This was an editorial
change to provide better clarity.
July 2006 Changes
The following changes were made in July, 2006.
- On page eda3662.htm, we modified the description of
the maximum likelihood estimators for the uniform
- On page pmc332.htm, fixed a typo in an equation
(phat(i) = D - i/n was changed to phat(i) = D(i)/n).
- On page ppc46.htm, fixed a broken link to the process
capability section.
- On page eda33u.htm, fixed a typo for the Weibull plot
description (changed ln-ln(1-p) to ln(-ln(1-p)).
- On page pri33a.htm, the L36 design was incorrect.
Corrected 5 columns in row 33 of this design.
June 2006 Changes
The following changes were made in June, 2006.
- Fixed a typo on page pmc22.htm (a "the the" was corrected
to "the").
April 2006 Changes
The following changes were made in April, 2006.
- Fixed a broken link on page prc32.htm.
- Fixed a broken link on page ppc32.htm.
- On page eda35b.htm, rewrote the sentences describing
left and right skewness.
- On pages ppc332.htm and prc473.htm, fixed the "Back" and
"Next" buttons at the bottom of the page.
- On pages pmc16.htm, replaced the graph showing Cp for
varying process widths (the 1.33 and 1.66 plots were
reversed). Also changed the sentence
A capable process is one where almost all the measurements
fall inside the specification limits.
A process where almost all the measurements fall inside the
specification limits is a capable process.
- For the plots of probability density functions in section 3
of the EDA chapter, the y-axis label was changed from
"Probability" to "Probability Density".
- Changed the deflection value shown on the plot on page pmd61a.htm
to be 1.239722 instead of 1.239723 to match the number used in the text.
- Updated the printer-friendly files on the e-Handbook web site to
the latest version of pdf files (May 1, 2006).
- Updated the printer-friendly files on the e-Handbook web site to
include pdf files for all eight chapters.
February 2006 Changes
The following changes were made in February, 2006.
- On page pri4.htm, the link to the chapter 3 ANOVA was
incorrect. It was changed to go to the correct page.
- The Back and Next links at the bottom of page prc473.htm
were not working correctly. These were fixed.
- On page apr221.htm, changed "linear in log(x)" to
"linear in x".
January 2006 Changes
The following changes were made in January, 2006.
- Changed the link associated with the text "lack-of-fit test"
on page pmd44.htm to point to the page pmd446.htm rather
than the page pmd442.htm.
December 2005 Changes
The following changes were made in December, 2005.
- In Table 3.30 on page pri3364.htm, the alpha value was
computed incorrectly. The value was changed from
1.681793 to 1.63299.
November 2005 Changes
The following changes were made in November, 2005.
- The link for "effects" in the Analysis of Variance
definition in the glossary was fixed.
September 2005 Changes
The following changes were made in September, 2005.
- Links for "Design new experiment." and "Collect data."
were added to the flowchart
outlining the development of a process model in the
Engineering Questions
page. The link for "New model describes the data well?"
was deleted since that is a simply a branch point.
- Corrected several symbols to match the fractionation
of the design with the correct resolution on page
- On page
removed the leading "+" sign from the "Block" column
of table 3.29 to be consistent with the other tables on
that page.
- On page
changed the formulation of the degrees of freedom in
the example for the Bonferroni simultaneous confidence
interval from "4" to "2*2" to make clearer the
"2*g" source of the "4".
August 2005 Changes
The following changes were made in August, 2005.
- The link on page pmc321.htm to Galit Shmeli's quality
control web site was not working correctly. This
was corrected.
- On page eda35a.htm, it was not clear which version of
the Levene test that Dataplot was performing. The
Dataplot code was modified to include a line in the
title of the output indicating which variant of the
test is being performed. Added a clause on page eda35a.htm
to indicate that the default in Dataplot is to perform
the median based test.
- On page apr172.htm, fixed the equations nhpp3.gif and
- On page eda35g.htm, corrected the test statistic for the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness of fit test. Also, added a
note explaining the difference between the old and new
June 2005 Changes
The following changes were made in June, 2005.
