NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistics on CD |
CD Support to be Discontinued | NOTE 4/10/2008: When our current supply of e-Handbook CD's runs out, we will no longer provide the e-Handbook on CD. You will still be able to download the components of the e-Handbook. |
Introduction |
The NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods has been
published on CD as NIST Handbook 151.
The e-Handbook CD contains the following:
You can use the e-Handbook CD to either install a copy of the e-Handbook on a local web server or you can view the e-Handbook directly from the CD. For example, if you want to make the e-Handbook easily accessible to your local site, then it makes sense to install the e-Handbook on your local web server. On the other hand, if you want to access the e-Handbook while on travel, it is convenient to view it directly from CD on a laptop. In order to use the Dataplot software, it must be installed on your local computer (i.e., you cannot run it directly from the CD). |
Current Availability |
The first printing of the e-Handbook on CD was completed in June, 2003.
Supplies of the first printing were exhausted in September, 2003.
We are preparing for a second printing. Printing dates will be posted here as they become available. |
Cost/ Ordering |
If you would like a copy of the e-Handbook CD,
you can send an e-mail request to the
e-Handbook team.
Please include your full mail (not e-mail) address. For non-US
residents, please be sure to include your country. We will add
your name to a list to receive the CD and will notify you when
the next printing is ready.
The NIST Statistical Engineering Division (SED) distributed the first printing directly without any fee. We are investigating the best way to distribute future printings of the CD. A minimal fee to cover the costs of producing and mailing the CD may be required in the future. We will add the appropriate information and links here when that information is available. |
Platforms | The e-Handbook CD is created in a standard format that can be viewed by both Windows and Unix/Linux platforms. |
Use and Redistribution | You are free to use the e-Handbook CD on as many computers as you want. You are also free to make additional copies for yourself and your collegues (e.g., if you teach a class, feel free to make copies for your students). |
Direct Downloading |
If the e-Handbook CD is not available, you can view the e-Handbook
online at
For the e-Handbook web pages, the first decision to make is where you want to install the files. If you would like to incorporate them into your local web pages, contact your local web administrator for assistance. Alternatively, you can simply pick a convenient directory (if the files are not incorporated as part of a web server, remember to use "file://" rather than "http://" when accessing the web pages). For Unix platforms, assuming that the files have been downloaded to an appropriate directory, you would do something like the following:
cp handbook cd handbook unzip tar -xvf handbook.tar cd .. |
No Printed Version of the e-Handbook |
We do not sell a printed version of the e-Handbook. The e-Handbook
was designed to be a web based product.
As an alternative, we do provide PDF versions of each of the chapters that you can print yourself. These PDF files were created using Adobe Acrobat from the original HTML files. Please note that the PDF files have not been optimized for printing. As the entire e-Handbook will print a lot of pages, you may want to be a little selective in what you print (your PDF viewer should allow you to specify what pages to print). For example, you may want to omit pages that are simply listings of data files. NOTE: These PDF versions are currently somewhat out of date. |