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1. Exploratory Data Analysis
1.3. EDA Techniques
1.3.6. Probability Distributions Estimating the Parameters of a Distribution

PPCC and Probability Plots

PPCC and Probability Plots The PPCC plot can be used to estimate the shape parameter of a distribution with a single shape parameter. After finding the best value of the shape parameter, the probability plot can be used to estimate the location and scale parameters of a probability distribution.
Advantages The advantages of this method are:
  • It is based on two well-understood concepts.
    1. The linearity (i.e., straightness) of the probability plot is a good measure of the adequacy of the distributional fit.
    2. The correlation coefficient between the points on the probability plot is a good measure of the linearity of the probability plot.

  • It is an easy technique to implement for a wide variety of distributions with a single shape parameter. The basic requirement is to be able to compute the percent point function, which is needed in the computation of both the probability plot and the PPCC plot.

  • The PPCC plot provides insight into the sensitivity of the shape parameter. That is, if the PPCC plot is relatively flat in the neighborhood of the optimal value of the shape parameter, this is a strong indication that the fitted model will not be sensitive to small deviations, or even large deviations in some cases, in the value of the shape parameter.

  • The maximum correlation value provides a method for comparing across distributions as well as identifying the best value of the shape parameter for a given distribution. For example, we could use the PPCC and probability fits for the Weibull, lognormal, and possibly several other distributions. Comparing the maximum correlation coefficient achieved for each distribution can help in selecting which is the best distribution to use.
Disadvantages The disadvantages of this method are:
  • It is limited to distributions with a single shape parameter.

  • PPCC plots are not widely available in statistical software packages other than Dataplot (Dataplot provides PPCC plots for 40+ distributions). Probability plots are generally available. However, many statistical software packages only provide them for a limited number of distributions.

  • Significance levels for the correlation coefficient (i.e., if the maximum correlation value is above a given value, then the distribution provides an adequate fit for the data with a given confidence level) have only been worked out for a limited number of distributions.
Other Graphical Methods For reliability applications, the hazard plot and the Weibull plot are alternative graphical methods that are commonly used to estimate parameters.
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