- Page pmc32.htm contained a typo in the Fractional
Factorials defintion. This actually encoded
an equation, a line of text, and another image as a
single image (the typo was in the line of text). This
was modified by breaking the single image into two
separate images for each of the equations and entering the
text line as regular text (with the typo corrected).
- Fixed broken links on pages ppc231.htm and ppc2311.htm.
- Fixed typo on page prc13.htm.
- On page prc14.htm, fixed the link to the standard normal
table and fixed the bottom navigation links.
- On page prc15.htm, fixed the bottom navigation links.
- On page prc31.htm, fixed the bottom navigation links.
- On page pmc541.htm, added links to the formulas for the
mean and variance and added the formula for the
covariance. This was in response to a user request to
include the computational formulas in order to work out
the example for the variance-covariance matrix.
- On page prc242.htm, corrected the equation and the bottom
of the page. Specifically, the value of delta in the
numerator was changed from 0.15 to 0.10 (to reflect the
text above) and the result was changed from 11 to 77.
- On page eda353.htm, rewrote the paragraph that described
the formulation of the null hypothesis for the case
where we are testing that the difference between the
two means is equal to a constant. This was done to
provide better clarity.
May 2005 Changes
The following changes were made in May, 2005.
- Page prc16.htm contained an erroneous link for the
median. This was corrected.
- Joseph Voelkel of the Rochester Institute of Technology
pointed out that our formulation for the Grubbs test was
in fact two distinct tests (one for the minimum and one for
the maximum). This means that the significance level needed
to be divided by 2 to obtain the correct critical values.
Page eda35h.htm was updated to make the distinction between
these one-sided and the two-sided tests explicit and to
provide the correct formula for the critical values in
each case. The Dataplot software was modified to
produce correct critical values and to optionally print
the one-sided tests.
April 2005 Changes
The following changes were made in April, 2005.
- Page pmc231.htm contained a link to Galit Shmueli's web
site for online quality control. Galit informed us that
the site has been moved. The link was modified to point
to the new site.
- Fixed some links on page pmc55.htm. Specifically, the
"Goodman" link and the links on the bottom navigation bar
were corrected.
March 2005 Changes
The following changes were made in March, 2005.
- Updated dpbrows.htm to include instructions for configuring
the Firefox browser to run Dataplot under Windows.
- On page, the formula for the multivariate normal
distribution was incorrect. The corrected formula was
- Fixed typos on pages pmc.htm and pmc52.htm.
- Clarified the formula for the autocovariance function on
page eda331.htm. Added a reference (to the Chatfield
Time Series text) in eda43.htm.
- Fixed a typo in the title of page pmc4462.htm.
- The numerical example on page mpc3321.htm was originally
computed using single precision. The calculations were
redone using double precision. This slightly modified
the values for Y'(I-XQX')Y, s1 and
- On page apr164.htm, changed LET SD = .5 to
January 2005 Changes
The following changes were made in January, 2005.
- On page pmc435.htm, the equation for the initial values for
the trend factor was missing some parenthesis. This caused
some confusion in the meaning of the equation. A corrected
version of the equation was inserted.
- Updated the printer-friendly files on the e-Handbook web site
to the latest version of pdf files (January 26, 2005).
December 2004 Changes
The following changes were made in December, 2004.
- On page eda3676.htm, the example gave the value for the
1% critical value rather than the 5% critical value. This
was corrected.
- Page pri3347.htm links to a number of files containing
various designs. The file containing the 29-4
design had incorrect values in the X9 column. This column
was corrected.
November 2004 Changes
The following changes were made in November, 2004.
- The link in the block plot page (eda333.htm) to the
binomial distribution was going to the beta distribution.
This was corrected.
- The sample Dataplot output for the Grubbs test (eda35h.htm)
was corrected (the critical values were generated for a
two-sided test when they should have been computed for a
one-sided test).
- The Josephson junction cryothermometry case study
(eda424.htm) was corrected to use all 5 columns of the
data instead of just the first column. There were numerous
changes in all pages of the case study.
- The case study (eda429.htm) was modified to incorporate some
additional background information provided by Ed Fuller. The
only substantive change was to replace the power lognormal with
the fatigue life as one of the candidate distributions.
September 2004 Changes
The following changes were made in September, 2004.
- NIST purchased their own web search engine . This replaces
the FirstGov search engine that only allowed us to
search the / web space rather than
the restricted e-Handbook pages in
/ web space. The
new search software allows us to restrict the search
to the / web space.
- On page mpc36.htm, the sentence
The loadcell measurements (shown as *) are
plotted on the y-axis against the corresponding values of
known load shown on the y-axis.
was changed to
The loadcell measurements (shown as *) are
plotted on the y-axis against the corresponding values of
known load shown on the x-axis.
July 2004 Changes
The following changes were made in July, 2004.
- The example on page mpc3321.htm (section 3 of the MPC chapter)
had an error in the A inverse matrix. This error propogated
throughout the remaining computations on the page. Therefore
significant edits were made to the example. In addition,
some editorial corrections were made to the page.
- Page pri3347.htm links to a number of files containing
various designs. The file containing the 28-3
design was incorrect and was replaced with the correct
design. The resolution listed in the file containing the
27-3 was incorrect and was replaced with the
correct resolution. The link to the 28-1 design
listed the wrong resolution (the resolution given in the
file was correct) and was corrected.
August 2004 Changes
The following changes were made in August, 2004.
- The link on page eda3668.htm to Weibull maximum likelihood
had a typo. This was corrected.
May 2004 Changes
The following changes were made in May, 2004.
- Page ppc231.htm (section 2 of the PPC chapter) corrected
two links in the "testing" paragraph.
- In section 3 of the MPC chapter, the gif files mpc352a.gif,
mpc372a.gif, and mpc372b.gif seem to have corrupted for
some unknown reason. This was causing some werid formatting
in some of the probability distribution tables. Good copies
of these gif files were restored.
March 2004 Changes
The following changes were made in March, 2004.
- Page mpc365.htm (section 3 of the MPC chapter) corrected
the value of F(.05,8,20).
- Corrected the formatting for the nu1 entries on the
tables for the critical values of the F distribution
on page eda3673.htm (section 3 of the EDA chapter).
- The link to the SEMSTAT program was changed to its new
site. The pages dataplot.htm and prc241.htm were modified.
- Fixed a typo in page eda35e.htm (Anderson-Darling test).
November 2003 Changes
The following changes were made in November, 2003.
- Page pmd134.htm (section 1 of the PMD chapter)
had a broken link with the anchor text
"central composite design". The link was
corrected to point to pri3361.htm.
- Page pmd134.htm (section 1 of the PMD chapter)
had a broken link with the anchor text
"Chapter 5: Process Improvement". The link was
corrected to point to pri.htm.
- Page pmd134.htm (section 1 of the PMD chapter)
had a broken link with the anchor text
"Section 6". The link was corrected to point
to pri53.htm. The anchor text was changed to
"Section 5.5.3".
- Page pmd141.htm (section 1 of the PMD chapter)
had a link with anchor text "especially with
respect to outliers" that pointed to the wrong
page. The link was changed to point to
- Page dep/dep144.htm (under section 1 of the
PMD chapter) had a missing graphic. The correct
graphics file was added to pmd/section1/plots/.
- Page pmd442.htm (section 4 of the PMD chapter)
had two typos in the first sentence in the
second to last paragraph. "be adequately" was
changed to "adequately" and "the the" to "the".
- Page dep/dep443b.htm (under section 4 of the
PMD chapter) had a missing graphic. The correct
graphics file was added to pmd/section4/plots/.
- Page pmd444.htm (section 4 of the PMD chapter)
had a broken link with the anchor text
"general discussion". The link was fixed by
adding the correct section reference (section3).
in the EDA chapter.
- Page pmd444.htm (section 4 of the PMD chapter)
had a broken link with the anchor text
"Process Monitoring". The link was fixed by
adding the correct chapter reference (pmc)
to the link address.
- Page pmd445.htm (section 4 of the PMD chapter)
had a broken link with the anchor text
"general discussion". The link was fixed by
adding the correct section reference (section3).
in the EDA chapter.
- Page pmd445.htm (section 4 of the PMD chapter)
had a broken link with the anchor text
"gallery of graphical techniques". The link was
fixed by adding the correct section reference
(section3) in the EDA chapter.
- Page pmd445.htm (section 4 of the PMD chapter)
had a confusing sentence concluding the second
"Curvature or points that are far off the line
indicate that the random errors are probably
not normally distributed, or that the data has
some outliers, in it respectively."
was changed to
"Distinct curvature or other signficant
deviations from a straight line indicate that
the random errors are probably not normally
distributed. A few points that are far off the
line suggest that the data has some outliers
in it."
- Page pmd452.htm (section 4 of the PMD chapter)
had four missing equation files. The missing files,
sigmaeqg1.gif, sigmaeqg2.gif, sigmaeqmu.gif, and
sigmaeqx.gif were copied back to the appropriate
equations directory section4/eqns.
- Page howto.htm was not not interacting correctly
with the navigation frame on the main pages of the
e-Handbook. The links in howto.htm were changed so
they opened new files in the primary browser window.
- Page acknwldg.htm was not not interacting correctly
with the navigation frame on the main pages of the
e-Handbook. The links in howto.htm were changed so
they opened new files in the primary browser window.
Affiliation links were also corrected for some
- Page search.htm was not not interacting correctly
with the navigation frame on the main pages of the
e-Handbook. The link in navi.htm was changed so
it opened search.htm in the primary browser window.
- Fixed several inconsistent links in the navigation
bars on pages linked to from the main e-Handbook
page and under "Tools & Aids".
- Added the page
to provide information on the CD version of
the e-Handbook. A link from the main page was
added as well.
October 2003 Changes
The following changes were made in October, 2003.
- Page apr311.htm (section 3 of the APR chapter) had a few
errors. Specifically, the table entries for r=20 and
confidence levels 90% and 95% were incorrect. The Excel
formula was modifed to use 1 - alpha rather than alpha.
- Page eda3669.htm (section 3 of the EDA chapter) made a
slight modification to the general pdf formula for
better clarity.
- The Course Builder scripts are now available for download.
Added links to both installation documentation and usage
documentation for the Course Builder.
Note that the Course Builder is not active on the NIST
public web pages. Rather you need to install the
e-Handbook on a local server and install and run Course
Builder on this local platform.
September 2003 Changes
The following changes were made in September, 2003.
- Updated the printer-friendly files on the e-Handbook web site to
the latest version of pdf files (July 1, 2003).
- Fixed typos in the PPC chapter (ppc134.htm and ppc332.htm).
- The macro listed for the case study on page pmc625.htm
(section 6 of the PMC chapter) contained an earlier version
of the macro that was not aligned with the current version
of the case study. The old macro was replaced with the
new version.
- The formula for the multivariate normal distribution on
page pmc542.htm (section 5 of the PMC chapter) was incorrect.
The correct formula was inserted.
July 2003 Changes
The following changes were made in July, 2003.
- In section 3 of the MPC chapter, page mpc365.htm contained
links to pages mpc3653.htm and mpc3652.htm for the
F-table and t-table. These pages are no longer part of
the Handbook. The links were corrected to go to the
F-table and t-tables in the EDA chapter.
- In section 5 of the MPC chapter, page mpc55.htm had a
typo in a link. This was corrected.
- In section 5 of the PMC chapter, page pmc541.htm used both
height and weight for one of the variable names. This was
corrected to use height for all mentions of this variable.
- The wrong content for page mpc542.htm (in section 5 of the
PMC chapter) was inadvertently inserted. This was replaced
with the correct content.
- A typo was corrected in the Box-Cox sample data on page
mpc52.htm (in section 5 of the PMC chapter).